Wednesday, April 23, 2008

13 days left...

I've been thinking some about the afterlife today and looking up what some religions have to say about it.

Christianity: apparently there's no real statement concerning suicide in the Bible, but after having spoken to a priest (yes, I went there) he said there's a good chance heaven does not allow people who have taken their own lives.

Islam: after doing some research I found that according to this religion people who have committed suicide will in the afterlife be roasted in a fire, forbidden in paradise (obviously, since I kind of figured the roasting didn't take place in heaven) and punished in hell by whatever used to commit suicide (i.e. if you drowned yourself, you will forever drown - how that goes hand in hand with the roasting, I'm not sure, but it doesn't sound pleasant.)

Hinduism: this religion says that a person who commits suicide will wander the earth as a bad ghost, aimlessly, until his alotted lifetime is over, to then be punished more severely in hell.

I kind of stopped there since I got the picture. I was thinking of becoming religious before doing the final act, because it would give me something to look forward to after death, but I guess I'll pass on that and remain an atheist. A great, vast nothing sounds better than fires of hell and eternal drowning.


Anonymous said...

13 days. hurry up and do it!

Anonymous said...

So why did you choose 19 days? I see the number 13 everywhere.
9+9=18 * 2 /2 +1=19 woah that is so trippy. 13 days left =1+3=4
4+13=17 half of 4 is 2 so 2+17= 19 AGAIN ZOMG WTF IDB!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I to have planned my own death...
but someone inspired me to change my mind and opened up a clear view of life. God has a plan for all of us and mine wasn't committing suicide. I don't know what kind of person I would be to encourage you on your goal. But I ask, would you please reconsider not doing this and live out your life they god intended.

Anonymous said...

Life belongs to God. It is never our place to take our own life or someone else's life.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Anonymous said...

Just so everyone knows, this girls is NOT trying to kill herself, this is just another stupid fake stunt from her...

Anonymous said...

lol so who cares shes fit she can do anything. including sucking my dick im still offering you the chance of a lifetime so answer it at please say yes ok because i just dream to be free running wild deep inside you and on your perky breasts. Screw athene and be my bitch :)

Anonymous said...

you are by far the most beautiful woman ive seen in my life... dont do it and marry me and you will be forever happy, i promise

thisandthat said...

Dont you think that this kind of "shock art" may even contribute to someone's death. I mean it sounds like an interesting and original idea to make people aware of the suicidal youth, but if you help just one person to actually get killed I don't think it worth it. Or you just don't really give a fuck because showing your creativity is the most important?

Anonymous said...

you have wicked boobs... once you are dead can i keep them?

Anonymous said...

by the way, in christianity, suicide is a sin because life is a gift given by god and only him can take away... but anyways you wont do it so yeah... this was useless..
pd: can you give me a titjob before you "die"?

Anonymous said...

i want to fuck you and that is why you shouldnt commit suicide, because our lives would be so much better if my penis was thrusted deeply into your pussy

Anonymous said...

i wanted to mail but i just wanted to stay anonymous as you might be doing this as a dirty joke, it's not that easy to commit suicide, and all you've done with your boyfriend is do comedy on the internet, i don't know what's the point of doing this, passtime maybe ? you wanna see how popular you are ? well i gotta say i saw your videos yesterday, when i came on this site i was like wow what's up with this chick, to me it's a joke, you can fool idiots easily on the internet, anyways i didn't mean to offend you in any way, i like you =], well i hope you have fun with your fake blog :p. gg you sexy noob :p

Anonymous said...

This is the same bitch that wants to sleep with virgins who support net neutrality

Anonymous said...

wait..aren't you that chick from the dont stay a virgin thing

haha you're a whore and you a whiny suicidal bitch

have fun in hell

Anonymous said...

am not good at English though so...

this's what i wanna say

I hope u know only the truth

the truth that is behind a real world

then u will not commit to suicide(if u really intend to do it)

There is a real world that was blinded by this @#$%^& world

Life is worth, I hope u will find it and see it with your ....own before it's too late

eveyone can choose their own path but it depends on which path is correct or wrong

Anonymous said...

Plz just dont be drowned by this world

Anonymous said...

There's nothing against killing yourself in wicca, we all just die, go to the summerland for a while and then come back as someone else. Of course, this probably isn't a great option for you either since you wanted to die to begin with so why would you want to reincarnate? but at least it's a fresh start.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

You'd like Ixtab, she is goddes in the Mayan culture, in which self-murderers go straight to heaven. I don't think that islam and whatever are "better" than this religions. They're stupid equally.

Anonymous said...

Less QQ more pew pew!

Anonymous said...

TANIA first i sent your hubby his challenge now youll see if he is a real man for his request.,and man he dont have to be so touchy,i notice people love the laugh,and it only shortens you if i stop.make it interesting.i dont care what is said about me cause i know i am having fun in my bord lonely life.there you can hang shit on this..killing yourself also has to be state of mind and heart,car crash or dieing from drug overdoes dont count..i am glad the time within this matter here has been canceled,because you praising this is suicide tania.cheer up guys,we enjoy who you are...aka, bothers you so much i stop but ya gotta stop asking for it then.only comments not personal guys.please unblock me.

Anonymous said...

i am proud of you tanya for this again i forgot to say.

Halfdan Reschat said...

Christianity: In the Bible there is a least one example of a suicide and it is looked very nice apon. Samson. He kills himself and many more in his suicide and the Bible makes him look like a martyr.
I don't really know the whole story - but maybe you should look into it.

- Halfdan Reschat

Anonymous said...

do it and post it.
what about

Anonymous said...

erm... do it UNTIL post it.
make Ur prior...

DaLenMann said...

After you stop your blog because your dead and can't move, how will WE know you really did? Just another of your antics? You know, whether or not you do the dirty deed, Someday, We both know your going to have to answer for this to a Higher power ;-)

Anonymous said...

You'll not receive after life what you believe, you'll receive what is there anyway.

Anonymous said...

the best reason for not killing yourselve, i think its that u ll make sad the persons who love u...

think about that...

i dont know if this its a joke or what.... but it make me feel sad when i think of someone trying to do something like this...

John Patrick said...

Hi Tania,
About religion and suicide: I think that Jesus himself committed suicide. He must have known how to avoid his death. Instead he chose to go to his death. I call that suicide.

I disagree with the comment that says "(Your) life belongs to God." Your life belongs only to you. (Maybe God gave it to you, but now it is yours.) It does not belong to God, the King, your mother, your husband, or your friends. So if you are tired of your life, you can move on to the next phase, whatever that is.

- John :-)

Anonymous said...

If you actually go through with the suicide or not you can either go in two directions. If you do actually commit suicide this is not going to help Athene's case in any way with net neutrality cause if you kill yourself online it will have a domino affect on not just your own family (cause they are going to marked for life if you do this), but to everyone who believes in free speech you might screw this up. I want you to post this letter in your next blog. I this this would make you think what you are doing is wrong. Or if this is fake and you are not going through this prepare for the backlash of the internet community it is a lose lose situation for all involved.

Anonymous said...

what do u mean islam doesnt approve suicide?
what about all those suicide bombers who get 72 virgins? :P

Anonymous said...

Well actually, Jesus said that you're going to heaven whatever you do. This is why the religion spread so fast within the greek world. Hell and other bullshit were invented on the 11th century by popes so they could ask people a little fee to be forgiven, so they could go to heaven.

In Buddhism you're only going to your next life.

Well if you're really planning your death, good luck and have fun on the last days.

Anonymous said...

Please don't kill yourself you look so sexy!

kthx :)

Anonymous said...

Catholisism might say that Suicide is an unforgiveable sin, but other Christians like baptists for instance, or evangelicals believe that its a bad choice and a sin, but it does not determine your fate whether you go to heaven or hell. It's like cutting short the possibilities God could use you for. But if you believe in the salvation from Jesus Christ, you will enter heaven, suicide victim or not.

Anonymous said...

So like, are you ever gonna get naked for the people before you off yourself? It's not like it matters what anyone else would think of you, right?

Anonymous said...

what about the crew... pathetic

spoony said...

this is an interesting look at web culture.

as for taking your life, consider those who have had theirs taken from them without their choice, and the tasks they have left behind. there's so much more to life above the surface of depression, and i hope, for one thing that this is a hoax, and if not, you'll be able to find peace of mind.

for me that is the meaning of life rather than death, but what do i know anyway.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tania,

Hello, I am your Catholic friend.

Today is your "13 days left", and 13 this number has been long considered as ominous. Why? I searched for the answer for a very long time, until I read a book of Chinese literature. It mentioned that people in the Occidental World believe so because in the Last Supper, there were "thirteen" people in the Cenacle (the place where they dined)and on that night Jesus was betrayed by JUDAS ISCARIOT.

I do not know which priest to whom you have asked, he might be a Freemason and not telling you the truth but I tell you Tania:

JUDAS ISCARIOT hanged himself (commited suicide), you CAN find it in the Bible, in the St. Matthew's Gospel---You can find the content, New Testament, the first book is "Matthew"---in Chapter 27, verse 5.
In Chapter 26 verse 21, jesus already knew it and in the St. John's Gospel Chapter 17 verse 12,
Jesus mentioned that the son of perdition, that is JUDAS ISCARIOT.
He is now in hell. This is proved by many saints (holy persons canonised by the Church) or some Catholic mystics.

But why he is in hell, is that only the action, he killed himself?
No, God did not look at things superficially, but our heart.
JUDAS ISCARIOT's gravest sin led him to Hell is the DESPAIR and DISTRUST to God's forgiveness and mercy.

Another Apostle St. Peter also denied Jesus. See John Chapter 18, verses 17,25,26,27. But He was accepted by Jesus after His Resurrection. And St. Peter is our first Pope. (See St. John's Gospel in the Bible Chapter 21)

I read one of these comments in your blog writteh by Halfdan Reschat ( you can find it on this same page), he mentioned that---"Christianity: In the Bible there is a least one example of a suicide and it is looked very nice apon. Samson. He kills himself and many more in his suicide and the Bible makes him look like a martyr.
I don't really know the whole story - but maybe you should look into it."
Samsan this figure is in the Old Testament, he had great strength and destroyed the temple of the pagan and killed all the people including himself.

Yes, he is a martyr, because the reason that killed himself is to glorify God, and put HOPE in God.

And I tell you, Tania, as Catholicism reached China, Chinese Catholics also suffered persecution and massacre. (They martyred and went to heaven) I read their stroy.
A very SMALL portion have chosen to jump down from high place and killed themselves lest THEY WOULD FORSAKE THEIR FAITH UNDER THE TORTURE OF THE PAGANS), they are considered martyrs also, because they put HOPE in Christ. But the Catholic Church would not canonise them (not hoping to declare them saints) because they dared not suffer for Christ until the final moment.

Check, Tania, on your "27 days left" blog comment page I lefted this message:

[[Dear Tania,

I will pray to prevent you from suicide; in case you did so, I will pray so that you can go to Purgatory, instead of hell.

But I tell you, soon after your last breath, you will see once again your whole life; knowing the meaning ehy you come to this world,and how many grace God has bestowed on you and you lose the rest because your suicide decision.]]

We Catholics believed that there are three place after our death:
Heaven, PURGATORY, and hell.
Protestants (for instance, Anglican, Baptists, Lutherans, Sabbatines ...) all DENY Purgatory.
Purgatory is a place where majority of souls went there after death, it is a place for the souls have sins repented (no matter whether he is Catholic, or even an athist), but they also is not clean enough to immediately enter heaven.

Souls detaining in Purgatory can to suffer temporal pumishment of sins, we can help them by prayers, fasting, offering Mass, sufferings, good works to quicken them into heaven.

If I use a practical parable, I can say that one day you yourself fell into a puddle to play and your entie body is covered with mud and is stingy. You returned home. But without warning, your most beloved friend/relative came to visit you, but you see yourself is so dirty, so you have to take a bath before sitting down and chat with him/her. So while bathing, YOUR HEART is full of HOPE but meanwhile YOUR ARE SUFFERING FOR THIS TEMPORAL SEPARATION because YOU LOVE THAT PERSON, even this temporal separation lasted only five minutes.

Purgatory are the place where souls propitiate for the love which they owe, they lack during their lifetime towards people or/and God.

In Catholic history, there are numberless saints, consecrated people, either inside convent, monastery or outside, who have been visited by souls returned to earth from PURGATORY after their death to ask the living to pray for them so as to shorten their time of purification.

Several years ago, in an Austrian villaged, there died an old lady called Maria Simma, who had been visited by Purgatory souls since she was 25 years old
(in the 1940s), until she dies.
She is well known in the German-speaking world. [She could tell the details of the defunct which the died person's relatives proved true.]
She told that those who commited suicide, most of them, repented and detained there.( They can be saved, only after a period of purification).

She, Maria Simma, and also many people who experience "hypothetic death" (their breath paused as well as their pulsation of heart) told us that after we breathed out our last, we would be allowed to see our whole life again, especially our good deeds and vicious deed would be emphasized.
(The bad deeds would be slowed down for us to see CLEARLY) and then we see an attracting light, for some, even a person in light (Jesus) which make us desire and imbued with joy.(Everyone is slightly different)

Each person, wopuld be given SEVERAL MINUTES to decide which of the three places they go. For the good people, for example, MOTHER THERESA who served in Calctta, India, full of good deeds, would go immediately to the light.

But for most of us, with blemishes and flaws would demand to TEMPORARILY ecade the light because we felt not so worhty.

As the people who had experienced this HYPOTHETICAL DEATH return to life, they positively improved their livelihood.

Tania, a celebrated French philosopher called RENE DESCARTE said that "I think, therefore I exist". But I absolutely disapprove with him because it is equivalent to say: I see, therefore I exist; if I closed my eyes, then I am not existing.

Beware of the philosophers, especially those of Existentialism,
for example Friedrich Nietzsche, Kafka ... their philosophy are false teachings.

Tania, even you do not consider, or do not think of life afterwards, it still exists, and you have to face all consequences.
(a website of Our Lady's apparition)
(a website tear off the mask of Freemaonry, compiled by Catholics)

May God bless you, may Our Lady enwrap you with her mantle.

Anonymous said...

uuuh I will suicice 2 ... what teh crap? I mean we really dono if she gots the intent to do it or not. So thats just kinda stupid stuff.

u suck ..

Anonymous said...

Why would a bitch waste her time posting on the Internet when she claimed to "not care about other people's feelings or opinions on this matter"? We all should do something nice for her. Who can find out her address, phone number and post it here? We should all go pay her a visit. All of us. We can take turns fucking all of her tight holes.

C'mon, guys. She's going to kill herself. She doesn't care what happens to her anymore. Let us make the best of her body with gangbang, throatfuck, titty-fuck, anal fuck, pussy fuck, armpit fuck, all kinds of fuck on her. Doesn't matter if she doesn't enjoy it. As long as we do.

Anonymous said...

Supprime toi le plus vite possible, cela nous fera le plaisir de nous débarrasser de ton existence pathétique. Merci d'avance.

Anonymous said...


Man go bungee jumping naked it wont kill you but with your boobs youll probly get a black eye.

Anonymous said...

Whats the point in faking something poeple really do!?

This is a joke!
Get a Life worth living!

Anonymous said...

"A 14-year-old Japanese girl killed herself by mixing laundry detergent with cleanser, releasing fumes that also sickened 90 people in her apartment house, police said Thursday as they grappled with a spate of similar suicides.

None of the sickened neighbors in Konan, southern Japan, were severely ill, although about 10 were hospitalized, authorities said. The deadly hydrogen sulfide gas escaped from the girl's bathroom window and entered neighboring apartments.

The girl's suicide Wednesday night was part of an expanding string of similar deaths that experts say have been encouraged by Internet suicide sites."

I'm not blamming you, but enough of this publicity crap, becasue it's real for some people.

Brian said...

I dont care about God or an after life or any of that shit. However, I do view suicide as the cowards' way out of life

Anonymous said...


I realize your decisions are your own and I honestly dont understand why anyone would want to commit suiide just to see what it's like.
I have seen very few young ladies as beautiful as you are.
It sounds like you have a family and loved ones who genuinely care for you and a very large number of fans, even is some are perverts.
life is confusing, I have found myself in similar circumstances and I havent had anyone close to me in many years.
if I died tomorrow there would be a few of my friends who would be upset, but it would pass. I'm 41 years old and have a 12 year old son.
he lives with his mother and his stepfather so it would hurt him but he would probably get over it quickly.
I have spent my entire life helping others in one way or another, but in the end I guess that makes very little difference. I am destined to grow old alone.
I have also saved many lives. and taken a few. not by choice but because I had no choice.

the thought of one so beautiful unable to find enough reason to go on hurts. you have so many who love you and yet it is not enough.
you really have no Idea what path or destiny fate might hold for you. all the lives you may touch, or save.
if I had chosen the path you have there are so many people who would not be alive. by the age of 17 I had already saved the lives of my older brother and my baby sister. I have always been her hero.
In the Marines I saved many lives, and I had to take a few to save some. Doing search and rescue I saved many more.
I worked with disfunctional youth and helped a number of kids realize their potential.
perhaps the most important thing about this all is I have been doing this for so long I cant help but try to reach out and try to tell you the crushing blow you are about to deal to your friends and family if you are serious.
you are so beautiful and you are probably your little sisters hero. dont try to find a reason to hate her.
think about this. if you do this and lets say you become a ghost and can look down.
it would really suck to think of all the bad things that you might have to watch your little sis go through without being able to help her.
in posting this blog you are promoting suicide. on a scale you probably have no idea of.
reguardless whether you go through with it or not. I promise you that someone will because they read your blog. I wonder what you would tell your little sister if you found out she read your blog and decided to do the same thing and follow your countdown..... or maybe your best friend.....
what happens if you change your mind and they dont find out? or maybe you are just wanting attention and they dont know it.

athene is pretty popular, his videos are funny, and entertaining, but the truth be told there is a beautiful little dark haired girl who keeps people watching his vids.

I hope I have given you something to think about.
and I hope to see a fresh video of you looking beautiful and smiling in a month.

have a good day and a better tomorrow,

Anonymous said...

Just something to think about..
Here's my suggestion for all of you with suicidal thoughts:

Disappear without a trace!

Leave no notes or evidence of what you have done. Might be difficult with a blog like this, but it could be done.
Leaving unanswered questions and doubt is a lot better than pain an sorrow. Not talking about the unspoken and choking feeling of guilt that is left in those who might think they didn't love you enough to "save" you.
You should really minimize the damage you leave behind.
So if you're going to do it, do it properly...

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and spent my afternoon reading from 90 days till now.

I'm just so intrigued. You're pretty, smart, educated (or in the process), good family life, at least one extremely good friend (I liked that post by the way), but you don't see a reason to continue.

I'm not trying to convince that life is worth living or that suicide is a horrible thing. its your life and your choice. However, I'm intrigued as to why? What makes this existence not worthwhile for you?

I'm sure that you've gotten a bunch of these kinds of emails, but maybe you could just forward the answer from a different one if your tired of repeating yourself.

I'll continue to read and when this is over, you will always be in my memory.

Anonymous said...

Seems like you like the internet doesnt it?

Anonymous said...

Seems like you like the internet doesnt it?

Anonymous said...

Hola escucha Without You Here - The Goo Goo Dolls y piensalo
desde Argentina I Love You...

Anonymous said...

Being religious or being atheist doesn't change the fact that there is always a possibilty of there being hell. And I don't know about you, but even if the possibilty of there being hell is 1 in a million I still wouldn't want to take the remotest chance of burning in hell for all of eternity. And if there is a God who created our bodies, I woudn't want to piss him off by destroying what he created for his glory

appsoftwareonline said...

A person that commits suicide is as gutless as they come they are the lowest of the lowest, they;re dug their hole and hit the bottom. Selfish people who think by ending their lives everyone who knew him/her will see their point.

If your going to commit suicide please don't make to much of a mess your mum will have to clean it up.

PS: Yes i know your kidding but really you shouldn't play around with death like this even if its just for fun. Bad omen for you i would watch your back not from living people but from the unseen.

Anonymous said...

Talk about attention hungry! Funny, though. Couldn't stop laughing.

Anonymous said...

Ok I just have to say this because it seems some people are confused.

(Btw I think this is fake but than again this comment isn't intened for the person making these claims it's for all the people with a messed up perpective)

To try and use God's word to try and make someone who isn't a christian stop doing anything doesn't make sense.

Because they can not understand spiritual things you must speak to them as carnal beings....

And to do that you must understand what suicide is... now I could go on to tell you that it's selfish, because you only think of yourself and blah blah blah, but that doesn't help you with what they would be going through, and I think that understanding why someone is the way they are is more important to the situation than telling them why they shouldn't.

To get an idea of what I'm talking about before I start it's kinda the same idea with a kid you tell them to not act out in public, but ignore them at home so your unapproving attention is still better than no attention.

A person that is thinking anything about themselves is only doing so for 1 of 2 reasons 1. That is what people have told them anout themselves(positive or negitive) and so they have based thier identity on that or 2. They have rejected what people have said about themseleves and made their own identity based on that. In either case they are still tied down to the fact that people are telling them who they are.

So in that sense non-christians(and many christians) are bound to the fate other people have made for them(they never really had any control over thier own identity).

I say non-believing, because with Chirst we are told that identity is in Chirst(even though most chirstians don't know thier true identity).

Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" And they said, "Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." And Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 16:13-17

I won't reply to this message board anymore at this one so if u want to get ahold of me(to flame to hate or to in another way to encourage.

Anonymous said...

Selfish thing to do.

Even if your life sucks, you have no right to make other peoples' lives suck as well.

Anonymous said...

All of you commenting are completely hilarious.
Be it the people who want her to reconsider, of the heavy Christians trying to get her to "See the light."
Then, the ones who wants sexes, and the people who realize it being fake.

It's all hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tania I challenge you to arguments in a logical manner. First of all I respect you as an atheist and any other religion. Consider this logical question (this is just according to my perspective, no offence ok) why do we exist in the first place?? there should be a purpose that we are existed in this world in the first place right? If we just dont have to exist from the start.(correct me if im wrong an provide reason) You say life has no purpose. If there is no purpose, then everyone in this world will or kill themselves( or maybe a majority) and believe just like you did or do whatever they like. We are not in the gaming world in which we can respawn infinitely once we die. This is the reality. From my perspective once you die, (and then regret after you die) you cant be reborn. Therefore regret forever. For me, life and the obstacles that we endure in life is tested by a creator. Only one creator. The purpose is to survive these test which sometimes can be physically, mentally, psychologically etc... and somtimes maybe difficult and impossible. we just have to have patience or do anything that is associated with good etc etc.. and try your best including praying to the one we owe that who has created us and learn,work, etc.

Second question im going to ask you, why do we are given a brain in our head?? why dont we just have a head without a brain?? The brain control our hand etc.. it is too perfect to exist own its own along with other things interacting with each other including galaxy or space. All are functioning and interacting too perfectly. (correct me if i am wrong) There should be some sort of a creator who create and control of all of these. since there is a brain given to think.. is suicide a logical decision?? do we exist just to suicide without a purpose? have you thought that maybe you are being tested for all of this obtacles including the obstacles to find the purpose of life or you may call the truth? i see that you analyse different religious view on suicide. For me, the creator should have somehow leave a clear, logical and straightforward guidelines on what to do in your lifetime to overcome the obstacles in life. However, at the end of the day, the decision is in our hand. im not preaching im just saying thats all. I rest my case. have a nice day. On a second thought... I just feel that youre just making these suicide things up. maybe just to get out of Athene's film and live a normal life ??? its a possibility.. btw don't you care about Athene 'when you're gone'? LOL !! anyways either way ive just wasted my precious time then. =p peaceeeee

Anonymous said...

par1 line 7> missing WORD> if 'not', we just dont have to exist form the start ROFL

Anonymous said...

Youve been punked PoOoOMMmMMM!!

Anonymous said...

LOL you noobs are funny, thinking she will actually kill herself. she is too weak of mind to do anything like that. she is just a narsistice bitch. thinking the noobs are clever by posting her boobs to get people to see her noob bf's idiotic videos. THIS is why VirginUK is doing why they are doing, cause of losers like you tanya.. to save the world and protect us from garbage like this. I swear, I pray every night that GOD will kill you in 13 days if you dont.. now wouldnt that be fn ironic??!!! lmfao noob and boobjob noobs gf need to get a job and stop wasting cyberspace.

Anonymous said...

i've wasted 30 minutes of my life on this stupid site.

thank you for wasitn my time you peace of poo.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tania,

Because of your absence of 'comment' on your '12 days left'.

I have to say my comment here.

First I advise you, although yesterday I have mentioned purgatory, do not SUMMON the dead anyway yourself, the response always come from the demons.

Then I tell you that once you confirm a decision of commiting suicide, you cannot choose to resurrect yourself. It is unlike the other decision, it is no way to turn.

After that, I notice that your surname is Derveaux (a French surname) and your name is Tania (a German name), I guess that your parents are of this two country,
Remember that France is a pious Catholic country, the eldest daughter of the Church and a lot of saints were born there.

I commend your soul to the hands of Our Lady.

Your Catholic friend.

Anonymous said...

As cliche as it may sound, a beautiful girl such as yourself should never be in such pain. I've been to the same point you have, i found someone that i could truly confide in and to be honest i didn't expect anything from them. I looked at them as a stepping stone at that point, someone to have by my side that atleast seemed like they cared at the moment. However, the more i opened up and told her my life and how unhappy i was at the time she made me feel alive again. Someone that actually knew me and cared, who understood and knew all the right things to say. Well 3 years passed by with her and it was the best time of my life. Even though things ended up not working out and we kindly went our separate ways. However, we stayed close friends to this day.

What i'm trying to say is that you need to confide in someone and open up. Even if it's not an sexual attraction, just someone you can trust and which both of you can relate on topics of discussion. And in that brief moment that you open up and start pouring your heart and soul out. Thats when things will start to unfold to yourself. And yes i am an Atheist so i'm not all about believing in a higher power and all that non-sense. But i do believe that people no matter how down and close to the end they are can unravel their own mysteries and torments and pull themselves through. You just have to be strong enough to let your guard down and let someone in initially to give you the push you need to pick yourself up.

Anonymous said...

Wow this is stupid. You seem like an intelligent person and you look good and you obviously come from a good family with some money. You got everything that over half the people in the world would kill for, so...yeah Go ahead! get your views and kill yourself but do it live and with witnesses and members of the media present. Good luck with your future life, which ever one it is.

Anonymous said...

Okey lets be honest.
Theres nothing more retarded in this world than people like you. Not like you will do it in 13 days.. If you would.. You would do the world a favor.

Anonymous said...

i know you, you are a freak that is trying to take attention. 40000 blowjobs? do you remember that?

Anonymous said...

how can you fuck with virgin, if you are going to die!?!?!

or suck 40000 men????

or do all your stupid youtube things

Anonymous said...

how can you fuck with virgin, if you are going to die!?!?!

or suck 40000 men????

or do all your stupid youtube things

Holly Wight said...

Look, darling; If you're going to do it, then just fucking do it. All this "90 days" crap is ridiculous and screams "ATTENTION WHORE" to the world. Of course, that is exactly what you are, and a lot of the world is sick of your cries for attention and are really, secretly hoping you'll finally make good on one of your bullshit claims.

EVERYTHING you have done has been an attempt to garner some fame. You're rather pathetic.

Please. Do it. Spare us a future in which you actually have self-centered little attention whore offspring.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and would the Christians kindly shove their sanctimonious bullshit up their asses?

You care SO MUCH when people do things that offend you, but you don't seem to give much of a shit when they aren't fucking with your faith in some way.

Your compassion is about as false as a trannie's tits.

Atheist Confessions said...

This entire web site, the entire idea, is incredibly offensive to me. I tried to kill myself three times during a very difficult period, and the incredible amount of misinformation and misunderstanding about suicide is very dangerous. Not only is this misinformation available to the suicidal, but the misconceptions about are so widespread that if you really are suicidal, you may be told "go ahead" by strangers or even loved ones.

True, you put up a little disclaimer pointing out that you are somehow campaigning against these extremely negative ideas by engaging the very behaviors you decry. However, this disclaimer is virtually invisible, you actively tried to make it less obvious, and it does not appear on many versions of the blog - including This blog is ported everywhere, has multiple RSS feeds, and nowhere is it apparent that this is not completely serious.

It's extremely emotionally manipulative and attention-whoring at best, and criminal at worst. You can offer to have sex with anonymous virgins on the internet and make phony runs for political office all day, and I don't care. It's stupid, it wastes time, it's dishonest, it makes misogynists everywhere regard me as an object just a little bit more - but that's fine. I don't have to agree with everyone in the world. Everyone doesn't have to behave according to my standards. I am reasonable.

But I draw the line at doing things that will probably get people killed, and cause untold suffering as a result. This is disgusting and pathetic.

I'm sure it's hard to understand your worth as a human being when you seem to see yourself in such a poor light, basically as a sexual object. But you don't need to tear down everyone else to feel better about your life.

And for whoever is reading this - certainly not the author, I'm afraid - before you tell a suicidal person "you just want attention, go ahead and do it," take some time to educate yourself about suicide first. I was told that, and took it seriously. I can only feel grateful that I ended up arrested and committed, though it was certainly not a pleasant experience, I am very happy to be alive.

The data show irrefutably that suicide is preventable, that most suicidal people don't really want to die, and that if they can be prevented just at the moment of attempt, they will not just run off and do it somewhere else. Putting nets up on a bridge does save lives, as people will not simply go across town to the other bridge, or buy a gun instead.

In order to commit suicide, you have to come to a point where all reason breaks down and you are operating completely irrationally. You are caught in an extremely scary place of pure emotion. It is useless to try to reason with someone who is suicidal, but it is equally useless to assign the rules of logic to a suicidal person. It may seem intuitive that it's folly to stop someone from taking his own life, as he'll do it at the first opportunity. This is absolutely false.

The whole 90-day blog thing, though, you needn't take seriously. It is highly unusual for someone to plan their suicide out and talk about it rationally. I did plan mine once, but it was only a week in advance, and I wasn't serious about it - just as anyone who starts a stupid blog like this is not!

It's true... most people who say they will or do attempt suicide don't really want to die. It is a cry for help. It is not, however, a conscious attempt to get help or attention - if I consciously wanted help, I would look for it at a therapist's office, not on the roof of a tall building!

Forgive me for passionate and lengthy ranting, but I was treated rather cruelly on several occasions when I was truly desperate and suicidal. I think it was a mix of genuine ill-will, but mostly ignorance and suffering from delusions of the extremely widespread false beliefs about suicide. I am very, very lucky to be alive - merely by coincidence - despite it, and it terrifies me to know that other people are receiving the same treatment.

I know from personal experience that if someone is helped back from the edge, he can go on to live a great life and help many other people. I am happier than I ever thought possible just five years after wanting to die just to stop the pain I felt. Anyone can make it back with a little encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Ol'Neo, you dipshit, she's not athene's girlfriend. Athene's a fag, and on top of that, his name is NOT athene.

Anonymous said...

Imagine that you believe in Islam or a similar religion. Imagine that you know a woman who is absolutely heartbroken because her daughter recently killed herself in depression about life. Imagine that you tell the woman: "According to my religion, your daughter is now in Hell. She is being tortured. Her body is being burned with thousands of flames every day, every hour, every second. Her punishment for killing herself will never end."

Those cruel, old religions have nothing to do in the 21st century. It's a good thing that Tania is staying as an Atheist, even though the blog is fiction.

Anonymous said...


Bout the drowning & the roasting, i guess it would mean that you'd boil like a potato or such?


Anonymous said...

Hi Tania,

A friend of mine has been publicizing your blog on facebook. That's how I came across it.

I have a suggestion for you ( I hope you actually read this).

I guess I hope you would think very carefully about your worldview before you make any life-ending actions so you can make sure its correct. It seems like you believe something kind of similar to "Bohemian Rhapsody," that nothing really matters, so why not do whatever you want. But if it is possible that your worldview does not correspond with reality, well, think about it. It seems apparent the negative consequences.

So evaluate: Why do you believe what you believe? (Is there a creator, are there multiple gods, is there nothing....if there's nothing, where did it come there right and wrong, where do feelings come from, can miracles happen, where does love come from, where does evil come from...if there is meaning to life, why...)Seek truth. If suicide is still appealing to kill yourself after that, go for it. But if you're killing yourself based on a perspective that is not correct (I'm sure you can read between the lines and see that I think you are), that's dangerous.

There is a heart that bleeds for you.


PS. If you want suggestions as to what to read, please respond to this and let me know. I'll keep checking.

Anonymous said...

Salaam Tania

i don't know why you want to suicide, and i will not say Hurry up or do it

If you want my Advice i will tell you Please think again.. it is a bad idea !

how can someone kill him self? without any reason! if you believe in God.. the one who create you, do you think he will like what you will do it? if course he will punish you..

If you made a big Home from sands! and you were like it and love it too much.. then, one of kids come and destroy it,, what you will do??,, if cource you will punish him

that's why God will Punish you.. couse he made you,, he loved to see you loved him and do what he create you for

maybe you will not get my Point,, maybe it is not clear..

but i am inviting you to talk about this topic..

i will be happy if i see any mail from you..

Anonymous said...

There is only one unforgivable sin... blasphemy. So why do suicides not get to go to heaven? Because their state of mind when they did it. They have lost all hope in everything... even God.

Anonymous said...

plz go to chose a christianity and u will find ur love there the love of FATHER god the only hope for u is him BELIEVE ME HE IS THA WAY THE TRUTH THE LIFE

Anonymous said...

Its amazing what people say when they can say when they can excuse accountability.

The irony in this post is that you shouldnt be trying to find a religion that doesnt screw you over in the event of your own suicide;
The focus is wrong - Rather you should try find the one true religion (which ever that might be), because theres no point in believing you wont burn, if the religion you believe in is false and you end up burning for not believing the right one.