Friday, February 22, 2008

I went to see Sweeney Todd today with a couple of close friends.

It was a pretty good movie, all in all, and I can't help but love Depp's character in it. The only downside is that I don't have anything else to watch in theaters now, since everything else kind of sucks. The only other movie I was looking forward to was The Dark Knight, the absolutely orgasm-tacular looking sequal to Batman Begins (even if just because I'm a complete fangirl of The Joker.)

Needless to say it broke my heart when I found out that the movie's release date was July 18, which is quite some time after I will be dead and buried. Stubborn as I am, I will for nothing or no one change my date of death, so I decided to change the date of the movie's release. I have spent my day today trying to contact Warner Bros. per e-mail and telephone, I've tried contacting the agents of Christopher Nolan (director and producer), Emma Thomas (producer) and even Aaron Eeckhart (who plays Harvey in the movie) to beg for an earlier release date.

Everyone I got on the phone or reached per e-mail I explained my story to, told them that I was going to end myself in 74 days and that seeing that even some convicted criminals get a last wish before their execution, I thought it only fair that they would change their release date for me to still be able to watch the movie; since I'd really, really like to see it before I died.

Two of the people I got through to thought it was a joke, the other threatened to call the police and the last just very politely declined. But this is far from over. I just got a partial credits list of TDK from a journalist, it's a list of everyone who is involved with the production and distribution of the movie; and I'm going to start contacting them all tomorrow.

The Dark Knight will be released before my death, I will see to that!

July 18? Over my dead body.


Anonymous said...

LOL even in pretend suicide you have a beautifully morbid sense of humor

Anonymous said...

OMG, you're so beautiful, please don't kill yourself. Let's make wild passionate love and if that don't change your mind then I'll join you. contact me at

LOL serious.

Anonymous said...

wow...what a loser

Anonymous said...

Please say hello to Heath Ledger for me!

Anonymous said...

If you want to die without pain, use CO; you will fall asleep and die pleasently, even your body will have a good look( maybe some discolouration). Other suicide forms inflict pain.

Anonymous said...

une personne suicidaire connaît une douleur si intense qu’elle n’entrevoit tout simplement aucune autre option. Elle a l’impression d’être un fardeau pour les autres et perçoit la mort, dans son désespoir, comme une manière d’échapper à une douleur et à une angoisse écrasantes. Le suicidaire se sent étranglé, rejeté, désespéré et il se déteste.
Tu es comme ca toi ?

Anonymous said...

A suicidal individual experiencing pain so intense that she does simply is no other option. She had the impression of being a burden to others and sees death, in his despair, as a way to escape pain and anguish overwhelming. The suicidal feel strangled, rejected, desperate and he hates.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it...under the suicide isn't sexy link it says this side is a anti-'suicide culture' campaign? However, the site is set up like a real 90 suicide blog? So wtf? How is this going to help anyone thinking about killing themselves? I do not see the logic?

Anonymous said...

Have fun in hell you idiot. Suicide is the dumbest thing I've heard anyone do. No ones life is fucking perfect. Everyone eats shit at some point in there life, some more than others for my case but i don't give a shit. Suck it the fuck up because Hell is going to be a lot worse than sticking it out in the real world you retard.

Anonymous said...

nice to get rid of another stupid hoe.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with a comment posted earlier. This site claims to project an anti-suicide theme but doesn't appear to doing it very well :/ Personally I read a few entries over a few days before I noticed the 'suicide isn't sexy' tab and realized it was fake. I'm sure there are many others who haven't caught on that the blog isn't real, and for people that have I don't understand how it's meant to help them.

Anonymous said...

for the guy posting say suicidal people should "suck it the fuck up" etc, I really hope you never encounter anyone actually contemplating suicide, because you're extremely closed minded and ignorant. You would be the opposite of help.

Anonymous said...

Pretty weird idea to make a statement against suicide... but effective I believe.. I have always believed that the parents are to blame.. not the music.. not the suicide culture... Its the parents who bring kids into this world that they canot take care of.. Kinds grow up not knowing how to love. etc etc. Nice blog.. wil be postimg more on it.

Anonymous said...

Lady, you are really funny ;-)

That photo seems like an ad in your blog, but, what the hell if it's so funny... But...

I think it would not be an ad for me if you had just post the history with no photos, but now, I have to be suspicious :-/

It's Sad for me because I can't follow any kind of subliminal ads (on principle) so I will not see that probably really good Batman film :-(

I'm ready to see any other film with you in any case (maybe in the next 70 days?).

Sincerely Yours,

40.001 Admirer,


Anonymous said...

i love you.

Anonymous said...

I'm killing myself laughing with your post today :)

Mvision- The Venture Co EU

Firehorsepower said...

Nice one.
So you write you didn't have enough sex for your age. If you're interested, I'd gladly change that for a while. I'm guessing at least 5 years. 5 years I could stand being with you (and only you) I mean. You can make another countdown website for that after we've had our first sexual experience, place bets with the audience; Will he still be monogamous in 5 years? My guess is he would be. ;-)

Anyway, my mission is immortality, so there's time. Just be careful in traffic, stay alive. Hope to see you around for real someday. I'm in Amsterdam, so that shouldn't be too hard.. xx

Anonymous said...

i'm not the best guy to give advice, i may not know anything about your life, if its hard fot you or you only want to make an impression doing this... but let me tell u somenthing when u watch a man dying, i don't mean a nice death but one that is full of pain and suffering. when u watch someone u care for die in horrifing scream while u watch unable to do anything... there is nothing funny about death girl for it only brings even more suffering, and wishing for it while knowing nothing about it is a horrible thing. i hope u will reconsider this and close this damned blog, if not i'm happy to know i tried to give u a good advice, even though i failed.

Anonymous said...

i'm not the best guy to give advice, i may not know anything about your life, if its hard fot you or you only want to make an impression doing this... but let me tell u somenthing when u watch a man dying, i don't mean a nice death but one that is full of pain and suffering. when u watch someone u care for die in horrifing scream while u watch unable to do anything... there is nothing funny about death girl for it only brings even more suffering, and wishing for it while knowing nothing about it is a horrible thing. i hope u will reconsider this and close this damned blog, if not i'm happy to know i tried to give u a good advice, even though i failed.

Anonymous said...

i'm not the best guy to give advice, i may not know anything about your life, if its hard fot you or you only want to make an impression doing this... but let me tell u somenthing when u watch a man dying, i don't mean a nice death but one that is full of pain and suffering. when u watch someone u care for die in horrifing scream while u watch unable to do anything... there is nothing funny about death girl for it only brings even more suffering, and wishing for it while knowing anything about it is a horrible thing. i hope u will reconsider this and close this damned blog, if not i'm happy to know i tried to give u a good advice, even though i failed.

Anonymous said...

Domme aandachtzoekende gans, verhuis naar the states, daar kan je gratis alle dagen gepaald worden door 10"+ers, zodoende zal je toch nog wat voldoening hebben in je schizofrene leven.

Brittney said...

why would you ever think you are special enough for them to change the date just for you?

you have let all the people reading your blog go to your head.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl. Just wanted to say that you're really beautiful, and if i had that look i wouldn't ever THINK about even cut my nails wrong. DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE!! Think about the other ones who gets cancer and have to die, even thought all the want to do is live. It's selfish and really stupid so wake up and start living! Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I fell asleep reading this :( And yes, I woke back up to post this comment! Have a fabulous day!

Anonymous said...

This blog is informative on many levels. I'm not exactly sure if your being serious or not about the death thing , considering the fact that up until a few minutes ago , i just knew you as " Athene's girl" and whatnot.
But , Now you have just informed me that TDK comes out on my birthday July 18th. Which inspires me to want to watch it.
Thanks , lol. By the way , im still reading this blog. Good stuff if its fake. Terrible if its real.