Friday, April 11, 2008

25 days left...

I took a long walk today to clear my head.

I thought it was time to get a nice and clear view on who I am and where I stand right now, as a human being, because these are in fact my final days and I won't have the chance anymore soon.

The weather was so great today that I actually felt gleeful. Seeing the forest here in spring, a soft sunshine filtering through, it was one of those sights that kind of makes you happy you're alive, just to be able to experience it. I kind of hated myself for taking that walk afterwards, cause now I have to start all over with getting my state of mind low enough to get it over with.

I guess that's life (irony intended).


Anonymous said...

Bad way to gain ipower Hits..

You people should really find a better way to gain hits then this... Maybe make something worth watching and stop wasting time on stuff like Athene where only a very few people really like it..

Anonymous said...

I'm calling this bluff and saying you aren't going to do this

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was wondering if i could fuck you AFTER you died, i mean necrophilia has always been my thingie so come at my place and hang/slash wrists/whatever yourself and i'll fuck your corpse after that and post sum pics on tha intarnet!!!!

Anonymous said...

plz...I f you're beeing serious...think twice..I don't think that killing yourself its the best option and the answer for your problems...I hope you read this and stop for 5 minutes and think about what you are doing...

Anonymous said...

Please people... Learn to read the whole site and click links. ; )

Anonymous said...

Damn you are sexy as hell!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why wait 25 days? Just do it now. You're wasting space.

Anonymous said...

Dying isn't so easy you think! Got some medics from my doc and an allergic reaction a month ago, I felt like dying away, Pulmonary embolism.

What do you think, what you're doing ?

Anonymous said...

Can we have sex before you kill yourself? You're hott.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Try get a chinese BF in last 10 days, it will be much more pwned

Anonymous said...

this blog is getting boring- since it's fiction, can't you at least pretend you were in a porn or something, then post about it? come on.

Anonymous said...

What a COMPLETE waste of time. Do you really think this farcical suicide is going to influence anyone, or open anyone's eyes to current issues? No. It's an attention vehicle for your Lady Whoreness. I mean it's no wonder that you blog here under this painfully transparent guise: you have nothing better to do with your time, because I am guessing Athene spends all his by making PC gay porn on YouTube. My God, what a tool he is. One can only wonder about you.... you guys would have *great* looking kids.... (*gag*).. ew. Maybe at the end of the 25 days, you could just kill him instead.

Anonymous said...

wow, nice how you have cleverly disguised the text under the suicide isn't sexy button. Do you think that will absolve you of your moral obligation should some impressionable minor take your posts seriously? Have you registered with any of the sites that will keep kids away? I hope this is just a serious lack of judgement and not just a way to get more hits.

Anonymous said...

If this is real you remind me of myself. I had a 90 day suicide thing also. But not on the internet. People don't understand suicide. And I have to say. Maybe you don't either.

I'm not saying your throwing away anything but. Suicide happens only when someone doesn't know something. If you really figure it out you can never kill yourself.

I guess you haven't figured out life yet. That doesn't make you worse or better. At least you are thinking unlike many other people in this world.

Anonymous said...

can I have a reply on this page. I have no one to talk to.

You don't have to answer all happy and shit.

My answer will be no ones answer. And my advice never gets to anyone.

Anonymous said...

No biggy youll come around. If this is what you want to do than by all means do it. You said that you have no real goal in life but by doing this you just gave your self one.Lets just hope you go through with it. Because if you dont you'll lose the one goal you did have.

The ever watchful

-Herro Yuy

Unknown said...

I appreciate what you are doing. Love the blog, and I hope more people get a chance to read it!

Anonymous said...

baby u want to die becuase u dont have anyone worth it
im a man, im worth it, and u need me!
so when u meet me, ure bound to reconsider
c ya!

Anonymous said...

Wow people believe it they don't take the time to read. I don't understand how this is supposed to make people realise about how the first "fake suicide blog" led to real ones, considering they don't read it in full. And what are you gonna do on day 0? Tell the world: April's fool?"
And what if ppl that loved you decide to do it? If someone understand what I mean please help me understand because I don't see how this can help prevent suicide or help community in any way.

Anonymous said...

we already want blood !! thx

Anonymous said...

get on with it.

Anonymous said...

A man chooses, a slave obeys.

If calls to altruism are the only rationales people can give for staying alive, then that should be all the more reason not to. What merit is there in existing solely so that parasites can leech off of your happiness and earn you nothing in return? Life is not given onto us that we may parse it away on others in some insipid belief that charity is its own reward. To exist must above all else be to the benefit of the one existing. If it does not, then it is not truly "life" so much as the thriving of a corpse as it is consumed by the myriad of parasites come to feast upon its slow decay. So the question that needs to be posed to all those pleading the necessity of life due to its benefit to others is: Are you yourselves benefiting from your own continuing existences, or are you merely rotting for the sake of the mindless parasites infesting this world.

In other words, are you men, or are you slaves?

Anonymous said...

Well now, who sound emo now, if you really don't give a damn remember that the brain doesn stay alive for a bit after your body doesn't work, people that are hung can move there eye for up to an hour, beheaded you can blink at least 12 times. I had done a bit of research in my younger years I used to be intrigued with death, but I know I don't need to rush it, the only legal way for me to kill my self and not lose my life insurance is to smoke cigarettes or booze my self to death... 90% of death you will feel pain, unless you have Doctor assisted suicide. If you are not blowing some up peoples asses or are, you have some serious emotional problems

Anonymous said...

You seem to attract/be attracted to controlling personalities. I see you being pushed around, told what to do, essentially being controlled in all those youtube vids. I see you struggling to get out from under those around you, who want to step on you for their own gain, to rise to the top of you being used. Tania, is this why you chose suicide to be your last best revolt? I look at this blog, and you're even so out of control you have to ask for best advice on controlling how you feel. Ugh... I just throw my hands in the air and wonder about you sometimes. I think you've just been trapped all your life, searching for that missing daddy you never blog about.

Anonymous said...

i like how people still dont understand this isnt real. dumb fucks.

Anonymous said...

Its fake. Click on "Suicide isnt Sexy" It tells you outright that this is an experiment. Why are people treating this as real? Can anyone take 30 secs and read?

Anonymous said...

This blog is so fake, I have to pretend to understand it.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please direct me to the suicide button. I seem to have forgotton how foucking fake this shit is. Thank you, doosh. You wear it with honor like a boy scout patch or some shit, Jaggoff.

Anonymous said...

Well dear we're all living in our last days are we not? We're all designed to die my dear and it's a shame you can't view the brief and fleeting gift you've been given, the gift to experience life with the living, as just that, a gift. It's so simple to only see what's in the self imposed tunnel of vision we've mad for ourselves, yet it's not you that will have to bear the burden of suffering on your death, that's a gift you'll leave to your parents and close friends. You know, the ones you leave behind and loved you.

We touch so many lives, more then we can ever see, every day. It's these people I feel for. The people you've touched and have feelings for you. By ending your life by your own hand it's them your killing, not yourself my dear. They will have to bear your coffin, they will have to say goodbye, and in the end they will have to for the rest of their lives bear the suffering of loss you choose to impose in them. Nice job.

Anonymous said...

Can i atleast fuck you before you kill yourself?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why you'd commit suicide.

In most religions, its a one way ticket to some punishment or another.

And if you aren't religious, you're going to end your life that much sooner.

But clearly logic isn't doesn't have anything to do with this.

Anonymous said...

I'd get laid and die instead of wasting time in here if I am that fuucked up! Seriously, it is a survival of the fittest game. Let the weak and wacko die.

thenext said...

you know what baffles me? the fact that so many people here are either encouraging tania to commit suicide or joking about fucking her when she is dead, etc etc the list goes on. if you read some background info you'll find out that this is a blog designed/created to bring awareness to internet suicides, such as the suicides in Wales, UK.
what makes me really think, is that what if this was real? and hundreds of people had caused this girl to commit suicide.
it's crazy how the internet causes detaches people from real emotions/reasoning. i could quite comfortably bet my own life that none of the people below would eve say that kind of stuff to someone in real life.

i don't really know what point i'm getting at here, but i just basically wanted to express that before you say something stupid and meaningless, stop, don't get all excited because you're about to write something you think is funny on the net, and think about what consequences your words would have if this were true.

Unknown said...

I can only imagine the beauty you have seen today. I can't think of words to describe the feeling seeing the world in such a state of mind. It will only get more precious and don't give in, you must fight back because if you don't, the will to live will win.

Anonymous said...

I think you guys from are doing some student project and are having fun on it as well. But sometimes it seems you are crossing lines.

Anonymous said...

evreyone click 'sucide isnt sexy'
at the side of the page.
THIS IS FAKE. and i cant believe
that this campaign or whatever it
is, is legal.
did u stop to consider the people
who are affected by this?
ur giving ideas? making people think about their lifes?
promoting a negative attitude?
and what for? research?
this is fckn pathetic.
whoever created this idea has
fucked over so many lives.

Anonymous said...

this has the potential to affect
hundreds of lives.
here i have another game for u..
watch the sucide rates go up.
this is all ur fault.
instead of sucide prevention, this
is sucide promotion.
how dumb are u.

Anonymous said...

This is fake

Anonymous said...

I'll give you a walk, if by walk you mean my enourmous wang in your mouth.

Anonymous said...

Me too ^_^

Anonymous said...

Just try to find some way to think of them as noobs. We all know how much Athene, Abraham, Furious, and yourself detest noobs.