Sunday, March 30, 2008

37 days left...

The last few days I've been getting several mails about how my life can't possibly be that bad.
People have been telling me that there are children dying in Africa, nations torn by war and conflict, innocent people dying of starvation or disease, people losing everything to floods or other disasters, I've also been sent links to documentaries about child abuse and pedophile red light districts etc.

I guess these mails were either meant as some sick joke, or to show me that my life is nowhere near as bad in comparison. In either case, they failed.

My life IS terrible, even in comparison. Children that were born into prostitution or war have gotten used to it, it's nowhere near as bad for them as my life is to me, because it's so unfair that bad things would happen to me, in this context, while it's natural for them.
I'm the victim here!


Anonymous said...

Dont suicide ill miss you. 0.0 Athene will miss you too? 0.-

Anonymous said...

Are you really going to commit suicide in 37 days? I don’t believe you going to do it. You are so fake!

Anonymous said...

well kill your self already why the tornement when you can do it right now you are yust a good girl gone bad thats all if you had aney brain in that head of yours you wold know that it is the most bad thing to do.
Aney way thont let me stop you,if you are so stupid you deasrve to die.

Anonymous said...

Aanstellende trut, je bent gewoon aandachtsgeil.
Ga liever op zoek naar een 10"-neger, en laat de mensen gerust.

Anonymous said...

If you have aney thin to say to me abought my coment you can mail me n

Anonymous said...

I swear to god if this weren't fake I would smack the piss outta you myself. Kids born into prostitution are used to it so it's ok? Are you THAT self centered to actually believe that crap?

Anonymous said...

And if you idiots believe this just click the button that says, "Suicide isn't pretty" It's all fake. Get over yourself. There is nothing wrong w/ this dirty cunt.

Unknown said...


Manuel&Sophia said...

I just discover the whole Athene thing, and I think it is pretty cool. I saw you on the mix, and thought why is she not as involved as the rest. I now see why. You are on your own, you are the dark seed of the group. Perhaps you want to live a little (no pun intended) taking control of your life is a such knowing that it is truly you who will take care of your demise. In order to reborn we need to die, so I am with you on that. I have not read as much as I would like about you, but I will in due time I have two weeks to take care off first. Hope you rebirth is not as dramatic as your exit.

Anonymous said...

bochel foetus

Hoi Nathan

I hope you're just kidding.
You have a home, food and people who care about you and you're comparing yourself with abused or starving children.

Too bad this is fake, you should actually kill yourself.

Aro out.

Anonymous said...

Read "sucide isnt sexy" to the right, it says that blog is fictional, morons.

Unknown said...

Why you are imitating the 90 day jane. what's your experiment? Do you want to say something? What is that?

Anonymous said...

Ik vind het een goede actie, die anti-zelfmoord.. hopelijk gaan er meer mensen begrijpen wat de bedoeling is, want als ik de reacties lees, is het niet zo positief. Mensen begrijpen het niet.

Anonymous said...

Great viral marketing guys!!

grampsone said...

"Tania, I want to f*ck you :( you have a nice body, and you're with a pretty dumbass guy (athenes)"

"You Sexy Bitch, you make my cock explode with Sweet Charity."

etc etc.

People really are assholes.

Anonymous said...

your an idiot no one deserves to be born into prostitution(?)

your are such an emo kid its not even funny every thing is all about you

you even end with a selfish qoute

"Im the victim here"

you fucking sicken me

grow the fuck up

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're removing yourself from the gene pool. :)

Anonymous said...

on 37 days left... your the victim? haha lmao!!!!!!! your last post was so fucking stupid i am glad you are killing yourself.. haha your the victim.. wow talk about dumb.. if your not doing this for attention then you should just kill yourself right now!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

saying your the victim has to be the dumbest thing ive heard ever get over yourself if you were a winner you would realize that no one not even god wants to help someone who speaks in such defeated ways. you have to become a victore not a victim and that starts by speaking right.. watch the pursuit of happiness.. your taking the easy way out

anyone can say they are victims only strong people overcome life and live in victory tho so if you choose to become so sad that you wanna kill yourself go ahead just stop getting pleasure out of this blog shit

Anonymous said...

If you wanna make sure to die i recomend following this fellas guide.

have fun!

Anonymous said...

Internet Star my ass..

Noone will ever feel bad for you after what you said Tania.

And if this is Fake, I hope you die soon somehow!

You are wasting time here, for you and for others - Fake or Not.

Anonymous said...


Newbish4Life said...

I really hope your kidding. I don't see the honset to god point in taking your own life. Seriously. there needs to be some way that someone can help you. Some people out there do care. Sure there are those ignorant fuck nuts that say "Who fucking cares blah blah blah" But they dont believe you'll do it, or they say "At least its not me". Seriously... planning the whole thing out isnt cool.. planned suicide or not. suicide is DEFINATELY not the way to go.

Carlos said...

This is the most stupid post I've ever read.

Anonymous said...

*sigh* dumbass bitch

Anonymous said...

why im anyway in dis bitch blogshit?? this is lame antheneswin is lame you suiciding countin bitch is lame maybe you look not bad at all but who tha fuck cares i dont fucking care i need a fucking driver license thats all FUCK DATZ IT

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This is a good action with a serious cause which many people sad enough don't see. Believe it or not there are many young girls in a position where they are not happy with their lives, and someone has to stand up for them and take action. Keep up the good work Tania.


Unknown said...

It seems very unfortunate.

I admit, sometimes it seems life is pointless. A journey to nowhere. No significance. But perhaps that is because I am incapable of seeing the bigger picture. The possibility of more: more meaning, more than what we know. I believe there is more. My intellect is not keen enough to pursue these matters to the extent that I can quote the great philosophers of history. But this is all irrelevant. If one is dead, one cannot even appreciate the nuances and subtleties of what life has to offer, ranging from those philosophers views, to a summer sunrise and an autumnal sunset, to the art conceived by various flawed geniuses.

But you ARE ALIVE. In that sense, it is important to take advantage of everything you have. People throughout the world struggle to live. Some succeed, some don't. But you must try. Fight. When you fight, and come out the other side, you will appreciate little things so much more. Perhaps you think it is strong to take the decision to end your life. Perhaps you believe it is weak to just coast through life as you experience it now. But is that really the case? Suicide is like
quitting early. Not finding out what remains because you didn't think it was worth it. If you fight, especially alone, you may find out things are greater that you ever imagined. Of course, they might not be that great, and you might only experience and existence that is 'average'. But you won't enjoy anything, or achieve anything in a grave. Everyone , thanks to natural selection and genetic development, is a distinct individual! What you percieve to be average can be viewed as being exceptionally unique and special, and in fact not that average at all. Experiencing what you are, and coming out the other side is something I would imagine, is not the social norm. That is UNIQUE.

Maybe you feel that you are making a statement. Unfortunately, the statement is a negative one. Come on! You have all got the fight in you to make a positive impact. Humans are nearly always stronger than they think. A modern 'liberal' culture of accepting mental frailties and weakness has permeated society to an extent that people feel it is alright to surrender to negativity. That is not the purpose of a more liberal society. It is partially to enhance expression of the different facets of life. Good and bad. But this is such an extreme expression that it brings life to an end!

It won't make a difference, but I sincerely wish and pray you all change your view. I have most unfortunately stumbled across your site (I admit, to see the story behind the pretty girl - clever advertising and marketing I concede). I feel worse about the world for having seen your site. But, the best part of your life is likely to still be in the future. Don't give up on it. Wait and find out.

Best wishes, A.L.

Anonymous said...

Stop replying to things people email you and actually blog about your life.
I miss the days when you were blogging things which would merit discussion, but the last few posts show that you're turning the character into even more of a sterotype than she was. You don't need to make the farcical nature of this blog more obvious than it already is.

Go and enrich your character with abit of intellect!
I'l keep reading just incase :)

Anonymous said...

Oh and you might want to make the anti suicide stuff actually appear on the website for IE if you're makeing that your intention.

Anonymous said...

If you are really going to kill yourself. What do you get out of makeing a online journal? Are you hopeing for sympathy? Are you crying out for help? Or is it simply for attention and recognition? I find your website/blog as being a pathogenic virus.

Keiichi said...

I just wanted to say that there are not that many chooses you have in you life but choosing how you end your life can be one of them. For a person like me to wanting to end his life I can understand. I was just lucky to have started taking medication. But if that is the choice you want to make I can't discourage it because I know how hard life can be.

Anonymous said...

you are an honest to god fuckwit
i dont think u'l kill urself at all
but if u did it would probally be the smartest thing uve ever done
the world we be the slightest bit better with one less atention seeking little ho who really thinks her life sux
who even compares it to victums of child prostitution
you're a joke and everything you stand for is a joke
"im the real victum" of what? being a complete tool? then yes
yes you are
PS: my chemical romance suck the absolute wang

Anonymous said...

ooooi! im not really here to say anything about what you should do or what you shouldnt and how there are people in the world that have worst life than you do, though im here to ask if we cant chat in AIM, YM or MSN
it doesnt matter where, i just wanna talk and share thoughts ^^

Add me on any of these

I wannnaaa talk ^_^

Anonymous said...

you are horrible

Joshua said...

You are a hypocrite. You support Ipower which is a very effective life changing theory, yet why can't you put it in practice? Like they say, being open minded, actively thinking then putting it in practice. Fair enough if you did this to get attention but I mean, what about the people who look up to you thinking you as an idol? And you're making out you're going to kill yourself? I believe that is running away from the problem, if there even is a problem.. This is childish..

Anonymous said...

why wait for 37 dayz ????
go and suicide right now.
But lemme know how u gonna die. maybe i can help u out in choosing the best way to commit suicide.

Anonymous said...

there are freaks in this world, like fallen angel, who's inhumane enough to even say such things. I know life is tough, and it can easily swade to different and unpredictable paths, and I know that this world we live in is so chaotic and absurd, but there are also many aspects in this world that brings happiness. In my life, I hang out with friends, we go shopping, watch movies together, we laugh together; my friends are what makes my life so fullfilling, and they are my trophy for not giving up on life. If you don't give up on life, and just try to live your life, such as doings things that you have always wanted to do, you'll find purpose. You should watch that movie "Stranger Than Fiction", which is about a man whos life is baing nerrated by a mysterious force, but he learns from that experiance how to live his life; it's a funny movie,and you may learn something from it. Chow

Nolan said...

Please don't kill yourself. You have your friends in iPower right? I hope you don't feel bad for people using you for your boobs, but you really are pretty. I have an idea for the next clip if you want... it's about suicide. I've contemplated suicide so many times because I felt unwanted, useless, and like a loser. I've blogged to myself so many times and even though I do have it better than so many people, in the USA, not poor, and going to college with a car given to me by my parents, it doesn't matter. When someone is alone, life is pointless. Please make this the theme. No matter how much money, skills, talents, etc. you have, but don't have anyone to share it with, there is absolutely no reason to live. But, why is your life terrible? I'm sorry you don't know me and I might not help, but please hang on. You've inspired me already even though it took a sexy thumbnail to attract my attention. I remember I felt bad everytime they'd try to help me because I didn't have anyone to talk to. I was worried about how I looked like almost everyone does... but now I try to find those people that accept who I am. There's a quote by Dr. Seuss it's something like, "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." I hope you have time to read my comment.. If you don't feel comfortable in iPower, you should leave. Look for people who you can feel comfortable with, act yourself, and do whatever you want with.

Anonymous said...

This blog is hilarious in its satire. The real seriousness of the issue: not funny. But the blog...hysterical!

"I'm the victim here" - I'm in tears, this stuff is so funny!! :-D

Nolan said...

I'm sorry I don't know what's going on, but please leave me a message if you'd like. All the people that say "just kill yourself already" or "you're fake" etc. are the ignorant people that don't understand people that want to commit suicide. Even if it is a joke, it's still not appropriate at all to say that stuff. Some people have never been alone or experienced so many excessive put downs everyday long enough to understand depression/suicide. That's it for now.

kraylus said...

relax kids, it's a work of fiction :P

Nolan said...

it doesn't matter if it's fiction. people that want to die are reading this.

Anonymous said...

ffs, don't kill yourself, you are so nice..

Anonymous said...

If you are inconsolable and desolate, then try to forgive yourself. Once you're able to forgive yourself of the ways in which you are unable to be.. positive, outgoing, dependable, trustworthy, useful or what have you... then you will be able to see how all of this is amusing, as well as intellectually stimulating. How else could it possibly help those who are inconsolable and desolate?

Forgive yourselves for taking it all too seriously, thus responding negatively. This will start to make things better, I swear.

Anonymous said...

JaKe HUR!!
BE StRoNg like HULK RaWRRR!!!!!!!!!
I Meanzz WtF M8ZZZZZ this is some crazy shitt!!!!!O_O

You shouldn't either.8D TeEhEE!

Anonymous said...



It ain't no thing but a chicken wing..
Lordy, Lordy, Lord.

Unknown said...

I've been following this for a while. Went through a few emotions about it myself. With this blog I have decided the world will be better off without you. See ya.

Anonymous said...

If you are someone who wants to kill yourself, and you don't see the humor in how Tania's blog delivers its message, then you probably need serious help. Various links are provided for those who need additional support and can be found along the sidebar under the "Suicide isn't sexy" button.. click it and seek professional help if you don't think the blog is funny.

Anonymous said...

That's not to say the blog isn't serious in its message, just humorous in its approach. Nothing wrong with trying to lighten up a few people who may be seriously in need...

Anonymous said...

You have to be able to laugh at yourself the same way they laugh at you. And then you can laugh at them for being funny, without harboring all that self-resentment.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lady,

You are not even the half of a real Victim.

You can just consider yourself lucky and be an egoist person as you are or start fighting 4 the balance that you would desire if your life would be different.

Suicide song 4 today:

- The Cranberries


Sincerely Yours,

40.001 Admirer,


Anonymous said...

judging from the site, its content and what i've seen so far i'm confident to say that it's fake and most likely a ploy or just an act to get attention. I gotta say i'm disguisted by your lack of respect for people actually suffering and contemplating suicide and it might even encourage them. i sure hope you've got a nice punchline lined up soon to make up for it.

and for those contemplating suicide; you've only got one chance to live life, unlimited to die, don't throw it away until you've atleast tried living it a little.

Anonymous said...

Ok just suicide

Send Jesus or Lucifer or whatever my regards

Anonymous said...

lol no the pure baby is crying...
grow up kid, face your problems and solve 'em all!
the image you posted (looser) is good to YOU! LOOSER!

Anonymous said...

IF your life was as bad is you say it was you wouldent be wating like an ass to kill your self.

Anonymous said...

do you'll record your suicide moment? tell a friend to post it on you tube for us to see, ok? ;)

Anonymous said...

When you know, that this whole thing is a anti-suicide-campaign you get the "hidden" hints about what you really want to say. I have to admit, it makes sense.
But! I think, this is way too morbid!

Anonymous said...

Stop this, its enough pep dieing already. I have own experience with suicidal actions. I almost killed my self 3 years ago and i will never forget it. I regrett it 100% now i have to live with a scar on my wrist all my life and people will have a bad first impression on people.

Tania get out of this madness you dont deserve to die, even tho i dont know annything about you i really dhout you are a mean person.

Sign -----Skullcandy----
from youtube

Anonymous said...

did you read something about spirituality? do you know allan kardec? read the spirits' book, it's interesting, it has a lot of answers about life and death. you should read... just for curiosity.

Anonymous said...

stupid emo, people like u r the ones who make this world a miserable place. if u wanna piss about tryin to get attenntion then u should just go commit suicide. cant stand attention grabbers.

if u dont like my comment then CHEER THE FUCK UP AND STOP TRYIN TO GET ATTENTION! what are you trying to prove? that people can commit suicide? it happens everyday, get over it...

Anonymous said...

fuck off tania. U are a sick person!

Anonymous said...

Tania, I know how you feel; I felt this way about 3 years ago; they always say there are people with bigger problems or they often say something like: Go ahead, do it!
You need a good talk; you need to talk to someone who will help you; you are NOT a problem, you HAVE a problem. Let me help you. Trust me. You would be surprised how much you can do in 37 days; recovery is very hard, and you won't be happy immediately, but you can TRY. That does not include something like laughing and laughing and laughing when you just can't; this includes often and honest talks about you and how you feel, not how i- don't- know- who -feels.
Will you let me help you?

Anonymous said...

You are going to find this quite funny when you read this, but here it goes.
When i first saw an athenewins youtube video i busted out laughing as well as all of my other friends. I was laughing so hard my eyes were barely open enough to watch the video. But through the large amounts of laughter i saw the short clip of you. You just sitting there and showing peace fingers to the camera. I instantly stopped laughing and stared at the screen. Wut was 3 seconds i felt that i had watched it for 3 minutes. As if time had just paused so i could look at you a little while longer. You are probably the most attractive person i have ever seen. You barely even say anything on the clips but you had my attention more than athene did. Its a wierd thing... you dont say anything but i find that like super sexy. I dont know why its just... oh my god. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't kill yourself DREAM GIRL.

P.S. I am not some crazy ass dude. You make your decissions no one is stopping you, and the least people can do is respect you and your decissions. Also, don't beat yourself up over the faggots who tell you that you are anthing less than them or degrade you.

Anonymous said...

Haha they get used to it hahaha I cant believe you actualy said that..

At least if you die, make sure to give your organs to people who want to live, that would be a nice thing to do.

And please continue this is really entertaining. I hope we get to see you actually ending your life.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tania, why can't you just explain to us? WHY is your life so unfair? Just give me a reason to belive that your life is so much worste? It feels like you havent really explain WHY your life sucks. Please do!

"Children that were born into prostitution or war have gotten used to it, it's nowhere near as bad for them as my life is to me, because it's so unfair that bad things would happen to me, in this context, while it's natural for them."

WHY WHY WHY is your live so bad?
PLEASE explain ..

Anonymous said...

lol i know ur not gonna do it, ur probably just gonna stop going on athenewins channel on youtube which is a fucked up way to get people to visit ur site. by the way didnt i see you in a porno once?

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out *who* features less intelligence: Athene (your "just stepped out of the primordial ooze as a biped" tool of a bf) or the countless clueless morons that give any credence to this (or can't click the stupid button for that matter).

Anonymous said...

Haha you fags ;D Look at the Right Toolbar in the Last line (Suicide is not Sexy) ... There you go.. They just want some publicity around them..

Poor to do that ;( Making People care bout you and you just abuse them to make you popular. Im gonna write this down in every single new Post!

Anonymous said...

Selfish much?

Anonymous said...

"Children that were born into prostitution or war have gotten used to it, it's nowhere near as bad for them as my life is to me, because it's so unfair that bad things would happen to me, in this context, while it's natural for them."

... I really, really hope that you are going to go through with this. I really do. You do not deserve life and should absolutely commit suicide.
You got my 100% support!

Anonymous said...

Suicide should be the last option to make actually, let's first think about that you are alive now.

Life is a gift that unthinkable many people dont get to experience, and those who live with atleast 1 good friend must be enjoying it.

Many people make teir own reasons to live, like believing in god or protecting the people they love.

So my advice is that you can make your own reason to live. =)

Anonymous said...

My I fuck you before you Go Go?

Anonymous said...

You're full of shit as far as I'm concerned, and while I realize its a big artistic statement/project, I do hope you got through with it and rot in hell. How dare you compare your life to those children you selfish bitch. Either way, you'll end up there sooner or later.

Unknown said...

"Children that were born into prostitution or war have gotten used to it, it's nowhere near as bad for them as my life is to me"
lol that's the funniest most self-involved thing i've heard in a while. good stuff.
On a side note if that wasn't a joke you're too old to be emo, teen angst is just lame when you're 25

Anonymous said...

"My life IS terrible, even in comparison. Children that were born into prostitution or war have gotten used to it, it's nowhere near as bad for them as my life is to me, because it's so unfair that bad things would happen to me, in this context, while it's natural for them."

Just wow...
My father was a ex gangster and I had my face cut and then put on a heated stove for the dripping blood and skin to sear as punishment to his family for leaving.
You think I wake up every morning, look at my burnt and scarred side in the mirror and am used to it?
We need less people like you.
If you dont suicide, give out ur adress and ill gladly cap u.

Anonymous said...

Damn at first i felt bad for you dumbass but now you just sound like a stupid cunt children who are beaten are not used to it and if this is some bullshit used to raise awareness about suicide thats just stupid you cant raise awareness about one thing by knocking others everyone has problems you fucking internet hippie

Anonymous said...

I'll pay to see your suicide personally. have you ever seen blood at moon light? it look so dark, so beautiful. X

Anonymous said...

Come on, she is not going to commit suicide. This is like the shygirl15 at Youtube. The whole thing is a set up to get exposure. She is going to be like "suckers, you horny bastards," at the last day count down. Look at all the porn stuff they advertised. Use your common sense.

Anonymous said...

You have it worse than them because they were born into it and used to it? How the hell would you know they got used to it? You're naive as hell, and I hope you do kill yourself.

The world is better off without someone whose got things going for them while people in Darfur, Sudan, etc. will never even ever have close to the luxuries that give you such a shitty life.

Good fucking riddance. I hope this isn't some giant fucking troll attempt. It's funny how you called that guy down there a loser, sure he might be one giant fucking loser, but it's quite obvious who the true loser. And yeah, one bigger than me. This dumbshit broad .

Anonymous said...

You are not going to do it. You would have already done it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is great... "I'm the victim here!" You know what, I changed my mind, kill yourself now. You are so close minded that there is nothing anyone can tell you that will change your mind. Why waste all of our time, just do it already.

Anonymous said...

has anyone noticed that on the article to the right she says "but I take no responsibility for this whatsoever." this comment here makes me believe that it's all bullshit(which it most likely is) because why would she care. she said she didn't care how others feel why would she not want to take responsibly for some one else's suicide. The only reason i could think of is to not get sued but how could she get sued if she was dead? you see what i mean

Anonymous said...

Wow, its the first time i read your blog and i am ashamed of you.
Some people work their whole fucking life to get something working, after a while they get stuff with what they worked for.
You have everything, you have a geeky social status and a lot of kids as that too, you can change.
Why the hell would somebody would want to end their life at such a young age.
There is a lot of changes going on within years.
Also you should quit your loser friends, i mean what kind of bad dumbasses friend doesnt disacourage you from killing yourself and even take profit of you.

You know what you should do.
Change life, not end it, cut the cords.
Move to a new country, make new friends, your pretty you can make a lot of things happen.

Anonymous said...

Social experiment
Hueg amounts of fail
ist beyond obvious to an intelligent person you wont be killing yourself.
And what a shame that is.

Anonymous said...

hey you don't realise how bad it is to die.. don't think you will feel better if you do this you won't... there is so much of life that is good.. I am unsure if you are being real or not but life is better then death anytime... death is final and can't be retrieved. DON'T do this it is better to have life then not, no matter how hard life seems to be...

Ed said...

Yeh, Whatever

Anonymous said...

Are you so self-centered that you actually believe starving kids and kids born into prostitution and war dont have it as bad as you?You cant be serious when you say they get used to it why dont you get use to your pain like an adult and stop this nonsense or at least kill your conceited ass already

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Your life cant be that bad. In the last 2 years ive been blown off by someone i cared about, kicked out of my house, put in jail for something i didnt do, kicked out of the Air Force, totaled a car i had for 2 months, and got ripped off by my own father, and spent 4 months trying to find another job. Thats not including all the little things thats happened, like getting shipped around and living in 5 different states in the last year, and getting sent to my uncles for taking a swing at my dad, or my dad telling me i can go to jail when i say i got in trouble.

Anonymous said...

what is so fuckin wrong with ur life that u want to commit suicide i honestly think its bullshit(sorry for the language) but my best friend had problems unlike u and she died of suicide
its not a funny thing to joke about or do
email me if u have questions i wanna talk to u personally

we can talk bout sex!!:D ok