Tuesday, March 18, 2008

49 days left...

Something from that would-be philosophical conversation last night kind of stuck with me.

What happens after we die?

I was up pretty late last night thinking about it. I'm not a religious person, so I was trying to imagine what it would be like to be... well, dead. I do somewhat believe in the soul, and that there is an astral or spiritual being inside of us that makes us who we are, but I've never been a great philosopher.

There are just two problems with dying in my opinion: one is that maybe the afterlife is much, much worse than this one (that would be ironic), and the other is that if you're a ghost when you die; if your soul lingers, you would be able to see how much hurt and suffering you caused those that you left behind - and honestly, no one wants to see a little girl crying over their graves, so I'd like to pass on that.

But these are just speculations, so if anyone has any other views on what could happen to use after death, mail them to me, I'm interested.


Brett Sheingold said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brett Sheingold said...

Well, I had the first comment but I typo'd your name.

Interesting entry. I <3 you Tania.

Anonymous said...

Well the first thing that happens when you die is your bowels release so try to make sure you completely empty them before you go so that you don't leave a stain. As for death, I tend to believe that there is nothing there when you. Only darkness and yourself. I know I'm stealing that from Torchwood but I really believe it's like that.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lady,

Heaven and hell exists, but both in earth.

Religious theory is nice but maybe buddhist one is more practical. Read about it.

I'm religious anyway by the moment and of course I really believe in "Jesus Saves" phrase.

Cheer up,

Suicide song 4 today:

- Rem:

Losing my religion.

Sincerely Yours,

40.001 Admirer,


Anonymous said...

i dont know you. i dont really care. i stumbled on this accidentally from youtube. And i find it hard to believe that you have a suicidal mindset and yet live out your life fairly normal...you apparently love attention from your attempt in politics(the whole 40000 blow jobs thing)and you are perpetually in clothes that show your boobs. I know this is a publicity stunt and just another way for people to pay attention to you. You know you can remove the whole sexual taboo by having sex in public that way you can both get the attention you always crave and you can be a whore. ill see you alive in 50 days!!!

Anonymous said...

hasn't everyone realized that this is fake?
click the damn 'suicide isn't sexy' button.
god, people, use your brain.


Embryo said...

What happens to us when we die is something ive thought about alot over my life(maybe way to much than i should)and i think i have decided on two differant outcomes.First>>I think we our spirit/soul leaves the body and travels to the astral plane,i think this mainly because there is much talk within life of people actually experiencing this and i believe i have astral traveled before,and to me this proves without doubt that there is something else after life.So anyway after you reach this plane i think you become fully aware off all things past,present,future all creation within all universes and dimensions and from this you make a choice as too where you want your soul/spirit to travel next,as everything about existence is learning and all existence is endless and all possibilites are endless you can send yourself whereever you want,you might want to come back to Earth and be a human,or go somewhere else,maybe a place that is beyond our comprehension right now.This cycle continues always untill all things are experienced and all knowledge is gain,perhaps at the end of this we reach the next level and start the process again.My second thought about what happens after death is>>I dont have a clue and nor does anyone else on this planet,will just have to wait and see:)

Katixa said...

My opinion on what happens next?. Nothing happens. There is no afterlife. There is no after death. Humans always want to look for an explanation, for a reason, for an answer, to have things clear, but that does not always happen.

There are things that we will never understand, or be able to assimilate, like the words -for ever-, or the words -it's always been there-. We need to see a start, and an end, to feel better.

So, with all my respects to those who believe in hell, heaven, god, or whatever... I'm sorry, but when you go, whatever the way it is, voluntary or involuntary, you just stop being alive. You don't feel anymore. Your blood, your body, all the things that make you feel, smell, see... basically, feel alive, stop, and start growing larvae.

The world will continue moving, people will continue having breakfast while watching the clock before going to the office, and you will lose the one and only chance to enjoy the feeling of being part of the great thing of being a living form for some time.

Me myself, I'm enjoying it. I don't always feel lucky, not always feel happy, but I have so many things I want to do, that I even feel depressed when I think that someday I will vanish. I only hope it's not soon. But who knows, maybe my head gets crushed by a truck just tomorrow, and someone will read this without even knowing it happened.


Anonymous said...

When we die, we all sit around making boring speculations on what it's like to be alive, ok? Somebody...prove me wrong.

Anonymous said...

Death is unthinkable. It is an over-use of energy to speculate on something which does not require your brain to understand, people.

Conserve those resources for more useful applications of thought, such as admiring my ability to think independently.t

Anonymous said...


i believe when i die i'll get to see my one true love that ever walked in this world....and she'll be there waiting, wishing i never arrived.

Anonymous said...

Now that's kind of goofy despair that ghosts are made out of...see how wasteful these thoughts can be?

All this crap you people are envisioning in your minds can not exist without a mind to power them.

If your soul starts to go through a tunnel, toward a light, a train, a castle, a cupcake, or whatever...and you are perceiving these things when you die, then I am sorry to inform you that you're brain is still working.

Anonymous said...

uhm nothing? nada. pooffff blahhhh! like a bubble just pops! completely nothingness. your just..... gone and that is all there is to it. term "afterlife" is just an imagination, a hope that there will be something. but im sorry to break it to you dear, theres just nothing. live your life to the fullest thats what heaven is.

Anonymous said...

death is not one of my favorite topics soooooooooooo i'm gonna check back tomorrow ;)

Anonymous said...

what i believe is that i will wakeup one day as a soul at the time the world ends. and follow the messiah to a new garden of eden, those who don't believe will be left on earth which will eventually become what we call hell. my proof? my proof is my existence which the maker has given me

Anonymous said...

based on your logic, life after death is pointless. It maybe better, it maybe worse, but since everything is pointless why does it matter? If life has no meaning, then how how does what happens afterwards hold any significance? If everything is meaningless now, everything will be meaningless whether your living, dead, happy or sad.
"The grass always looks greener on the otherside"
No one can know what happens after death, its best if you list the possibilities and see if it is worth the risk of worst case scenerio.
song- Moonlight Sonata

Anonymous said...

we will wake up and fight the agents and the sentinels and win only to find out we are inside a software that is inside of another software and another and another and so on and so fort. we are just bytes

Anonymous said...

if you haven't achieved total nirvana then you will come back on earth and continue suffering. if you did achieve nirvana however you have the opportunity to live with the gods and become a rat. good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

well it all depends how you die though. if you die killing your self with a bomb attached to your waist and blow up the fuck anyone that doesn't believe in your cult then you will be accepted in heaven and greeted by 72 virgins that you can screw!

Anonymous said...

if you confess your crimes to Xenu (the defender of the galaxy!) before you die then Xenu (the defender of the galaxy!) will save your soul from the evil aliens who will try to make an ultra magnetic laser beam out of your pity soul.

Anonymous said...

nobody is watching you

Anonymous said...

Your soul is spouting much bullshit...I hereby declare you an authority on the metaphysical phenomenon of sucking the time of a trailer hitch.

Anonymous said...

In essence, calm down...Thank You.

Anonymous said...

I wish it was customary to just kill anybody who asks, "what do you think happens when we die?"

No better - I wish it was customary to kill the people who seem to already know. In that way, anybody's opinion would really, truly NOT matter.

El mecartistrónico said...

How are you doing on that "things to do before I die" list? 'Cause I suppose you did one. (If not, why wait 50 days?)

Anonymous said...

hey, what's the pic she used for today...it looks familiar to me

does anybody know?

Anonymous said...

nobody knows :o

Anonymous said...

I love you, Tania.

Anonymous said...

yeah homegirl you rock!

Anonymous said...

*heavy breathing*

Anonymous said...

sorry, wrong number.

Anonymous said...

It was not long ago when I had knelt down to inspect the petals of a perverse looking flower, which I had never seen before, did I hear the familiar screams bellowing out from the windows of my red sedan that was parked in the parking lot of the park. I mean "red" as if you could please imagine a once bloodsexy automobile that has since totally scabbed over and started to peel. Got it? Once you have that image in your mind, then I don't have to explain what the flower looked like...

Anonymous said...

looks like you maybe have a 'cult following' starting to bud lol. Maybe I'm a little confused as to what I should be typing here ("wow" to some of these comments!) but I didn't want to miss the chance to say "congratulations" for the very nice job you're doing with your blog. I believe you're handling things with the sexiest amount of intelligence! and keep up the great work!

Clarence from USA

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you're gay.

kill yourself now.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

tough topic, what would happen if we died...
our physical bodies are used to perceive reality, so i suppose you stop existing entirely when you die.
An interesting though would be, what if there was an "unreality", which you could perceive without being physically existent? that is to say, maybe we can exist in some way that has nothing to do with our reality.

Unknown said...

it's interesting to find someone like you posting this kind of "action", why wouldn't you do it tonight or at the very least expected time, why put a time of death? ... if you can put away your life NOW "49 days left".. nahh... waiting is already dying!!! i'll post again at your blog... expect me to wait for your death... this will be interesting...

Anonymous said...

Why are you going to kill yourself?
the life has even start. You are only 25 years old, woman!

Anonymous said...

Miss Derveaux,

To directly answer your question concerning what, if any, possibilities an afterlife holds for the one passing out of life one need merely to look at the past and present philosophies that abound.

The heaven and hell scenario, I'm sure you're familiar with. Given the choice of basking in the 'light' of a supreme diety for the rest of eternity or to be forever punished for your deeds while living. Dante wrote of many such penalties for the latter.

Reincarnation. Simply put, a level game. As you attain greater or lesser degrees of 'perfection', you either advance to a higher existence, a new physical life, or your are knocked down the ladder species-wise to learn the error of your ways. A short reflection period at the end of each lifespan to see all the ones you've already been through and to be judged so-to-speak as to your current standing and chance for advancement or lessening the next go-round. All in hopes of sometime attaining nirvanha - perfection and oneness with all.

Allied with the first option - heaven and hell - are all the vagaries of post-mortal life existence proposed by all the pagan religions, Islaam (100 virgins and the like) and so on. Valhalla, Elysian Fields, the Wanka-Tanka land and so many more.

Some believe that there is nothing. That your spark of life just ends and that's that. No anything to come. A physical return to the raw matter that your body is made of and a dissolution of the energy it contained to merely mix with the waves of energy that make up the universe and form a new field of force that continues until entropy eventually halts the universe.

It is a popular notion that mankind has a soul, a spirit, a ghost, a personality that continues beyond our individual mortal lifespans. Some possible proofs have been documented many times over history. We've all heard the stories of encounters. Perhaps some of those tales are true.

The common denominator of all ideas or theories is that we've but this one time around as we are. (Barring those theories that this is all just a dream within the [sub]consciousness of some infinitely greater being) There is the remote possibility that all that is, creation if you will, is a loop. That all that is will cycle through, over and over the eons, to forever repeat. You, me, all things and lives will happen again and again - rather like an old LP record that has a skip that tosses the needle back to the beginning - never to end.

If so, any of the above - you are quite correct that the living you leave behind pay the greatest price, are harmed the most. You are dead - incapable of any further interaction. They must live with the questions, the memory, the unresolved.

Glad to see/read you thinking.

dinke said...

i believe that when someone dies he just stops...everything is dark...you can't think cause you don't exist...it's creepy,you can't think,you can't move,nothing just nothing...that's what i believe...

Anonymous said...

read my blog!

Anonymous said...

After you die?

1. You die.
2. I come.
3. Everywhere.
4. ???

Anonymous said...

There is an easy way to understand what afterlife is. Just think what was before you were born.

Anonymous said...

lawls lawls lawls lawls

fap fap fap fap


Anonymous said...


We need epic sexy death so the collective sperm of followers can form into two Tania's.


Anonymous said...

Tits or GTFO

Anonymous said...

i take noodz if u need a photographer. :)

Anonymous said...

You go to sleep, and you don't wake up, its ez-mode, try it.

Anonymous said...

come on it is really easy, just take a gun and do it!!!

If you do it you´re really cool!!

Greets from Germany;-)

Do it Bitch!

Anonymous said...

dont kill yourself you cant be serious

Anonymous said...

come on guys, use your fucking brains, this is just a joke -_-

Anonymous said...

I think you just die. No ghost no spirit. Everything just goes blank and that's it. All the changes you made in your life, in other peoples' life, all the bonds you made with friends and family just gone a tan instant

Anonymous said...

Every day, you have less and less to write about. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Hello My sister

I'm going to help u open ur mind with this one,i love u cause i know that u have a strong feeling inside to help others, even when u feel sad, but dont mind me, cause i Love everyone lol =)
So about the "death" parth, ok u are not a body, u are a much more powerful and beautiful ideia that i cant explain to u with words, so when ur body dies, ur Soul or Mind if u will leaves ur body, and is carried on to the Astral World, thats the world u dream at night, the world of spirits, and No Its Not Heaven and God is not there. Its' merely a "waiting" world so u can reincarnate into another body(In ur case u will return as a Male body) to continue ur process of learning until u ready for ur Real Home and for meeting God and all the people u know.But thats other story.
As a SUICIDAL situation its a whole different story. Suicidal it's the WORST death u can possible experiment. U think u run from all ur problems but ALL of them goes with you, and as all the pain suffering and grief u left behind with ur loved ones. All of their emotions will stuck u here in the Physical world and u will actually feel their pain and despair all the time, u will "live" in pain and regret for a long time(time in the astral is way more different than here) people like me can help u do the transition but as i said before...it's Much more painful than u imagine.
Of course u can just read this and don't believe a word i wrote, but remember this:
Some things are True whether u Believe Them or not!
Keep on the nice job girl
PS:"A Course in Miracles"
"Disappearance of the Universe"

I Love You

*God Is*

Anonymous said...

nice one^

Now, getting over to you "Hugh" wtfh...why hugh g. rection like that? It's not even like your... ehh whatever. I think you have to level up 50 times to pull of these kinds of e'il stunts, no?

1. "Hugh Joke"
2. "Hugh JHAX"
3. ???
4. You get my meaning. m i rite?

Anonymous said...

Scorpius I'll level you up more than 50 times ^_^

With my dick.
just FYI

Anonymous said...

newfag and christfag?

All in one?

Holy fucknuggets.


[sarcasm]And I know not of your levelling speak, for I am not of the WoW 1337, for that I am extremely jealous of you.[/sarcasm]

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Remember what it was like before you were born? That is exactly what it is like when you are dead. Nada.

Still, I can;'t blame you... if I was banging those ATHENE douchbags, I'd kill myself too.

Westdale Hills CARES said...

Read the book of John...The message bible....or New Living Tranlation...or heck watch it (the Gospel of John on DVD....Great great movie....although the crucifixtion scene can't compare to the passion). Will only take a couple hours if even that. Then lets chat about it. See what you think of what it says about whats after this life, and whats to be done with this life.

Anonymous said...

Energy that changes form and nothing else. Afterlife => lol

miket1m said...

Picture this, you are on fire, your whole body is engulfed in flames. Bet that would hurt a little wouldn't it? Now picture this, you can't die. All you can do is scream in agonizing, torturous pain. And the crazy thing, you do this for eternity! How long is eternity? Your on fire, screaming in pain and you can't die! Forever! Thats what will happen to you if you kill yourself moran!

miket1m said...

Picture this, you are on fire, your whole body is engulfed in flames. Bet that would hurt a little wouldn't it? Now picture this, you can't die. All you can do is scream in agonizing, torturous pain. And the crazy thing, you do this for eternity! How long is eternity? Your on fire, screaming in pain and you can't die! Forever! Thats what will happen to you if you kill yourself moran!
Picture this, your in a dark, hot cell with stone walls. you can see very little. Its so hot you can't breath. Your gasping for air and you feel like your going to die, but you can't die. So your sitting gasping like your breathing through a straw. Try that sometime. You hear a growling noise. Something is in the cell with you, something very big, ugly and ferocious. Its about 8ft tall. It has long sharp teeth and long claws. Its pacing the cell staring at you with a hatred so strong you can feel it. It wants to rip you to pieces. You can feel its rancid breath. Suddenly it attacks you. It digs into your side with one claw and tears your chest wide open with the other and throws you against the wall. As you hit the wall you can hear and feel bones breaking. You try to scream but you can't breath. Your in horrible pain and with all the strength you can muster you find a way out of that cell and you crawl out. Your now in a pitch black, hot wasteland and off in the distance you can hear people screaming and you see a lake on fire and people tossing around in the lake screaming and begging for mercy and just like you,they can't die. Suddenly you feel this large, ugly creature grab and rip the meat off the back of one of your legs as he drags you back to that dark unbearably hot wet cell. The pain is unbearable. You gasp for air and you heart is banging in your ripped open chest with fear and you just want this all to end. But you cant die and this will go on forever! This is what will happen to you if purposely take your own life.

Anonymous said...

Death is like being knocked in the head. You blank out.

If you're still alive after the knock in the head, you will start to ponder about what hit you in the head, and then constantly remind yourself not to let it happen again.

If you are actually dead, you will not be able to analyse the situation.

Anonymous said...

i think its like a very deep sleep, cientists proofed that you only got a ''dream'' the last 5 minuts of the time you sleep,,, all the other hours you dont even remember.

i think death is like the hours you don't remember wenn you sleep.

to make a long story short, i think it's not a big deal to die.