Wednesday, February 20, 2008

76 days left...

You know that feeling you sometimes have when it seems that no one understands you?

That's the feeling I have today. It's the feeling I had yesterday, and it's the feeling I'll have tomorrow and every day thereafter until the awaited moment of my grand exit. No one understands me. Period.

With this statement goes, of course, an anecdote. I actually tried to take up an old hobby today, namely photography. I dusted off my old camera, injected it with a clean cardridge and went biking through our neighbourhood's Chinatown to take some pictures. I spent two hours roaming around snapping views and arty compositions (only to find out an hour later that all my pictures sucked, which was a huge disappointment) and then decided I wanted to have some people portraits, so I started asking around for volunteers.

Now not only were the people I asked uninterested in me, they also pretended not even to speak English; they'd just give me that toothpaste smile of theirs and nod their head whatever I said. Eventually I just told them I was going to kill myself, flat-out, and none of them so much as had the decency to respond with anything but "No speki Englesh."

The world truly doesn't care. The world truly doesn't understand.

76 Days to go... seems like an eternity.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HIHI ^_^ i m sure many people out really care about u and I AM ON OF THEM.I think lots of the people just don really have a habit if posting comment x.x. OH YA JUST DON DON KILL YOURSELF!!!WHAT about your family your mom...those guys out there who wanted to date u for thats only some facts that i pick up reading your posts ....see people care about u ^_* oh ya btw i am from singapore i very small country in from the other side of the world remember ya , u do have ppl who care about u even from the other side of the world!!!..


ps: i really have problem understanding those words cos i only understand english i think thats the problem which prevert more people from commenting...4th time trying hope it pass through x.x

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bottom line, it is your life. You hopefully have realized that the eternal question is simply answered; that is: "what is the meaning of life?" - life is life. That's all. We live to live, to strive to preserve our own lives, to make more lives, to exist upon and with other lives. Life is life.

One can throw it all away should they so choose to. End it. Cause an immortal stop sign to be erected on the threadway that is the result of all those lives that came before that caused your own to be. To not only terminate oneself; moreover, to declare emphatically to all the past ancestors that their efforts - the blood, sweat, tears of doing - was not worth anything.

So, yes - its your life. Now.

I highly advise you to think, feel, reach beyond yourself and live, create life, be a part of it.

But, it is YOUR life. Try doing. Try courage.


Anonymous said...

Bottom line, it is your life. You hopefully have realized that the eternal question is simply answered; that is: "what is the meaning of life?" - life is life. That's all. We live to live, to strive to preserve our own lives, to make more lives, to exist upon and with other lives. Life is life.

One can throw it all away should they so choose to. End it. Cause an immortal stop sign to be erected on the threadway that is the result of all those lives that came before that caused your own to be. To not only terminate oneself; moreover, to declare emphatically to all the past ancestors that their efforts - the blood, sweat, tears of doing - was not worth anything.

So, yes - its your life. Now.

I highly advise you to think, feel, reach beyond yourself and live, create life, be a part of it.

But, it is YOUR life. Try doing. Try courage.


Anonymous said...

You might want to get yourself a boyfriend that doesn't call you bitch and play wow all that time.

That might be a starter for improving our outlook on life

Unknown said...

kiss me

Unknown said...

and please dont kill yourself. I care.

El Deseo de la Frustración said...

I dont know when you Tania are serious or when you are not. Because i have seen the Ip Movies, and seen the Athene Series. And i know you are good actress. And what a bout the blowjob promess when you where running for senate. Then shearen sends out the I power campaign videos.
To motivate people.
But this is kind of weird. Could you please explain me what is this all about

Anonymous said...

I think it's a nice blog and it's funny to see people who think it's true LOLL

Continue it well ;D

PS: I think people should read more before tell jugements.. loll they will be surprise when they'll know..

Unknown said...

do it already

Anonymous said...

Hope that this is not for real or not, dont care if it is for attention or for you "bf" or not 'athene' to get more views or not.
I just hope you wont commict a suicide, i dont know you or probabyl never will but its never reh answer no matter how anything is hard on you , everyone lives in the same world and everyone has the same proplem, some ppl work it out some ppl wont bother to,, find your own answers and keep yourself in this lifetime, we never know what happens when your heart stops pumping, and maybe you dont want to know, push this life to the limit wile you have the chance to do so.

Anonymous said...

What is there to understand, you believe yourself a shell of nothing an opaque scene in a dull chrome world.

Nothing you do will affect what the world thinks or says, hel if you do go through with this then it will be spread for a day or two ... starwars kid will last longer.

What is life about ? why bother trying ? when you wake in the morning what difference will it make if you get up or not.

Try a smile, smile at one person everyday, someone you have never met, someone you will never know, they will smile back if they have any sense... and you have just made a difference.

Laughter is amazing also ... entertain the unknowing, walk down the high street stop bang your forehead spin round walk back then look as though you have a sudden realisation and turn back around at this point trip over your own feet ... you have just made history, you are a story in peoples lives and you gave them a moment of mirth.

Life is a collaboration of moments, moments and memories.

Anonymous said...

I surely am not understanding this attempt for public sorrow. What gain could come from the sorrow of others? How could your every word be as snow falling into fire? So beautiful, unique in every fassion, only to quickly melt in the burning flames of eternal perspective. I wil listen to you untill the day has come, for you to meet your maker. Sorrowfully Paul

Anonymous said...

It's very sad to see that you want to do this to yourself. I know what it's like to feel like noone understands you, and suicide feels like the only way out at the time. You have to enjoy life... even how bad that sounds.
Suicide is not the answer. Everyone who follows Athene's videos around the world will be forever hurt. It's not because you are beautiful, it's because you have a funny personality on camera around Athene. Not only will you be hurting yourself and everyone close to you, but you will effect a lot of people around the world.

I'm from the USA and I will post every day and even share some things about me. I would like to get to know you... I'll attempt to understand you. You may not want 'help', but I think you do want someone to understand you. I'll try to do everything I can to save you from giving up.

See you tomorrow. :) I wish I could have started at the beginning of this countdown. I hope you have a good day tomorrow :).

Anonymous said...

wow 76 days long to wait you in a coffin! i would suggest that you would blow up your face in you blog so everybody could see it...anyway, what's taking you so long in killing yourself????those who say it and dont do it are less honored people! its better not to say anything and do it rather than saying a lot of things before doing it...indeed you are just one empthy how'd you like to fill those empty shells with bullets???? at least it was reserved for such bullets to kill you...i suggests that you better do it now as you read this comment!!!bye!

Anonymous said...

What Brings someone like myself to care so much for someone who doesn't care for themself?

Anonymous said...

Do you actually think this satirical blog is going to help people change their minds about internet suicide?
Or any manner of suicide for that matter?
No, not a damn chance. This blog is doing nothing but magnifying the reasons someone would want to commit, rather than persuading them not to.

Anonymous said...

You're all aware this is an anti-suicide campaign, right?


Unknown said...

this is to 95% a joke, and the worst i've ever seen. I hope you feel good about yourselfs jackass, there are some real people out there who really suffers.

Anonymous said...

lol you want decency from strangers while youre pestering them for pictures? just keep taking your top off for your mindless campaigns and shut the fuck up. thanks.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I get that feeling all the time, I just try t make others life happier. Trust me, karma works. If you only care about yourself, of course no body will care about you. Please take care! - A person from Singapore

Anonymous said...

Boo! Go die tomorrow already. The wait is too agonizing long.But before you do get married with your guy.


p.s. tell me all about the afterworld when u do

Anonymous said...

Ok, im sorry but you are being pathetic. Life doesnt always go the way people want it to, but you give up your life like that? Life sucks for alot of people but you know what they do? they hold their heads up and get past it because someitmes life is shitty and thats just how the world is. yes its not fair that somepeople get the shitty end of the stick, ive been there and ive been depressed and ive wished i would just die, but you know what i did? i moved past it, probably one of the hardest things i have ever done in my life but i got past it and now i have never been happier. and i honestly think that by posting this you are just an attention whore. If you TRULY wanted to do it, you would have not fucking sat there and and posted it on the internet. just so people would read it. Ive known two people who i truly loved with all my heart take their own lives, one because she was all drugged up and the other one because she truly hated her life. and i think that if they would have stuck it out and they would be so much happier today. because everyone goes through pointes in their life where it seems like everythings wrong but the storm passes. so i think if you TRULY want to kill yourself you should just do it, not make it public and try to get attention and sit there and pout about how sad your life is because its pathetic, you need to try to move on. either that or stop begging for attention.

Anonymous said...

what are you waiting for??

if you anounce you are killing yourself someone find the way to stop it, so kill youself now, whitout telling to someone, do it now and do it fast

Anonymous said...

[b]I am brazilian, more exactly from Rio grande do Sul, Canoas.
I am here, to say, some words, I do not speak english well, but for you, I try, because, I trust you, I know... This world is worse, but if you give me a choice, I can show you, this world can be best, because we make the world, so, like me you can have a best life, with bests friends, with a nice guy with you, or not like me, I am solitary boy, because I choice it, thats destiny, worse and evil of darkness, but this my destiny, my life, I can live with anything, but if you have a suicide, a can't live anymore...
If i show, a true love, a love of trepass barriers, countrys, everything, everybody... ALL...
I can show you this love, I love you, with all my strength, forever, you just need give me a choice...

Unknown said...

I am brazilian, more exactly from Rio grande do Sul, Canoas.
I am here, to say, some words, I do not speak english well, but for you, I try, because, I trust you, I know... This world is worse, but if you give me a choice, I can show you, this world can be best, because we make the world, so, like me you can have a best life, with bests friends, with a nice guy with you, or not like me, I am solitary boy, because I choice it, thats destiny, worse and evil of darkness, but this my destiny, my life, I can live with anything, but if you have a suicide, a can't live anymore...
If i show, a true love, a love of trepass barriers, countrys, everything, everybody... ALL...
I can show you this love, I love you, with all my strength, forever, you just need give me a choice...

contact me:

Anonymous said...

WELL am fed up with disappointments. I HAVE A TERRIBLE EAR INFECTION. i have no job.I am RUNNING OUT OF MONEY. I have lost my faith and my will. life doesnt have a taste in my tongue.fuck i even forgot what is happiness. I guess death wont be such a misery for me. but you know what every time i pray i ask God to take me away,unless i could bring something good to the others. if i can bring a little bit of mercy to this cruel

moby008 said...

how do you know nobody understands you? you never asked, did you?

Anonymous said...

Jees, I hoped you die for real :( Sad to see someone wasting so much time on making mocking blog. Pffft.

Anonymous said...

All u need is "Love".

From Chwaca.

Anonymous said...

he kut belg, ga is ff dood, ik verveel me......



Anonymous said...

..i go to primary school in croatia...........the last year..............i got to this blog by youtube........... right now me and my thirty class friends are looking at your blog.............. and most of them are saying are you crazy?! is fun .............don t give it thirteen..............and i know there s so much in front of me.............. when you die it s so boring.,i think so right now there is 22 kids from class 7. c primary school turnić, rijeka, croatia......who care about you............ ant who don t want you to kill yourself.....beacause it s the worst sinn and the worst thing what you can re right..don t worry about others ,...,worry about yourself.......don t kill yourself PLEASE!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

starshamy said...

Dear Tania;
it is very sad to know that you decide to put an end to this struggle with our faith.
You know what, I hate losers, and if you raise the white falg to this life i will consider you a loser.
Everyday, when it starts we go through this daily fight with what we think is our faith, but the relity it is not like that.
If we think and believe that we can do something we will do it. It is all bout the freqauency of our feelings, it about our faith and beleive that we can make our own destiney.
We all have that part of extreme power,infinte power, so if we just ignoered it and left this life with all the good things that resides in it we will be losers real loasers.
Dear Tania,
we deserve to have you in this life and you also deserve to have us.
One last thing and i will wait your respond to it, what do you expect to see after you end your life?
some one who care about u and need you in his life
my email

Unknown said...

can we speed this thing up?

Unknown said...

i think i'll join you

Anonymous said...

Hi, for you and the rest of the people that thinks the same and want to leave this world, and feel sorry about yourself:

VISIT INDIA before killing yourself, and give all you can bring with you to all the millions that are struggling for life ,

If can't appreciate what you have, believe me they will appreciate

Unknown said...

Two questions? How will we know if you kill yourself? You can't blog from heaven... Also, where do I send the flowers? caught my attention and I'll be checking up.


Unknown said...

If you want to personally answer my questions (

Anonymous said...

I think that you should make the " suicide isn't sexy button" bigger. I think that waaaaay too many people are taking this thing seriously, and some people are actually supporting it.

This fooled me for a while also and I think that instead of making people not want to blog about suicide, it will do just the opposite because people will see this blog and think how "cool" it is.

SMP852 said...

I'm a chinese, so it is not true if u were talking with me in china town. Btw, if u suddenly tell me you're going to kill yourself, i'd be shock and i'll try to seek out the reason. After all, we live only once, is lives that valueless?

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that i'm really into the way you guys are trying to get a message to the people/youth.

These kinds of movies/blogs are the only good way people will finally start thinking about where the fuck they are going with their lives.

You got my full (west-vloamsche) support.

Mvision - PVE nub - The Venture Co

Can you maybe reply to this question for me:
Are you and atheist, and if not, what are your opinions on religion etc.

Anonymous said...

you are a fucking moron and hope you do it faster you pathetic attention seeking prick. keep that shit to yourself instead of pushing other people over the edge with you, i hope you die a very very painfull death you fucking asshole.

Anonymous said...

Is it the world that doesn't understand you, or is it the fact that you don't want it to? You can ask yourself that everyday of your life until the expected exit. When it truely comes down to it, I expect you to kill yourself like any giant pussy would do it: Quick,clean, and painless.

All this hype better be for nothing, otherwise you're just another "attention seeker". Go out with a bang, or just stop this site soon.

It's a waste of everyones time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your comment on how you visted Chinatown and no one spoke to you. Well, if they spoke English they would of said, "Go away you suicidal bitch. Just don't spill blood on my doorsteps." But they were kind, so just responded by saying "No speki English." If they did sign language, they would of show you the middle finger.

Anonymous said...

this is all a publicity stunt u losers!!!!! don't believe in all the crap she writes. The photo was taken off the internet and its actually chinatown in NYC!