Wednesday, March 12, 2008

55 days left...

Okay, seriously, you guys wouldn't believe the e-mails I've been getting here. I hardly believe it myself.

First off I just don't get how many readers take the time to actually contact me, I would've thought most people were way more passive, but I stand corrected. But these last few days I've been getting even crazier mails, I have been contacted by television stations (as I said previously), celebrities (well, minor celebrities at least) merely out of their personal interest, journalists, and even a huge game developer!

The celebrity I'm talking about (I won't mention his name cause quite some people definitely know him) might be taking me out for drinks sometime soon cause he wanted to talk about my decision - not talk me out of it, but just out of curiosity - and he'll be in the neighborhood, so why not? ^^

I'll keep you guys posted!


Anonymous said...

Hey tania :)

Well people are interested in what you got to say, it's more than normal..

Anonymous said...

It´s a shame what people seem to actually do for´s sad in a way. I first thought it´s obvius you´re not killing yourself, as this is a very nice popularity trick, but after reading through all that stuff, i have no idea.

Not like i´d be saying it in any kind of religional way, i just personally respect life, so yes, i would be sad if you really killed yourself.

The sadder part however, is that people tend to act like their idols. And well, you know the facts. You bring yourself out, act like a depressed little girl and happen to be sexy in the end. Naturally you have your fans.

I have thought about suicide myself. In the end, while standing on the edge of a cliff, i decided not to do it, as that might´ve caused a few persons to do that i depression. I don´t want to die as a murderer.

Anonymous said...

truthfully at first i thought you were going to do it but then i actually look at your eyes in all the videos on here and that background pic and i can see that you are not going to do it.
But you are very convincing at first glance and you have good writing but your eyes give away the truth

Anonymous said...

I'm just saying something to say something, and I have no responce for today really. But It be funny if it was music guy I like, he should be around your area, now. So people can see why I'd think that.


Anonymous said...


I wish I lived closer to you so I could hold you and tell you everything was going to be alright. I wonder if I'd want to do the same for someone not as beautiful as you. I'm so pathetic.


Anonymous said...

i thought you were going to kill your self and that you depressed, the past few days you posted don't sound like an emo troubled girl. why dont you give cutting another try?

Anonymous said...

suck it up!!! "boo hew my life sucks i want to kill my self." you think your the only one that sufferers? everyone sufferers its called life. get with it, if everyone was a winy bitch like you we all be dead. go ahead kill your self now ! the world will go on with out you, people will forget you and you will go to hell... have fun BITCH BITCH BITCH :) keep bleeding your fake blood cunt!

Anonymous said...

Lol @ anyone who thinks this is a suicide compaign.

This is an anti-suicide advertisement.

Not to mention a good way to get noticed for anything.

Anonymous said...

i know this is dumb. and i dont know if you really are going to kill youself. but if you seriously are, please dont do it.

I'm going to miss you on all of athenes videos showing your tits. I'm going to miss you a whole bunch if you do. So will everybody else. I know it seems like you dont have a purpose in life. but trust me. one day when you dont think you mean anything to anybody. something will happen to change your life and you will find a purpose.
people care.


Anonymous said...

My brother said he planned his suicide for years before he actually started doing anything about it. He even wrote this very long letter (20 pages)to our mother about why he was to do this. A year ago he was in a very bad car accident. He almost died. Apparently it scared him so much that he decided not to commit suicide anymore. He now has to talk to a doctor every week and has to take some pills. He is not like he used to be. I miss him. His passion is gone.

After he had been seeing the doctor for a while he told me about his plan to kill himself and then let me read his letter. It's a hard thing to do. I can only imagine how it must have been for him to tell me about it. I don't understand any of it. Maybe the car accident wasn't so accidental. He says it wasn't. His writing is similar to your letters. A lot of funny things, but no explination. Always asking someone else to tell him why he shouldn't do it. But never saying why he thinks he should. His letter would not have had the effect that he wanted. No questions were answered. The letter had no closure. But I can't tell him that.

I came here to try to understand him. Try to understand what he was thinking. What is he thinking now? Since "the accident" we are not so close anymore. We don't talk very much. And I don't think I want to get so close to him again. He will always be my brother and I will always be his sister. I don't understand anything anymore.

I praise you for raising awareness about suicide and trying to let others know how it is to think about killing yourself. But for some this must be too painful. For me it's just too...sad. I will stop comming to this site and try to forget about it.

Anonymous said...

This is very well an anti-suicidal campaign; however, very few admit that this campaign helped them find their existence. I must say that I support this campaign. God Bless you.

Note: It is all explained in Athene's website under news.

Anonymous said...

Hi lady,

So, if you are a celebrity you have more possibilities to go out with Tania Deveraux.

So, i.e. Leonard Simon Nimoy could, and I, not...


Suicide song 4 today:

- The cure:

Why can't I be you

(suicide song dedicated to Leonard)

Sincerely Yours,

40.001 Admirer,


Anonymous said...

how would you feel if you found out you're pregnant?

all this attention you're getting from the media and now this stupid talk about going out with some jerkoff celeb really has me confused.

why do you seem to care about this type of thing? shouldn't you be getting more to the business of wanting to die...instead of this flirting with the notion of living life to its fullest?

Shan said...

Please, kill yourself.

And for all the fools out there, she is not going to kill herself. Not that I really care but if you think she's going to kill herself, then you are one big ass moron huh?

Perhaps what I'm saying is reverse psychology for you Tania but that's up to you to decide?

Perhaps also this is an anti-suicide campaign but you don't make it obvious enough and it certainly glorify something that's bad for people.

I'll laugh not mourn if you were actually run over by a bus on day 89.

Stop wishing what you don't want and on another note, if you do kill yourself and surprise me, good riddance :)

P.S. Congrats on your b/f for his record. Personally, WoW is pretty lame in my view but a record's a record.

Anonymous said...

the bar "suicide is not sexy" should be pressed by a lot more people.. I think it's great that you get so much attention for your cause, but it should be stressed that your disclaimer is hard to find. maybe a tip?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I got you a few suggestion!

If you are trying to slit your wrist, remember to ALWAYS(!!) slit horizontally NEVER EVER vertically like most people do! It will ensure an exponential faster bleed rate, thus you'll die way faster!

Another suggestion would be if you try to blow your brain out with a gun, remember to fill your mouth with as much water as possible, then hold the gun barrel a little below your vocal chords. The barell should point straight upwards. This will ensure a maximum splatter damage. You literally will BLOW your head all over your place!

And the worst possible suicide method you could attempt is JUMPING. Because once you jump from a very high ground, you'll get a few seconds to think, and those few seconds are the worst possible thing to happen!

I hope I could be of some help!

Anonymous said...

Btw people if oyu just click the "suicide isnt sexy" link you figure this aint real.

Anonymous said...

if you are serious then there is nothing anyone can say to stop you,but i felt like saying this anyways...

No matter what you think, you live life once and only once, breathing the air, touching , tasting, seeing, all of that is a one time thing. i dont care what other people say, humans like all animals even like bugs die, and they do not come back. you are probably depressed but think, you live life once, so are things so bad that you'd rather have nothing at all?

Life is constantly moving, things will never stay the best or the worst, when things seem like they cant get any worse, chances are life will start seeming better, and when things are the best dont expect it to stay that way, its just the way life is...

what ever you do , just remember. you live life once..

Anonymous said...

you are so beautifull cand i have sex with you and then eu can die ?pls?
waiting for an answer

Unknown said...

attention seeking loser.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tania ^^

Recently I've been reading your 90 day suicide blog. Despite my wishful thinking that this isn't true, I do support you on your quest. This may sound weird, but when I read your blog two things come to mind. First is a song called Life Is Beautiful by SIXX:A.M. The second thing is a T.V series called Six Feet Under. I think you'd get a kick out of the series at least. ^^ Perhaps the last 55 days, you'll be able to watch it. Anyways, if you are able to talk sometime email me at

Anonymous said...

Hey Tania!

Why not become a bum instead?!!! huh? Go homeless for a spell. See how it is. What a rush that would be!

sonicwind said...

Well, this looks like some kind of publicity stunt to me. I'm not interesting in reading it all, but I scanned some and I never did see why you were killing yourself. Every human being has the right to make their on decisions about their life including whether to live at all. So if that's your decision, good luck, I hope it goes well and no one gets in your way. The reasons are important, though. You may not realize this, but humans are a combination of a physical and spiritual existence. You can only kill your body, and barring a significant spiritual ascension, a person dying will take up a new body as a baby. The impact of this is that whatever you are running away from this life, in terms of yourself, will go with you into the next. Sometimes it is better just to stick it out and work out your problems in your present situations. Sometimes, though, it is worthwhile to abandon a present situation and begin anew.

Anonymous said...

why dont u just hurry up and kill urself instead of trying to make people feel sorry for you, fucking fruitcake.
What makes you think people care about ur worthless life.
Ive had people in my family take there own life and ur trying to make out thats its stylish.
I hope u burn in hell