Thursday, March 6, 2008

61 days left...

Okay, I feel I owe a lot of readers an apology.

Many of you have sent me mails to tell me that I should cherish my life, that I shouldn't kill myself, that there's so much still to live for etc. etc. - and I haven't replied to most of them, so I hereby thank you all for your futile efforts to save a soul that's already long lost, and I apologize for neglecting you.

On that note though, I'd like to ask you all a serious question. All clichés aside, can anyone of you give me one valid (and my valid I mean "really good") reason to live? I dare you, mail me one reason that could potentially convince me, and I don't want to hear corny banter like "For your little sister," and sorts, cause that's just lame. My sister may be only a child, but just because of that she won't really mind much when I'm gone; she'll get over it as soon as she gets a new box of Lego. :p

And don't get me wrong, this question is merely out of curiosity, even if I get a hundred "good" reasons to stay alive, I will kill myself - my determination is unwavering and my resolve not negotiable. ;)

P.S.: I've also gotten a lot of mails from people asking if they could bang me one last time before I kill myself. Let's just say it may come to that; I've been playing with the idea of picking candidate(s) and it's possible that there may be some lucky readers before this is over (yeah, I know, that totally sounded like a cheap commercial, but still.)


Anonymous said...

Lot of people will tell you " don,t do that, think about your family. bla bla bla. This is bull shit, when you want to suicide yourself, family mean nothing.

I think the only reason why you should stay alive is yourself. Instead of suiciding yourself, why don,t you just go on a trip? Get some money and then just leave everything around go. Go around the world, and start to live for YOURSELF.

To resume, the only reason why you should stay alive is YOURSELF.

Sorry for my bad english btw, I'm a the little frenchy that sent you an e-mail that morning (In Québec =P ). I hope you'll write me back!

Anonymous said...

at least experince the world before you 'die' :]

Anonymous said...

Experience the world? Experience the life! You should come one day to Canada, especialy in winter. That will allow you to see some marvelous things, cause we got one the rudest winter in the world! When you take the time to look at it, you will see some marvelous things!

-Québec's frenchy

Anonymous said...

I believe that people get to this faze just because they are very superficial.
If you lack the ability to view the bigger picture (the picture is there right in front of you just step back a bit to see it all), or you do not see the forest because of all the trees in front of you then ... yes you will kill yourself. A great proof of the peoples ignorance and superficiality are those mails that Tania got: "please do not kill yourself", "cherish your life" etc.
WTF ?! you can all kill yourselves !
you have the means to obtain information and after you got the information use your brain and process it and if you are not able to think for yourself then ask for opinions, ask for help.
Inforamtion is the most expensive luxury in the world, find it, search for it!

Know what ? ...
I am going to entertain the ideea, I am going to be the bad man:
Tania kill yourself ! take your life, and never give back to the world, becasue it hasn't done anything good for you since you got to this place.
Have a close friend make some high resolution photos when you are dead and post them on some web site. OH .. and please do not be to dressed up, show some skin in your death, or even better, die naked. Show us the beautiful pale color of your dead body mixed with blood.
I swear i'll put the photo of your dead body as my wallpaper.
Try to make a mess... I like blood.

I really respect what you are doing :) (not the suicidal thing but the whole ideea behind it all).
You must read a lot of idiot mail, but there also must be some mails filled with hope.
Because you are going to "kill" yourself people try to think hard, or try to find a purpose to your life and project some of their valors onto you.
And without even knowing actually they are strengthening their own beliefs of what life is or what life could mean.

( I hope I make any sense ) :)

P.S. Someone that does not care about their own life then he/she also does not care about anybody else => do not apologise to people for neglecting them. Make your words colder, because there is too much warmth in them suicide girl.
You are doing a great job love :) please continue

Anonymous said...

hello hello
I just want to say, maybe you want to suicide your self because you have a mad team, you know athene, you are mad unnormal people, some times I do not understand this humor. Great photo .
I got one question - from what country you are?
Can you write "hello boy from Latvia" this is very import for me. I want to have just one talk with you so PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
sorry for my english

good luck

Anonymous said...

Personatly, I think that the guy who just told you to suicide yourself is totally wrong. It's not because life never gave you something that it will never give you something. I think that the only person who can help you and inform you is yourself.

-Québec's frenchy

Anonymous said...

id fuck ya

Robbie said...

THIS BLOG IS FAKE! READ THE 'Suicide isn't sexy' TAB ON THE MIDDLE RIGHT! How thick can you people get. If you take the fkn time to write like 500 word responses, why wouldn't you take the time to read the entire page?

BTW you people egging her on to kill herself are sick in the head. Why would you want another person to take their own life? For your enjoyment? You're bloody sick. Grow up and realize what's at stake, a person's life.

Tania, as I said in my email, either stop the blog or make it more obvious that the blog is fictional. It seems way too many people aren't realizing that fact. Personally I don't really see the point in writing a fictional suicide blog, but whatevs, it's your freedom of creativity, just better inform people that it's fake.


Robbie said...

and btw you people begging to sleep with her are pathetic. If she really was suicidal then feeling like all people want is to use her for her body wouldn't help the situation. Are you that selfish that you wouldn't even consider that before writing such comments?

Tenacious booey said...

WTF... i don't even know if all this suicidal stuff is real, but why bother killing yourself? I mean..when i feel low, i hate everything, but apparently you have this feeling all the time, ever tried changing friends? tried a new life style? try living with some comidians or sumthing, if you know what i mean.

to go out and for yourself is the lamest of lamest things i have ever heard, even I, who lives in one of the best countries in the world have heard of someone who lived alone and died or killed themselves.

YOU need to challenge yourself. A challenge where you will have to go looking by yourself and try finding the ultimate answer to everything you question, life or death. go, dare yourself to meet people from other cultures, for lights sake, try smoking some pot and run on the ice at the same time, or drink until you can't stand straight and do some wild running (not only running, you get tired:o. )

all i'm saying is that, if really are going to kill yourself, then be a man(girl in your shoes) and search for clues on how to escape your own, timed, death.

It's lame to just sit in your room waiting....waiting...LOOK! Even MORE waiting...

get up on your feet and OUT.

- the guy who LoL because he can and really don't care

Tenacious booey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

...because you can't see the future, no matter how hard you try to convince yourself (and us) you know nothing will happen.

Anonymous said...


dear Robbie !!!
I am the one that told her to kill herself, and I am the one that wrote the so called "500 words response".

Please note that in my message I talked about those that lack the ability to process information.

AND I believe that you are one of them.

I am going to quote some of my lines:

+I really respect what you are doing :) (not the suicidal thing but the whole ideea behind it all).+

please see exactly where my respect lies !! NOT in the suicide BUT !!! IN THE WHOLE ideea BEHIND IT !!!!!!!!!!
I was very aware about the 'Suicide isn't sexy' button when i wrote this.

+Because you are going to "kill" yourself people try...+

another line from my previous text.
PLEASE NOTE that the word kill is between " ". Another proof that I know what she is doing and I know about the 'Suicide isn't sexy'.

All I wanted to do is laugh at the people that are naive enough to believe this, because they lack that certain ability to process INFO (to see the forest).

NOW you did not believe her but you did believe me, even though I have let clear Ideeas of what my opinion is. and so you fall in the category of not being able to process information :)

A good advice so that this will never happen again: please read a text 5 times before you sumarize, and maybe then you will be able to extract the esence of a text.

Anonymous said...

I aggree with Quebec Frenchy ,

BTW im from quebec too

Tania ur such a extrenely talented girl , why dont you stop there and start a new life , i know its not simple , but with effort , it can be possible !


Anonymous said...

No one cares about this '15 minutes of fame whore' I, and many others cant wait to see you dead. You're an idiot. May time pass quickly.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Tania,

I was thinking about killing myself too, but I didn't really decide if I would do it or not.

I've been reading your blog for a long time now, and I recognize a lot of what you said.

And really, I asked myself the question, what reason is there to stay alive... None for me I think.
You gave me more strenght and I'm convinced that I should do it now.

Thank you and bye...

Anonymous said...

I hope you do save lifes, but I do not agree with the way you do it. Oh well. Good luck. Too bad you haven't replied to my email either.

Anonymous said...

OMG...just kill yourself already...

Anonymous said...

kill yourself !!
yes !!! please kill yourself
please please please please
if you want I could send you some photos of dead people to get you started.

IF you want I could kill you myself. There was this guy in Germany that killed and ate another man and they did not put him in jail because the man that was killed wrote a note saying that he will allow the other man to kill him.(and this note got him out of jail)

Actually they found themselves on the internet (just like I have found you here)

They met and they had sex for 3 days (homosexual sex because they were both men).
One of them cut his dick, coocked it and they both ate it at breakfast. After that he killed him and started to eat him little by little every day.

So if you want I could kill you, but you have to write this little note where you say that you give me the right to kill you.

You can choose any way of death because I will do it. Actually I would prefer to strangle you and to look as you gently turn pale and life leaves your eyes, but that is just me.

So if you're interested please contact me at


i'll create a new one:

Anonymous said...

hey tania ik weet dat je dit zult begrijpen want weet wie je bent :D jij bent politicus die verandering in het leven wilt je komt uit belgie maar serieus respect voor deze actie want denk dat je veel mensen die suicidal zijn nog is goed laten nadenken of het het echt waard is dat ze een einde aan hun leven willen maken ga zo door en stop er meer drama in ;) houd de lezers bezig
groetjes uit Holland

Anonymous said...

I don't think any of you fuck heads understand this. NONE of you have any fucking right to kill yourself, none whatsoever. I dont care if you say you can do what you want, hell no you CANT. When you kill yourself, you arnt hurting yourself(in your opinion, in mine you are) you are hurting your family and friends. Making them think they did something wrong, making the rest of their life miserable and they will be full of guilt. Now before any more ass holes post here think about what I just said first.

Anonymous said...

do not listen to him and do it.
Contact me and i'll make your death easy

Unknown said...

One reason to life, is trying to find the reason to life. As simple as that. Maybe one beatiful day you´ll have a reason. Who knows? Just don´t kill that chance of finding a reason.

Thats my reason of living^^

Tenacious booey said...

alot of people says it's selfish and stupid cuz you hurt people around you who and loves you, but what if they actually WAS the ones who took her life, made her kill herself.
people handle tihngs in different ways, maybe her childhood was filled with stress and violence.

this is just an example, but a child who got raped by his/her father and feel horrible inside and ends up killing her/himself.....
wouldn't it sound stupid to tell the dead child: You Stupid Selfish fuck! what about me!

i don't know:/ it just sounds totally lame

Anonymous said...

great point of view there. Why sould she care about the people arround ? Fuk em

Anonymous said...

Why wait? Just do it now and get it over with. Geez. You kids have no conviction.

Anonymous said...

PLZ do a porn movie or lemme bang u!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Tania,
i have been reading your blog for a couple of days, i completely agree with the fact that this is a meaningless world and this blog has finally convinced me to actually kill myself. Thanks for the entertainment for my pre-death and ill see you wherever i go, have fun for 61 more days...

Anonymous said...

... your just a drama queen ... a trickster.. loving up all the attention this is bringing you... your a trickster, you go on about in your ip vids about youtube and companies and shit all tricking us to using their company.. your all the same maybe not for money but the gain of personal well being (happyness, comfort, ect ect) wont kill yourself

Anonymous said...

90 days is a bit much don't you think? This might have been a mildly entertaining experiment if it were just for one month don't you think?

Everyone knows you won't kill yourself.

This is, at best, a poor social experiment about reactions to suicidal behaviour and, at worst (and probably most likely), the emo whinings of a pissy little attention seeker who, in 61 days time, is going to...

Do. Nothing.

Anonymous said...

Joh, een goede reden om te blijven leven is om Wilders zijn film te zien en de gevolgen ervan, hmm, ofzo.

Maareuh, Tania, ik lees je ding dagelijks wel eens door, snap niet hoe je het allemaal opgesteld krijgt. Petje af.

Wel grappig hoeveel nerds je aggrod met deze actie, maar dat zal wel het extra lachertje zijn.

Afijn, 'k ga me nest opzoeken.

Ik zie morgen wel weer een post voorbij komen ofzo :)


Anonymous said...

Yeah I would definitely like to fuck you

Anonymous said...

Well, if you really are going to kill yourself - remember you are indebted to society to live, your mother didn't carry you around for 9 months to let you kill yourself while you're still young. Do you really want to reward her and your family with grief and show the world you're an ungrateful loser and get a darwin award?

You have to do something productive for society, or at least your family - however small it may be. If you think life is shit, then lower your expectations, once you find out what you really 'need', and get rid of many of your 'wants' life will immediately become better. In fact you have a lot to be grateful for already - you can setup a website, type on a keyboard, use the internet etc. be glad you weren't born as some deaf, dumb or blind retard with locked-in syndrome and a severe itchy rash...

Since you clearly can be a productive member of humanity, you are REQUIRED to stay alive, making other peoples lives better for as long as you can, and especially your own.

Anonymous said...

idn your damn sexy n it would be a shame to lose ya

Cthulthu said...

I live to enjoy life, and i enjoy life by spending time doing what i like most. I like to play computer games like Warcraft 3 and despite how repetitive the games might get, i love winning and i love learning how to play characters i'm not so good at, and discovering new aspects of the game which after nearly a year of playing, i still have not accomplished(I play DOTA Allstars).

I think what i'm trying to say with my own experience is that, you might think you're enjoying life or perhaps life has come to offer everything it can, and there cannot be much more to live for, but unless your immortal, you cannot truly know what life has too fully offer.

No human can enjoy every aspect of life and i think for that reason, every human should cherish the chance they have been given to enjoy as much of what life has to offer, until there time naturally comes and suicide is a way of degrading the gift of life.

I do not believe one bit in the authenticity of your motives. The Athene group all act and i think this is the same. I only commented because i wanted to think about life and put my thoughts into words.
Ty for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

You should come over and fuck me first.

Anonymous said...

one good's kind of difficult to think up a great one...well here goes:
when i was younger i decided i wanted to die before i broke the age of 90. i never wanted to be considered and old geezer, so 89 was the limit on that. but now i realize how awesome it's going to be when i'm old.
i'll either be completely crazy, but if im not i can pretend i am and do all sorts of shit just for fun. ill be actively involved in a conversation which i dont know the topic of. i won't have to work, and i'll (hopefully) have some money saved up so i can travel/buy random crap. i'll be able to torment my kids by forcing them to take care of me and by spoiling my grandkids. i get to piss people off with my bad driving. i get to criticize the generations below me, cause obviously my taste in music is way better than theirs. im looking forward to a good long life before i get old, but it's gonna be fun when i do.

in conclusion:stay alive cause u get to live a fun life, then get old and enjoy yourself. plus it'd be a crying shame for u to go and kill urself. (but itd be weird if, after all this buildup, u didnt)

Anonymous said...

go right fucking ahead and off yourself, meanwhile I'm over here fighting for my fucking life with cancer at 25 and your winning about killing yourself, go ahead and do it!

Anonymous said...

I hope you kill yourself. Your a fucking retarded person for posting a website on this really who gives a flying fuck if you do so. Your just want attention and its fucking stupid that you want that much attention. And really why would you post this if you want to kill yourself don’t you think someone "smart" would show someone and have you locked up. This is probably just a way for you to get attention and your not really going to do it. And hell if you are go ahead and record it and someone post it all of use to see.

Unknown said...

Don't forget the coins for the Fairyman...
Im going to preach to the choir. you seem to have your path all layed out. I wish you the best, if there even is a after life.

imipak said...

Hi, you can put me on the list of people who'd love to do you before you do yourself in - - and no, I don't think that's morbid because there's not the remotest chance I'd "win", even if such a contest took place (and you notice she never said it would).

Those who argue it is real or fake are being naive. There's only one person who could know and only one point in time they could know it. People do suicide, talk themselves into it, inadvertently kill themselves when faking a suicide. Just about as many who have really come close never go that last step or mess up in the attempt and live.

Does Tania need people to tell her what to do, how to think, etc? Whether they are agreeing with her or disagreeing, they're manipulating and they're controlling.

Do I think Tania should(n't) kill herself? In many ways, it's none of my business. If it were to be, then would it be from an ethical standpoint ("the brotherhood of man"), or from a social standpoint (society is chaotic, chaos theory states no change is so small it cannot have a huge impact)? Or a mix of the two?

Do I think she should blog about this? Well, it makes an interesting social experiment. I imagine (again, whether it's real or not) that sociologists and psychologists are rabidly making notes on people's reactions.

As lonelygirl15 demonstrated, it's no longer possible to be sure who even exists. Can an unreal person meaningfully self-harm? There again, since the reality we know is necessarily what the majority consent to call real, maybe a person can both objectively exist but subjectively not.

(This is why there are very few sane quantum physicists.)

As far as the issue of suicide is concerned, like I said, no change is so small that it can't have a huge effect - but that's only showing there's no limits, it's not an inevitability. Anything can happen, but it might not. You don't know and you can't know.

Therefore, suicide cannot be used to avoid something or to attain something. The action may prevent the goal. Equally, the goal might happen anyway, whatever you do.

Most who do go down that path, though, don't talk about it in advance and certainly don't schedule it in their dayplanners. Most have a chronic physical or mental illness that makes swiss cheese of all logic. The event is spontaneous.

There are those who feelsurvivor guilt, who feel like they should have known. Well, yes, they should. Mental and physical illnesses are, in many ways, invisible, but people often go out of their way to pretend that they don't exist.

Sometimes, illnesses "help" people for a while. Britney Spears has done well off her manic depression. If she isn't treated each day, every day, for the rest of her life, it'll kill her. But because it "helped", people like to think of it as not a deadly condition, but as something frivolous.

I bet each and every person reading this blog knows of several untreated people who really are likely to kill themselves if they don't get help. I'll guess it's about one in every ten or fifteen. What you really care about is measured by what you do for them.

Anonymous said...

man, u r very beautiful!

Anonymous said...

One good reason not to kill yourself - because if you choose to end your life you also end your ability to make a change to the world. Sure you might think that by ending your life you don't have to worry about the troubles of the world anymore, but there is one downside to this, yeah you'll make a impact for a short time, but honestly, people would much rather remember someone who overcame life's challenges and did something big in the world rather than trying to drum up attention by ending themselves. You only get one chance to influence the world around you, and it's a shame to see someone throw it away because they feel by offing themselves they are going to cause more of a influence then by taking a chance on life. Suicide is just a selfish way of getting out of being responsible and actually living and making a difference rather than existing.

Anonymous said...

There is no absolute reason to live. Friends, talents, social responsibility--none of these things have to matter, although for most people they do. Tania hasn't given any particular reason for dying either, other than life being kind of pointless. So, is not having a compelling reason to live a good enough reason to die? I think not.

If you die, then it's over. There's no coming back. But if you just let things be, tomorrow or ten years down the road, you might find a reason to live or die. And you can decide then. There's no reason you have to decide now. But wait...

Of course, Tania does have a sort of "reason" to die. She promised her readers she would.

Well, don't worry about that Tania. If at the end of 90 days you break your promise, I'll forgive you. ;)

But how does this help someone else who actually has a reason to die and not enough reason to live? I once wanted to die. I felt that way for a long time. And now I don't feel that way anymore. How I got through that doesn't necessarily apply to everyone else who might be considering suicide, because everyone's situation is different.

I can't promise things will get better, because they might not. What I can say is that no matter how bad things may seem, change happens. You can't expect it. You can't even hope for it. But you can work toward it.

Think about what's wrong with life now. Then imagine a life you would like. Identify the differences in those lives. Think about what you would have to do to get the good life. Divide that process up into little steps you can accomplish one at a time.

You can approach this methodically. Let's say you're a social outcast. Identify what's different about you that makes people shun you. Are you willing to change that? If not, can you find a group (or individual) that suits you better? (There are always other outcasts) Or can you find value in being alone? Figure out what it is about people that makes them important to you, if anything. Think about how you will make those things part of your life. Let's say you don't fit in with anyone anywhere, and you don't want to change to be like anyone else. Well, maybe you can learn to appreciate those qualities you don't want to change, and love your own company.

John Patrick said...

Dearest Tania,
There are lots of valid reasons for you to stay alive. But if you have already made up your mind, then you will not be able to hear any of them. Too bad you have such a closed mind.

About banging you before you go ... Sorry, I am not interested.

You are very beautiful and sexy. But I only want to bang people who want to stay alive. For me the best part of sex is the relationship that can happen afterwards. If I can't have that relationship, the sex will feel hollow.

- John

Anonymous said...

i love you dont die, i am big croatian male and know how to fuck good. you and me babt think about it!

email me

Anonymous said...

Frist to do that u MUST speak with your family and try to get a solution
Kiss 18 from italy

Anonymous said...

robbie is correct. this is the most retarded thing i've ever read, although its great entertainment. much better than playing wow.

fucking shit is so useless.

oh yeah, and if any of you have attempted suicide around there, you start to understand the pressures that you go through during the time, NONE of these are showing through.

immature little girls deserve to be locked away.

Anonymous said...

you're fascinating.. move here, get a job as a writer, and live with me. then you'll have plenty reason to stay alive. you've got talent kid. not bad on the eyes either.

Anonymous said...

make a sex tape

Anonymous said...

do whatever the fuck u wanna do, its ure life :)


Anonymous said...

Does it not bother you that by killing yourself you are giving up? It's like saying: "I suck at life, i can't do it because it is too hard for me, boo-hoo, I quit!"

I know it would really bother me anyway, having to know that I left behind me a world that thinks of me as a quitter. The shame...

I realize that family and friends are not reasons good enough for anyone suicidal, not to go through with it. If you are to have any hope of finding meaning in your life, you're going to have to find it by yourself and for yourself. Be selfish in life, NOT in death!

I think the reason somebody would want to kill themselves is that they already feel dead. They should then look for ways to feel alive. Find love in the companionship of people or animals. Help the needy. Travel the world, experience art, music, food, nature. If you just decide to try, you will eventually find something worth living for.

But don't be a quitter! Show the world that has done you wrong that you are the bigger man and rise above it! Just say: "fuck you world, I'm gonna squeeze every drop of fun and experiences out of you as long as I'm still here for you to kick me in the nuts!"

Walk against the current!

Anonymous said...

why not you just kill yourself today.

please do it

Anonymous said...

Your parents did a poor job.
And just for the fact that you post stuff like this online shows me a waste of mentality. BUT I have to give kudos to you as your online experiment has got a reaction out of me so therefore in your world you won. lol

Anonymous said...

why do i always find myself coming back to your page 3-4 times a day? you've got some strange "girl in distress" attraction to you sweetheart. but if you're so sad, why are you so smiley and love pictures of yourself? apparently you like yourself alot.

ryan again

Anonymous said...

Don't kill yourself becuz i love you!!

Anonymous said...

If you're going to die anyways, couldn't you make it worth my while?

You said you want to experiment, I've got another friend here too. ;)

We could play autopsy.

Anonymous said...

I want you inside me...

Anonymous said...


Whatever pain you feel you need to kill by killing yourself will live on within you after death. The only way to kill what makes you want to die is to live and fight it. Because nothing is stronger than the human spirit.

Are you a quiter? Are you not woman enough to face life and all the harships and losers in it to prove that you are worth every inch of who you are?

I have a dare for you. If you're going to die no matter what, then you have nothing to lose, right?

My dare is, come to California and face me with your reasons. Open your mind and listen, and I'll give you more than one good reason to live.

Go ahead, be a quiter or be a winner. You have the power in you to do whatever you want, if you want it bad enough. And wanting to die isn't showing strength as you might want people to believe. There is nothing easier than giving up.

Then again, this is probably just a stunt; a publicity trick for who knows what.

If it's not, get your ass on a plane and face me with your excuses for wanting to die.

It's your life. No one else has to live it or kill it but you. And that's as real as it gets.

"The only dreams that can't come true, are the one's that are given up by you." -Tripp

Anonymous said...

imagine if everyone would think like you.. "fuck it I'll kill myself", then there wouldn't be any humans. Your existence though it seems small is a link in a big chain, if all the links fail, there is no chain.

Why don't you give use a good solid reason to kill yourself? Why all this commotion about you killing yourself? Publicity stunt? Need for attention?

After all this is your decision, this is of course YOUR life and it's yours what to do with it. It's also your decision to life and enjoy life (in some other ways that fulfill your needs).

So in the end, do what you want to do, Live or die it's yours to decide. But in my own selfishness I want you to live, and it's not because I care about you (couldn't care because I don't know you).

Have a nice last days of the rest of your life or have a nice day in the first days of your new life.


Anonymous said...

Suicide isn't sexy.

That's your reason!


Anonymous said...

music =D

Anonymous said...

Hi Lady,

Nice photo, want one good reason?

The possibility of experiment.

Another one?

The 15 days non-stop party if we would met

Sorry, I think your mail inbox is full, but you can writte me if you want :P

Suicide song 4 today:

- Korn

Yall want a single

Sincerely Yours,

40.001 Admirer,


RMS said...

So....You honestly think your sister won't miss you?
Well...That's what my brother thought, and he was literally dead wrong.
I know something must have happened to you to make you feel this way. And it's not because you think your life has no meaning. Please. And even if you think your family won't miss you, your OTHER family would. The online community would. So you won't get any recognition except as you just being some girl who killed herself. How pathetic.
To think I take time trying to stop or forward the inevitable when I could be deleting racist off of YouTube.

RMS said...

It isn't fair to waste what other wish they had...

Anonymous said...

If you're going to kill yourself because you can't seem to find out the meaning of life - Believe me, you wont make any extra progress if you're dead.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think if you determine to do so.. no one will stop you. but, at least before you take off from this life just make sure your sister has someone to take care of her after you gone.

I think, you will only realize the value of life when you go.

Anonymous said...

you should not kill yourself because it is sick in mi town alot of people have hung thmselvs and nobody deserved 2 go throo the greif but if your going to kil utself thn you are selfish and only think about yourself
im 14 and i stumble into your blog at least be careful who sees this i dont want anybodyy else in my town to kill thmselvs im evencrying thinkin abowt tha pain it has caused us all
frm bethan

Anonymous said...

Because its fucking weak to kill yourself. I understand that you're fed up with the trivial aspects of life, but FUCK THAT. Your life is as good as you choose to make it and you're just being beaten by life! Be tough and make a better life for yourself. There is a lot of amazing shit in the world and I bet that you have only seen a VERY small percentage of that. Stay alive to travel into outer space. Dying can wait.

Anonymous said...

Love Love Love all we need is Love!! ;-)

re`birth :a return to importance!

Anonymous said...

i really dont know why people are posesed enof too kill deenselves but i now sum1 like u shouldn't u got so much potential in life, kick start ur ego. throttle ur passions. basically ur wasteing 3 moths talking about killing ur self. then at 3 months and 1 day u kill yourself? and the posts about the gays holy fuck ! shti your beautiful, have sex several times, play in a hardcore porno. work the corners, skydive, join the marines hell i dunno juss don tkill urself, espicially dont talk about it juss to get attention....

Anonymous said...

If you want to kill yourself then the only person that can convince you otherwise is you. Not anyone here giving you reasons not to. I t is sad you have set a date for this rather than wait for God to take you but that is your right as it is your life to choose with. If you feel the future holds nothing for you I think you have a very limited view of the world.

best of luck


Anonymous said...

Because once you are gone you will be forgotten, or maybe the thought that you won't be able to see the effects of your death.
What if you do, and you see it wasn't as great as you thought it would be?

Anonymous said...

There isn't a good reason to keep on living.. If you gave up you're already lost..

Anonymous said...

a suicide cult is started. do you have any idea that there are demons bouncing around? my brother is posessed by the devil and I speak toJesus because of it. I am ELIJAH, and I can prove it. look at the pics I get that Jesus sends me. this is the work of a bunch of demons fucking you guys intot he ground. theyre starting a suicide cult. please look at the pictures at the email addy
P; falseprophet
he made a lot of people committ suicide by using mind control. he channels very bad spirits, because I talk to Jesus. LOOK at the fucking pictures man, and rethink what these fukkers are trying to do PLEASE!!!


Anonymous said...

DO NOT do this, this is a SATANIC attack!!! The devil is fucking you, please dont let this happen. I KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!!
Please look at the pictures, and you will know who sent me to you to try and stop this thing from escalating. Look at these pictures!!!

I speak To the Christ, thats who sent me to you!!!

go to google...
P; falseprophet

this thing could escalate into something very nasty, I know why...


Def_poet6 said...

I know you're not going to kill yourself? How do I know you're not going to kill yourself? Well, this has already been done... Type "90 day Jane epic-fu" in youtube or google. ....It was just a project... But I'll go with the game... I'd say, "Don't kill yourself, 'cause you haven't met me yet."

WiredMonkey115 said...

Thats a question i cant answer bc well hell i dont even know you...wat about your closet friends? Why not look them in the face and ask them... "Give me one good reason..." and see what they say it dosent matter to you wat we think, but it might matter what your friends think.....but you have to find a friend....this might sound bad but, a true friend who wont try anything and will sit and and take in all that you have to say about the 90 days and tell you what he/she thinks

Anonymous said...

I can see why you would want to commit suicide, and its an understandable reason. Please hear me out, you look very young and have no great reason to end your life. People love you and bow down to you for goodness sake. Sure, the family idea is bullshit, and a terrible reason to tell you not to, but dying young is not worth it. PLEASE RECONSIDER!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to laugh if you kill yourself, I think you would too.

Sert : Archimonde

Anonymous said...

Hey i have a great idea! In fact i have two great ideas! We can have sex straight on for days without eating or drinking anything until we die. Or you can try killing yourself be suffocating with my dick down your troath!
Think about it! Let me know!

Best Regards

Greets from Portugal!

Anonymous said...

Killing yourself is sort of a waste of time. Death is just an illusion anyway and you're only going to have to come back and learn the exact same lesson over again so why bother offing yourself? You might as well learn your lesson now. Of course if you just love the attention you get from announcing to millions that you're going to kill yourself, and that's the most important thing or whatever I don't think anything else can compete with that.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering what your real reason is, is it because you have nothing to live for or what? I've been on the time of my life where I felt like you do at the moment, there is nothing to live for and your life just seems like a nothing and you just wish you could end it.

That time came for me as I lost the most precious person in my life, my one and only soulmate. I felt so terrible and blamed myself so much I almost went and killed myself but then after a while as I was about to do it I asked myself if it was worth it... was it worth all the pain to the people around me? Even if I lost someone and the pain is huge and I even feel like dying because it hurts to much why would I put other people into that pain?

If I were you I'd ask you to reconsider you got your whole life infront of you, even if life seems dull and that there is no future live on and hope to find your soulmate cause trust me when you find him (and a pretty girl like you most likely will) your life will feel better than ever and you'll thank yourself for reconsidering.

It's hard to provide a good reason over the internet... would of been a lot easier with an arguement and more facts on what's making you think like this, that way it would be easier to convice. Anyways if you decide to leave this planet then I wish you luck but remember that a lot of people will be hurt by your actions.

Cheerish life and appriciated the people around you and everything should be fine.


Anonymous said...

To all you guys and gals think of offing yourself - living is better than dying. - And this site makes no sense and is pretty hypocritical. (the parody isn't obvious enough)

Anonymous said...

to avoid nonexistance just try to think about it the idea..of not existing just black or would it even have a color wait how could you tell if you dont exist. heaven,hell if these thing have meaning to you then youre just beleving out of pure faith how can you prove something when youre already dead so you can beleve those things it wouldnt even matter being dead is already being dead you cant change it there is almost no reason to live except to enjoy worldy pleasures a human is like a fruit that has fallen off a tree and is there till it rots would another individual know that fruit has rotted?and if so would he care ,acknoledge his existance maybe to you it looks like some people care but as they say youre a grain in the sand to most people and to people who responded a shiny grain :D youre mind is set and i hope people can respect that and in my opinion i say live because(>> after writing all that)you can make life what you want it to be and if doesnt go so well the at least we have the choice to end it :)

Anonymous said...

Good reason: Death could be fucking lamer than life. No one truly knows what death is but it could be a horrible reality every single person has to face at some point. Why not postpone death as much as you can by being really healthy, running once a day, eating nutritious foods to halt death and have everyone else die before you...including your enemies (hahaaaaaa fuckers). I'm not sure if you respond to these but if you do my e-mail is Oddeye3@ hotmail

Anonymous said...

Because... you'd never know what's gonna be there tomorrow, period. Therefore, you are not gonna "smaketh" it, and I could be wrong, and that was just me.
Beautiful, blatant, and yet, bitter. Oh,well- what could be more suit as for "the king", right?
Take care.

Deidara420 said...

Why the hell would you kill yourself?! Really... you have got the BEST body ive ever seen, Cutest face a great group of friends Practically famous! and well your very close to perfect! (but sadly noone is...) i have no idea why. heh look at me! im deaf in my left ear, short (5'1") retarted, a fuck up, dumb ass, sex addict (and still a virgin T.T...) Still a virgin, has not ONCE done a Single good thing worth ANYTHING in my life, poor, My father has been in jail for more then like half my life and out of that, ive only seen him like 30 times! my siblings hate me, my baby brother is dead, and well frankly my life sucks! but i Try and make it work.
Just TRY and make it better, Okay?
For me?

thank you.

But seriously, PLEASE (im actually On the floor on my knees typing this right now) and just please dont do it! i am BEGGING You! (Begging: Something i havn't done in a loooong time since like 5 years ago when i wanted a gundam model. lol)

(but really tho, i dont think you'r going to do it.)

By: Deidara420 (google it for all my accounts!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on unwavering determination and resolve in pulling a giant attention stunt, you worthless piece of scum. I know it takes a lot of hard work to kill yourself when you're luckier than millions of other people who are crippled or in pain and who still live and enjoy life, but hey, you should stick around and maybe rub it in their faces some more.

Be loud and proud in your message of my life is worthless and I'm throwing it away for an utterly stupid reason(s). Or suddenly change your mind at the end of 90 days *Gasp*! After Lonelygirl15, who would have seen that coming?

Seriously though, if simply being alive for a lifespan and having a biologically natural death isn't a good enough reason to live, then you should either kill yourself, or die of cancer after you tell everyone you changed your mind. You make me sick.

Unknown said...

I'm glad I'll never meet you. You come across as a very dull girl who is not half as clever as she thinks she is. Your musings are lightweight and banal. Killing yourself is not interesting at all, living your life is.

miket1m said...

Picture this, you are on fire, your whole body is engulfed in flames. Bet that would hurt a little wouldn't it? Now picture this, you can't die. All you can do is scream in agonizing, torturous pain. And the crazy thing, you do this for eternity! How long is eternity? Your on fire, screaming in pain and you can't die! Forever! Thats what will happen to you if you kill yourself moran!

miket1m said...

Picture this, your in a dark, hot cell with stone walls. you can see very little. Its so hot you can't breath. Your gasping for air and you feel like your going to die, but you can't die. So your sitting gasping like your breathing through a straw. Try that sometime. You hear a growling noise. Something is in the cell with you, something very big, ugly and ferocious. Its about 8ft tall. It has long sharp teeth and long claws. Its pacing the cell staring at you with a hatred so strong you can feel it. It wants to rip you to pieces. You can feel its rancid breath. Suddenly it attacks you. It digs into your side with one claw and tears your chest wide open with the other and throws you against the wall. As you hit the wall you can hear and feel bones breaking. You try to scream but you can't breath. Your in horrible pain and with all the strength you can muster you find a way out of that cell and you crawl out. Your now in a pitch black, hot wasteland and off in the distance you can hear people screaming and you see a lake on fire and people tossing around in the lake screaming and begging for mercy and just like you,they can't die. Suddenly you feel this large, ugly creature grab and rip the meat off the back of one of your legs as he drags you back to that dark unbearably hot wet cell. The pain is unbearable. You gasp for air and you heart is banging in your ripped open chest with fear and you just want this all to end. But you cant die and this will go on forever! This is what will happen to you if purposly take your own life.

Anonymous said...

good reason ??? fuck no go write ahead i dare you to do it! especially that your dick friend has or did abuse you might do the trick. everytime i see that face i just want to snape is neck just for the fun of it. I beleive that your just writing thos to get notice and to make a point. but if i'm wrong well sorry to hear about it. Just to think i was bad in many ways than i lol. if you think you life is bad or your not up to the challenge well fuck you and you desserve it , for me life is a pain and every day is the same lame shit going on, but i go truth it everytime and i try to keep my head above water so for me ifyou need to do this i can't or will not try to stop you because it's not my choice, but if you need to talk about it about a guy that seen and came back from what your about to do, wellcome talk with me alone not with your sidekick there just you

Anonymous said...

Because life gets better.

Anonymous said...

Tania Kinda looks like the female counterpart of Christian Bale. She has no upper lip, but she is really pretty. Oh, and there is no good reason to not kill yourself. It means nothing to do it or not do it. Its a (hard) deterministic world. Also, I dont see how this blog here is saving any lives. I think young, stupid girls are more likely to kill themselves if they think this really hot chick, who seems really cool because she's hot and troubled, will do it. But she cant be that stupid. Of course she know this! Thats why she will eventually reveal how she changed her mind before the day arrives, which will equally convince those impressioned young fools. Id be damned if I'm conviced and encouraged to not kill myself because some sucide bloggin protestor fooled me into changing my mind. If a douchebag like athene can get a girl like that, then i need to visit Belgium!

Anonymous said...

P.S. I Think all those who think a good reason not to kill yourself is to avoid eternal damnation, ought to kill themselves..... and not wait 90 days!

Anonymous said...

Crazymanx aka MasterMark.
Such a beautiful girl. I've watched some of your vids on youtube and I
think wow she is hot and I see
you smile and I thought yea she is gonna be famous one day. I don't understand really why you want to kill yourself.
And just maybe there is no purpose in life, but if you linger for a while longer in this world, you might discover something a value in it. Like for instance, your good at posing pictures why not become a model?
If that wont do then do something that makes you happy.
Sex isn't it satisfying?

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I just came across this site.

I can't give you a good reason why you shouldn't kill yourself.

My only question is why the theatrics? If life is so painful for you, why dont you kill yourself now and get it over with?

I suppose the answer to that is "I've given myself a reason to go on and do this blog"... if you can give yourself a reason to go on and do a blog, then you can give yourself a reason to go on and keep living.

You dont need anyone's validation but your own.

But if you cant come to that kind of sense, then just get it over with now and we can spare the world by getting rid of one more emo

Your choice

- M

Anonymous said...

i mean , i would love to bang u but its kinda out of the question rite now .... i dont know if yr "suicidal intentions" are real but there are much more better things to do in life then die .... imagine life after death, do u think its any more exciting then the life you hav rite now? Roaming around doing nothing for the rest of eternity. when u could hav at loeast enjoyed yr life. just really try imagining that, life after death. i'm not being a loser or anything but it is said that taking your own life is a sin; a really grave one. it says u will burn in hell for eternity yada... yada....

That would suck if u did commit suicide but u end up burning for eternity in hell. HEY,for all u disbelievers.. if god isnt real that how are ghosts? all these things you hear or see about ghosts, all revolve god.....

if u think burning in hell is better that your life rite now then go ahead... you must be some nutjob. i would understand if you were like severly obease. but you look so gorgeous.

yea athene is kinda a nut too. idc wat u think .. go on a trip to korea.. or something ... hope this helps and is not bullshit to u

Anonymous said...

I know this is a fake and all that crap but I want to say something. If you can't find a reason to live...then try to find a reason to die...its life sucks arguments are not enough..

Piper said...

A reason why you shouldn't kill yourself...

You'll never know what tomorrow will bring, if you leave today.


Kane said...

You are just a spoyled young bratt who craves for attention in all the wrong ways. There are people out there who suffer from deseases far greater than stupidity and they struggle to live on and have a normal life etc... etc... Frankly... for all I care, you could do it today! But prease... and I seriousley beg you... please STOP this shit with your "online suicide" it really is lame. If you want compassion... go to an AA meeting or something. Anyway do as you please, cause from what i`ve seen... and I quote "You can't fix STUPID"
P.S. Forgive me for being this sincere but... this is the type of reaction a normal human would have!

Anonymous said...

we all gotta die one day, problem is ppl want to die normally and boringly instead of living un-healthy using up ur body to its full potential.

I say u got some time left so why dont we just go a little crazy like seal says. Travel all over the world, break some laws, run from some police, spend some time in jail, get drunk, go party with some freaks, etc.

Oh and one more thing...whos to say when u die u wont just get an EVEN worse life :P so might aswell make the most of this one even if that is 30days or so :P If u decide u wanna go a little crazy maybe get a nice 100,000$ loan from a loan shark and drive a ferrari @ 300kmh let me know :P

Anonymous said...

this is disturbing...

colt59 said...

Ive got the best reason not to kill yourself. It takes to much effort and thinking to kill yourself. Proof:You have started reminissing and thinking about your family and became depressed.If you really think life is a waste,just be indifferent and let yourself die of old age, or ask someone to kill you when you dont know its coming. That way you can not think about all the crap that yopu will leave behind. And second,if you do kill yourself,which i really dont care if you do because I am indifferent,I would like to be one of the canidates to have sex with you,if you dont choose me I dont care because I am indifferent,which you are not.

colt59 said...

Ive got the best reason not to kill yourself. It takes to much effort and thinking to kill yourself. Proof:You have started reminissing and thinking about your family and became depressed.If you really think life is a waste,just be indifferent and let yourself die of old age, or ask someone to kill you when you dont know its coming. That way you can not think about all the crap that yopu will leave behind. And second,if you do kill yourself,which i really dont care if you do because I am indifferent,I would like to be one of the canidates to have sex with you,if you dont choose me I dont care because I am indifferent,which you are not.

Unknown said...

90 Day your comment

Anonymous said...

Why are you people @ NEE making her out to be a slut? People that are really going to kill themselves don't act like this.. they're too depressed. NEE, I don't think you're helping anyone! I think you're putting the idea in kids heads that may stumble on this site and believe it's real! You need to stop this stupid site before you do kill someone!

Anonymous said...

Well, you probably won't listen to me, but I'd stay alive just to have sex sex sex. Plus you can bang me sometime. Your choice whether you can take me serious on that last lin!

Unknown said...

Because taking your life means you spend eternity in hell, regardless of anything else you've done in your life. Do what you've got to do, but I chose to be miserable on earth so I could be in paradise when I die.

Anonymous said...

Horny Bastards..the nerve of some guys(hell maybe some girls too:D)

i have the best reason why not to kill ur self and here it is: why kill ur self when u can make passionate love to me..i promise you, you will want seconds :D
naw but all seriousness i want to know why u really want to kill ur kinda in that situtation as well and want to get a secondd opinion

Anonymous said...

You should stay with me in this World just a little while longer - the rest of your natural life - so you can watch and read my future posts, because you in your own future might not share you in your views and opinions of today, and because I have not had a chance to meet you in person as yet. Remember, geological time, or Earth time, or universal time, makes our lifetimes mere eyeblinks as it is. Your entire lifetime is already envisioned in the mind of God, even before you were born. Learn to respect that, Tania, and you will have the beginnings of wisdom.

Anonymous said...

you'll give your dead body to some necrophilies..! i even could join them myself then.. ohyeah!

Anonymous said...

you say that you want to die. well kill yourself for sure. no issues. but i ask you what is the reason for committing suicide.
you are young attractive you must have some talent. you are definitely brave to think about ending your life. so try adventure for once. take a trip in the wilderness. live naked. express yourself...... maybe views change

Anonymous said...

I doubt that anybody will read down this far...Whatever.

I've been thinking about that same question lately. When You think that you want to kill yourself, all that feel good speech is nonsense!

I'm not a beautiful white woman so NOBODY is offering me sex. I'm not even a white man.

I'm a poor black man in ameriKKKa. Obama became president and I'm still old dumb and poor. Good for him but it means little to me. No reason to live anymore. I've seen it. Unless aliens come and whisk me away to a new universe there's nothing left.

I keep trying, I went to college, it did no good so I went AGAIN! Still I'm under-employed and poor. All I can see is trying college yet again. Didn't Einstein say that's the definition of insanity?

Doors get slammed in my face everytime I try. I'm tired.

I used to think I was going to set the world ablaze. I knew I was starting from a deficit but I was tough, strong and determined not to let "them" beat me.

Now I'm old and weak. I don't have much strength left to fight anymore and "they" won.

If anybody DID love me would they be so selfish as to want me to keep struggling through each day?

Anonymous said...

You won't commit suicide. give me one valid reason to kill yourself (and when I say valid I don't mean "really good", nor do I mean logically valid, what I mean is a "really, really good" reason). You give me one, and I'll give you 90 reasons in opposition to your reason.

RecOzX said...


GrYmEXx. said...

Because you beautiful girl with beautiful boobs :D and beautiful eyes. But the horde is better Write sometimes my icq :D
must live for WoW