Saturday, April 26, 2008

10 days left...

I spoke to a Christian today who read my blog, he actually recognized me on the bus, which was quite awkward to say the least.

He shyly inquired if I was in fact 'the' Tania Derveaux from the internet, at which point I thought I would be in for some kind of anti-suicide lecture, but surprisingly enough that wasn't the case. The first thing he asked is if I really didn't believe in anything, to which I replied that I didn't, and then he said that that was exactly my problem.

He said that everyone can find something to believe in, whether it's a deity or something more concrete, just something they value, something they know is worth fighting for or worth passing on. And once you have that something, you live for it, and you keep searching for more.

It didn't sound completely ridiculous to me, but it's a bit too late for that.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You should post some full nudes before you go...and after.

Anonymous said...

you look really gorgeou, my god...
i really dont understand why u r doing this...

Anonymous said...

its not to late! / Sweden

Unknown said...

we have a word in china:later better than never
trust yourself

Anonymous said...

i doubt she will she's a belgium senate candidate afterall

Anonymous said...

Why SHOULD it be too late ?

Anonymous said...

So many great things in life, though life can suck really bad sometimes there is always something. Though I beleive this is one of the internets biggest lies if you are serious I say reconsider. You get one chance, if you pass then thats it.

Steve said...

Instead of committing suicide, contemplate a life of piracy on the high seas!

Anonymous said...

*cries* no dont do it I want to meet you and stuff maybe alittle sexing too?

Anonymous said...

fucking stupid fucks she isnt going to kill her self click on the suicide isnt sexy link on the right on the blog this is a anit-suicide website. Its just some kind of fucking stupid shit!!!

Anonymous said...

Generic comment about not killing yourself/wanting to fuck you

Anonymous said...

It's never to late.

Anonymous said...

You said you'll somehow find the way to hate even if it's in the last day. That can be applied in the inverse...logically speaking.

The I realize, human beings are not logical xD...

Hope you enjoy yer last days ^^

Anonymous said...

Oh, and if you ask, thats not irony. Somehow I respect your decission, even if I dont have the same point of view ^^U

Anonymous said...

Duh...I just read the sign. Nice campaign ;D

Anonymous said...

" All men and women are born, live, suffer and die; what distinguishes us one from another is our dreams, whether they be dreams about worldly or unworldly things, and what we do to make them come about... We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing. We do not, most of us, choose to die; nor do we choose the time and conditions of our death. But within this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we live. "
— Joseph Epstein

.. glad you aren't really gonna die.

Anonymous said...

Please dont do this for god sakes if you are really considering. I mean sure life has its bad times but for every bad thing that has happened to me, I can think of at least a hundred good things. Death is not the answer to this problem. Feel free to email me at if you need to talk or need another persons perspective. Best of luck to you...

Anonymous said...

Can you get this fucking over with already? Jesus Christ, 10 more days till we don't have to listen to you whine anymore.
By the way... Waiting till the last day to decide how to do it? Very poor planning on your part. Think ahead - ever heard the expression measure twice, cut once?
Well, the meaning may be too much for you to understand right now - but when applying to suicide, measure once, cut wrists many,many times. Don't stop till you black out.

Anonymous said...

Dont Leave the world Girl, read this.

someone on this world are waiting for you, and now you gonna kill yourself?

please stop now, i need you more than anything on this life, dont go now, please.

I gonna write for you on this days, to you see me, and look at please, wait...

Tony Terpstra said...

have you found a reason to hate your family yet?
i'm not positive that a christian who commits suicide wouldn't go to heaven. it's possible they would. But if they were really a Christian, why would they kill themself?
i think you have found something to believe in. Killing yourself. you seem to believe in that quite a lot.

Anonymous said...

Respawn in 10.

On a serious note, kudos to you guys for campaigning against suicide blogging. Everyone else might want to click the 'suicide isn't sexy' link on the main page...

Anonymous said...

Whether you believe it or not, Jesus loves you and truly cares about you and died so that you don't have to. You can find hope and purpose in that.

Unknown said...

10 more days, eh?
i cant wait to see how you plan to top this all off.
I mean, you're story, although it's supposed to somehow prevent others from doing the same thing or whatever, isn't really helping anymore. It's just...getting more and more depressing.
I've read the "suicide isn't sexy" thing on the side, but your purpose to this is starting to get lost on me.
But as hard as it is for me to keep reading, i must know how you're going to finish it off...
I love you Tania. in a totally hetero way.

Anonymous said...

I would like a good anal group video. DP and then ORAL of you sucking those dirty cocks off. Maybe a good 100 person gang bang at the end they can cut your head off with an axe. Or better year each guys fucks you while you are being slowly killed. The ultimate snuff film.

Anonymous said...

How about a gang bang anal where after each cock. Actually, DP anal, you suck those dirty cocks off. Suck a dirty cock off. You fuck and suck and fuck and suck your last days and at the end the last day of this wonderful 7 days of sex and suck and fuck and cum, make a snuff film.

Walter Partos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

How about a gang bang anal where after each cock. Actually, DP anal, you suck those dirty cocks off. Suck a dirty cock off. You fuck and suck and fuck and suck your last days and at the end the last day of this wonderful 7 days of sex and suck and fuck and cum, make a snuff film.

Anonymous said...

How about a gang bang anal where after each cock. Actually, DP anal, you suck those dirty cocks off. Suck a dirty cock off. You fuck and suck and fuck and suck your last days and at the end the last day of this wonderful 7 days of sex and suck and fuck and cum, make a snuff film.

Anonymous said...

How about a gang bang anal where after each cock. Actually, DP anal, you suck those dirty cocks off. Suck a dirty cock off. You fuck and suck and fuck and suck your last days and at the end the last day of this wonderful 7 days of sex and suck and fuck and cum, make a snuff film.

Anonymous said...

This's just a fake...

Anonymous said...

Give us a link with nude shots before you leave this world

Anonymous said...

I wont read the reply to this or whatever anyone else wants to leave.

I knew people that have committed suicide. The ones that really wanted out didn't leave any notes they didn't make any plans they just checked out. To make plans and bring attention to yourself is only a feeble attempt by your subconscious to try and live on.

A mind so torn and stubborn to kill itself still strives to live on in whatever way it can. The ones that truly want out dont care about the path they leave behind they just go. If this is art, its obscure beyond obscurity, it has also been done before. If this is a joke, well done you fooled some people. If this is an experiment with no death at the end then so be it. I hope you found it interesting. If this is a warning to other people its the wrong way to go about it.

If you are simply sick and twisted and do this for your own enjoyment i would advise you to check out.

I dont care if you kill yourself or not. But its something to think about along the way.

Anonymous said...

the thing i don't get is why....

i mean, you're obviously intelligent and self-aware enough to know that you're unhappy with something, but do you really know what it is?

i mean, sure the world is a fucked up place, and there are things happening that seem so insanely out of whack with what humanity should be about that it seems bleak and hopeless sometimes. and it's easy to feel like despite the fact that there are billions of people going through the motions of their lives that no one will ever understand you. but what would killing yourself solve? what's the point of ever being alive, of doing any of the things you've done, of knowing any of the people you've ever met, if you're just going to end it all by choice?

sometimes i feel like everything is just a big fucking accident, like it's all random and nothing really means anything to anybody else. but then sometimes i see something that happens and i think that it couldn't all be just an accident. i mean, it may not be god or whatever you want to call it, and it may not be fate or destiny or anything like that, but sometimes it just feels like there's something that's pushing everything forward. like all of a sudden all the random unimportant shit in your life comes together and actually means something. like you're in a place with the experience and knowledge you have and it's actually useful and helpful and important to somebody, even if it's fleeting and ultimately trivial. for that instant life comes together and you can really see how you can make a difference to somebody else.

i know it sounds lame as hell, and naive, and self-important, but sometimes naivety and self-importance can be enough.

Anonymous said...

its a political sollution of getting rid of idiots. total fake, look around you. it's a depression hypnosis, you get addicted and then she will be makin money on that..

Anonymous said...

If you really wanna do this then use a .38 caliber revolver with wadcutter target bullets ( look it up on wikipedia ) and shoot yourself in the back of the head when possible.

And yeah put some nude videos up.

greets and have fun doing this

Anonymous said...

leave something useful to humanity before you leave... you can save starving people in afrika by selling one of your pictures to charity.. sorry to say so you are very kindhearted person just a bit lost and need some good hug and warm company. come to afrika you will see real life and think of dying or not! love and bless to you.

Anonymous said...

all those people saying to post nudes... I agree 100% :) lol

and if u kill urself... :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

indeed, it is too late

Anonymous said...

It will be funny when you die.

Anonymous said...

Can you possibly film your suicide, then get a close friend or relative to put it on teh interetz?


You one big ass attention whore. Gtfo my internetz.

Anonymous said...

I just came across this site and have not bothered to read everything so far but I have to say boo fuckin hoo. If life is too hard for you then kill yourself and don't grab for attention by making a stupid online blog. If you're giving up on life and admitting your a failure just go and do it without trying to get pity and help from other people to satisfy your craving for attention. You know what? Life's the same for everyone, everyone goes through what you've gone through, probably had it worse off, so if you can't step up and actually try to overcome small tribulations in your life then you go through with it, society and humanity doesn't need weak people like you and you won't even be remembered.

Anonymous said...

Lol you are gonna not really do it you attention whore.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. What a retard EMO. Why did you have to wait for 90 days, kinda fear??? If youre so unhappy and "isolated and SUICIDAL" you should be dead by now.

Anonymous said...

you suck

Anonymous said...

Dear Tania,

Derveaux is a French surname and France is a Catholic country...

Vous etes francaise et Dieu vous benit !

It is never too late to turn to God!
The deepest part of Purgatory and the swallowest nof hell is vastly different.

To convert to Catholicism is a new start of love and an end to your past.

Anonymous said...

Well, I just saw this while watching Athene, and my only question is, Why? Maybe you feel like this is necessary, but its not. You are smoking hot and have a good conscience and mind. You would be a great person to get to know, but if this is what you want, you have every right to decide it for yourself. But if you can commit yourself to death so determinedly, why is it so hard to commit to life? Maybe the question is better answered if you told me instead of a douche that thinks this is a joke answering it. My email is

Anonymous said...

someone gonna make a suicide if u dont give us some nude pictures

Ayumi said...

just kill yourself already

Anonymous said...

Tania please don't kill yourself; if you do you won't be able to play Grand Theft Auto 4 =(

Anonymous said...

Dear Tania,

In the Catholic Church there are persecution and division, as prophsised by Christ Himself.

And in the Church you can certainly find hypocrites which are worse than unbelievers.
Christ has also told so.

To combat against them is to demonstrate God's love and day by day the power of darkness is being weakened.

Our Pope Benedict XVI is a great leader, try to read his book.

Tania,you are a creature of God, fight against negative feelings until the end.

Ignore the people with negative suggestion.

Your Catholic friend

Anonymous said...

ffs, just kill yourself already. World will be better without people who don't value their lives, forgetting that they are granted with such gift only once.

Anonymous said...

A wise philosopher, whose name I cannot remember and cannot give due credit to, once said, "the only philosophical question that holds any weight is whether or not to kill ones self." I don't know your situation well enough to give any specific reasons why your life is worth preserving, but I hope you don't go through with it.

That being said, if you are going to do it, maybe you could take out the Wal-Mart empire, the gasoline empires like exxon, or some corrupt politicians or something. That way you could make a statement that those evil greedy corporations are making live less worth living, and you could destroy them.

I don't support drug use, but if I knew I was going to die, I might try thing's I'd never otherwise do like Heroin or something, and I'd max out all my credit cards and buy a cool vacation or something. I'd go get a tattoo too and give my mother or some poor family all my money too.

If you want to see something worth living for though, go to Costa Rica and spend some time in the rain forrest. You might belive in God or something if you see how amazing our planet really is without people's fucking it up. Some parts of the world are really spiritually awakening.

Good luck. You seem like a sweet girl but depression is a really miserable sickness and is sometimes unbearable i guess.

-Mr. Friendly

Anonymous said...

I used to think my life sucked and because I was lonely, not a rich and famous movie star, and not much was going my way. I visited Costa Rica and saw the rain forrest and all nature's glory, and I met Costa Rican's who were the happiest people in the world, yet they had absolutely no money. They lived in crappy shacks with no electricity, hot water, air conditioning, internet, or other stuff I always thought I needed to survive. Seeing how happy they were made me realize that if I just decided to be greatful or every little thing, my health, my family, my hot water, how lucky I am to have a safe place to live, freedom to do whatever I want, ect... Maybe not everyone would get the same out of it, but once I just decided to take 10 seconds out of my depressed mood to just be greatful and feel lucky and blessed, I always felt better. Now I take advantage of my opportunities and it seems like my positive attitude attracts good fortune and happiness around me. It's hard to feel sorry for myself after seeing how bad other people have it, yet live happy and good lives.
-Mr. Friendly

Anonymous said...

by he way dudes, shes not going to feel better about life just because you say you want to fuck her. You just seem desperate and asshole'ish. That being said, you will still say that stuff.

-Mr. Friendly

Prx said...

fuck with me befor plz !

Anonymous said...

Bitch, you're making the trend more and more popular now. If you geeks were living in the same country as I live, I'll bash you guys up as bad as possible. GET A FUCKING JOB AND STOP WASTING YOUR TIME AND OTHER PPL's TIME.

PS: I don't think you're hot and I really hope this is real. Go to hell.

Anonymous said...

Hello Tania

For what its worth, I was at work this past Saturday and through clicking through a digg article, I came upon your vblog. This Saturday was my birthday in fact and through a "misery loves company" vibe, I had the urge to tell you I too was feeling depressed and possibly suicidal.
I just turned 24, am working for minimum wage in college, am set to live with my ex-girlfriend for the next year, and am struggling with completing college as its now my senior year and I'm a dutiful procrastinator. What I have intended for a major is Psychology but I'm not a brain child and I deserve entirely not to be there since I practically never read, study, or do the homework. At work, school, and online (I play WoW) my friendships are always on the decline and my parents seem happier the more I'm not home or whenever they're hearing about from the eldest instead.
What I had been searching for in life is perhaps a woman to romanticize, but with my what-seems-like-yesterday ex-girlfriend, hope in so many fashions looks bleak and dreary. Now, I am more into day-dreaming, fading slightly more each day with not sleeping, and looking at art that mankind has made while musing how to continue with my soul search. Before I go, I want to do something beautiful, encounter oddities and familiarities, and perhaps see the world and the moon before sending myself off to a plane of nonexistence. Hopefully along the way it'll happen when I'm least expecting it.
Yet something that this whole business reminds me of whenever my father wants to pry whereby he keeps reminding me of a movie written by Woody Allen and of a scene specifically to jab at my negativity. Hopefully it'll post well here:
Allan: That's quite a lovely Jackson Pollock, isn't it?
Museum Girl: Yes, it is.
Allan: What does it say to you?
Museum Girl: It restates the negativeness of the universe. The hideous lonely emptiness of existence. Nothingness. The predicament of Man forced to live in a barren, Godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror and degradation, forming a useless bleak straitjacket in a black absurd cosmos.
Allan: What are you doing Saturday night?
Museum Girl: Committing suicide.
Allan: What about Friday night?

Although I'm writing this of Saturday, that day has passed and no longer could I feel closing like I wanted to. When you go, remember to rank up a lot of debt, eat to your fullest with the lobsters and filet minot (sp?), and kiss (hello) someone you believe deserves to be cheered up. And dress respectibly because the party starts when you get there. :P

(Srsly, don't do it.)
~ Stever [decided not to link my LJ]

Anonymous said...

I feel bad because this is a prank and because I might have shared something personal, it'll be overlooked for the "lulz". All I wanted was perhaps to make a conversation, not add to the pennies (the coinage, perv) at the bottom of some shallow lake.

You cost me 1 hour of my life.
Steven. x_x