Saturday, May 3, 2008

3 days left...

They say suicide is painless.

Well yes, maybe it is, but the 90 days leading up to it sure aren't. It's not easy to be able to ignore the feelings of the people around you and hurt your loved ones so tremendously because you want to abandon life. Because you've lost hope in the future.

But tomorrow will be a big day for me. My last big day before the end.

To all my readers, I have decided to share something important with you and I will do so tomorrow, it's about my decision and about my blog in general. I know what you're thinking, but I can say that it's something you won't expect. You may think you've predicted it already, but it's nothing like that. Nothing that simple.


Anonymous said...

tania you have inspired me so much i would like to thank your for this blog

Anonymous said...

Is there a point to this nonsense? I mean, besides your supposed suicide... what are you ultimately promoting?

Unknown said...

do it or not is your decision.

I just want to say happy birthday maybe it is the last time that you will listen this word.

Anonymous said...

does everybody know that she's just copy and pasting the 90 day jane blog and posting it up here? it's really really fake.

Anonymous said...

Stop repasting what has eben said before on other blogs, your just looking for attention by copying janes blog word for word.

Anonymous said...

Have you tried clicking the "Suicide is not sexy" button on the right of the page?

Anonymous said...

If the Jane blog thing that turned out to be fiction inspired lots of people to blog about suicide, why the hell do you expect your stupid project to be any different (I mean, you're not even being obvious about it), you're only promoting suicide and nothing else, totally miss-aimed project. You're only increasing the probability of young insecure teens to commit suicide.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

IS this Real ?

Anonymous said...

........not good eng though = =''

please let me say some of my opinion from the same age like yours

so now 3 days left
I....still = ='' dont know what to say

just.... have u really think it through

what about all the persons who cares you, i dont know maybe your mom dad sis bro,your best frind,and ....

do u really think that they will actually happy when u've gone? they will suffer more than you,

more than you can imagine

human is a living soul not some soul in your body

human must died someday but what if one day all over this world this life also the truth is revealed

....that time will u have a second chance to remake what u have done?? no!

i mean i know it's your choice but who can desired what is right and wrong, human can know whats right and wrong but it depends on choice they made

so...hope u really rethink what r u going to do

the way is so narrow but the most way people pass was "i like to say its wrong"

just will u walk aroung the narrow way to the truth or the big way the end???

like the begining of the time the universe the earth the living soul until the end

now it's going to the end of mankinds who choose their wrong path I really hope, I really wish u can figure it out to face up and choose the right one


Anonymous said...

Stop flaming about the blog being fake, the whole point of the blog is to eventually show that you can get out of depression and prevent your own suicide. Tomorrow's blog will be about how she suddenly does not want to kill herself and that is supposed to prevent others from comitting suicide. Whether it helps or not, revealing the plot and bitching about it being fake does not help in any way, so stop throwing all these stupid comments around..

Anonymous said...

i think pain is such a bad word. brake contacts, you won`t feel something else like pain, when you hurt people. don`t be scared, that won`t be your problem after day zero. sozial contacts are over before life end. its a way you have to go alone.

Anonymous said...

If your want to kill yourself...


Small children are reading this BULLSHIT and getting FUCKING STUPING IDEAS!

Anonymous said... think I could hit it before you kill yourself?

Anonymous said...

Yep she's just a copy, and Athene and Furious are just making fun of WoW nerds as I see it, but nothing wrong about it, they speak the truth!:P

About thi blog, ye it's a wannabe copy, and anybody who believes this nonsense must be a 12 year old kid, and the problem is just here. A 12 year old kid shouldn't read this. Though it's unlikely that a little kid will find this blog, but there's always a chance.

Anonymous said...

I cant wait for athene to get a even hotter bitch for his youtube stuff. /wave

Anonymous said...

"Stop flaming about the blog being fake, the whole point of the blog is to eventually show that you can get out of depression and prevent your own suicide. Tomorrow's blog will be about how she suddenly does not want to kill herself and that is supposed to prevent others from comitting suicide. Whether it helps or not, revealing the plot and bitching about it being fake does not help in any way, so stop throwing all these stupid comments around.."

What's wrong with you smartass? This blog is so wrong, it's not only fake but she copied the similar plot from 90dayJane too. It's so ambiguous since the campaign was saying shits like 90dayjane has brought up the whole suicide blogging trend and now they're doing one themselves with the FUCKING SAME plot copied from 90dayJane. What's the fucking point? To promote anti-suicide campaign or to seek attention, ask yourself.

Anonymous said...

????????? If you want to die that die already ffs. Just kill ur self already. Don't make this stupid blog to get some attention like OMG IM GOING TO SULICIDE 90 DAYS. Fucking attention whore. wtf idiot. if u want to die than DIE already sighh. People like you should get shot down not commite sulicide. DAmn you make me so paranoid. AND if u want to die give ur body to the DONOR so maby it can loze live. Do something usefull in this 90 days of your or rather say ALL UR LIFE. ( BITCH )

Anonymous said...

????????? If you want to die that die already ffs. Just kill ur self already. Don't make this stupid blog to get some attention like OMG IM GOING TO SULICIDE 90 DAYS. Fucking attention whore. wtf idiot. if u want to die than DIE already sighh. People like you should get shot down not commite sulicide. DAmn you make me so paranoid. AND if u want to die give ur body to the DONOR so maby it can loze live. Do something usefull in this 90 days of your or rather say ALL UR LIFE. ( BITCH )


Nathan said...

Tania... I've been reading your blog for about the last half of the ordeal. I just want to say good luck in whatever you ultimately choose to do.

My older brother took his life when I was still young. It's all that I can do to hope that what awaits those who have no other alternative is something better than the hell that the religious depict.

Anonymous said...

DO IT MOTHER FUCKER, you aint got the fucking stones to do shit, i hope you fuck it up and make it way more painful than it should be. YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT, i think the world might be a better place without fucking retarded people like you. and when you die, i hope your soul goes straight to hell where you burn alive for eternity. Fuck you, kill yourself now.

Anonymous said...

Lets wait =)
I think it's cool

wanna talk?

Anonymous said...

Anyone that said she should go kill herself is an ignorant asshole. You should be trying to help her, not promote the fact that she might commit suicide. What are you thinking when u say that? don't ya'll have a heart...

Anonymous said...

hey ivan is it really her birthday today

Anonymous said...

its just a lie u dumbasses :S btw i wanna fuck u hardly before u die bitch

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this blog is excellent

its a real work of art and i want to thank you for writing it

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

For what reason you may have to post a fake or real blog, either way I have one thing to say: Frankly, I think you're a fuckin' idiot. You're not accomplishing anything good. Your little publicity stunt is fucking dumb. And exactly how in the FUCK is this supposed to stop people from off-ing themselves? I mean really, half of the tards on this earth will get the wrong idea and kill themselves (not everyone can be smart, most tend to be on the same level of intelligence as Tania here), and anyone who thinks this is a work of art, I gotta be honest, you're a morbid motherfucker, and should probably look into growing the fuck up, along with Tania here. Dumb people like you retard fucks are making me lose faith in the human race.

Anonymous said...

bla bla yada yada look at me, i'm a attentionwhore.. bla bla.

Anonymous said...

"I feel life has no greater purpose. We have no great war in our generation, no great depression, our great war is a war of the spirit, and our great depression is our lives. So, if I feel like saying "fuck it all", why can't I?"

The point of fight club is clear away stupid paradigms put into place by society and typical nature of civilization. It is clearly a pro anarchy text. You are supposed to let go of your typical "obligations" and explore what it really is to be you. Killing yourself does not take you "one step closer to hitting rock bottom" I can understand wanting to kill yourself, but honestly there are much more interesting things you can do and many of them can end with your death if that is your ultimate goal. Just offing yourself is stupid and wasteful. There's no story. Depressing inward reflection has been done before many times by people much smart than you or me. If you want to accomplish something useful, interesting, or moving "just let go"

Anonymous said...

this would have point if you really would make suicide but you wont. like you didnt suck my cock -.-

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this may be shit.
But it's got a point.
May have helped me if I'd read it when I was thinking of doing something stupid.

Oh, and btw..
all you anonymous posters..
especially the one that said Tania doesnt have the "stones" to do it..
maybe you should grow some "stones" and tell people who you really are.

Though me posting anonymously may be contradictory (:O big word).. however if I had an account i'd post as it.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you did a great was nice reading :) ...but for someone who has serious suicidal toughts ..

Btw should wait giving out the big news a few days later after "Last Day Alive" post. But, offcourse...i don't know what news you're going to give us..i hope it's not about the blog being fake

Anonymous said...

hmmm i've a question !
Do you want suffer or not for your suicide ??????????????
I think it's an interessant question, that could say us your point of view...

scuse for my bad english ...
-french man

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You'r a really smart girl Tania =), Congratulations on the I Power crew ;)

Anonymous said...

Awesome Tania, this "suicide" its a good way to help people with the I power Idea. You make it so obvious that this won't happen

Anonymous said...

If you really want to make suicide, then do it already...
In my opinion this is just attempt to get e-reputation.

Anonymous said...

ti allo tha doume s auto to internet pia????????eleos!!

Anonymous said...

You're not gonna pull a Bel Air on us are you? Signed Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

thank you tania, il will creat a same blog and will kill myself, even if you change your choice, and decide to live. I wont be scared, death is the only way to be happy...

Anonymous said...

you said what day, but what tiem will you do it?

Anonymous said...

I hope someone stop this kind of bloggs someday.What kind of human are you who can write this kind of stuff on internet.Think of all the kids who reads this.

Anonymous said...

....honestly, for posting this garbage and giving more reason for governments to censor the internet, you should kill yourself.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can i know why u choosed the 6th may as THE day?

Anonymous said...

i want to fuck you tania, that is all i have to say.

Anonymous said...

suck a dick bitch

Anonymous said...

me and simon will pill you in the muttet when you are dead cuz we are the nekrofilet and i like to pillet

Anonymous said...

You're Crazy! Who does something like this? What does your parents think about this?
I can't belive that someone even thought of starting a blog and describe how it feels to live 90 days before you take suicide instead of just doing it! It makes me sick..

Anonymous said...

im curious, because it is so many people and media who knows about this, does you parents know about this or is it going to be a big surpsise for them?

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful. :)

Anyway, i have that thots in me too. LOL

Anonymous said...

omfg i just read almost all the coments and ...i agree with the most of them, .. if u wana kill u're self just do it ..why posting this in the net ??
can u think in the younger people that can find this blog ..the ideas u're giving to young kids??
well finally this dam 90 day wait is almost over..just die!

oh right...ure dam HOT but i guess u alredy know that ...


Jeffrey Goh said...

Hi, i am jeffrey from Singapore, just happen to see your blog and comment a little.

Nobody can tell you what to do and what not to do. I am not here to tell you what to do because i am not your parents. I am here as a friend make sure you are sure of your decision. I hope this might not be too late though. I believe the world is make up of friends just that we yet to met.

I once thought about ending my life but to me, its not that easy. An ending of a life involves a lot of people around you, people that care about you and even people that you might have create an impact without noticing. I once post an encourgaing post to encourgae myself. Somewhere, i 'accidentally' manage to motivate some others who happen to chance upon my blog. There is a lot of things that are happening around that that you may have create an impact without you noticing. Everyone stays on the world for a reason not known to us. Some see it, some never did in their life. And i am sure that your sucide is sure to create a negative impact on those whom you create positive impact on and those who love you a lot. Put yourself in their shoes and feel the pain. The pain, you might feel may go away in days or weeks, but it will not. The pain will stay forever.

How meaningful your life is depends on how you define it, how you want it to be. If you want to be happy then work towards it. Life is never fair, that is why we are not born with the same face or same sex. But how fair you want the world to be depends only on yourself. Its hard to blame people around you for making such a decision cause you have to make it work out. The world is what you percieve it to be.

Sometimes things happen for a reason and that reason at that point of time may seems bad but the reason may be a good one is future. Its how you like at it and how positive you want.

I really hope that you know what you want and hope you know what you are about to do. Actually the time over here is 2am and i am rushing a report that will decide if i graduate from the university but i still decide to write this down because a life compare to the world might be very tiny. But i know the pain of death of people around me and a life saved in any way means a lot to me. A life is something very precious to everyone around including me. There are many people that die young hoping for just 1 more day to live and i hope you know how this day matters to them. I hope that you will change your mind and use these days that these people miss out and make full use of it. If you really do change your mail, do drop me a mail. All the best to you. Cheer up and have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I heard of a young woman yesterday, 26 with a young child, partner she liked very much, Hung herself, no one had a clue she was unhappy...very very sad, I hope you are well and are bothered that someone who never met you is very concerned and bothered that you live to tell the world you are happy and have many wonderful things in life you would like to see and experience.

Take care


x x x

deadman said...

eh pr0 never die! be pr0, not a n00b :P
btw, why ppl make jokes like that coz i'm almost sure that's a joke :<

Anonymous said...

I no what it is, she's going to say "this whole blog is for you guys to learn that suicide is bad and I was trying to show you that, and infact I am not going to do it".

If you do decide, there's so much to live for. I KNOW you've heard it all, but sit down and think about it alright?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


whoadagreat said...

This blog seemed something like other vonised something for get attention.

But no matter i just wonna share a bit time to those might got inspired for suicide from this blog.

But if this is a real decision of u, feel free to discard your idea of suicide if u want.

U are not OBLIGATED to full fill the whising of the other NOR SHOULD YOU ASHAMED of discarding a wrong idea !!!

1. I read, for those not trained to leave their body (during meditation maybe), the filling when a soul leaving the body is like when a turtle angled out from his shell.

That happen during the time of dying maybe it takes many hours.

So it is suggested to leave those dying alone, not to force him/her to accept got or crying around him, that only increas his/her suffer.

2. Suicide causes Karma / sin, that is credit u must pay in da hell with suffer for taking life, even it is yours.

3. somewhere i read the time we live in this world is like 1 second in a day compared to our whole existing time in da universe. So when we are in this world we plan/make move deciding where(which realm) to go after life.

The time a soul in other realm to wait for rebirth in human world varies. it may take few days or few thousands years or some will never leaved the hell till the universe destructed and recreated.

4. In the hell there are no happiness at all, there are only crying and screaming of suffer everywhere, they ll suffer till they die and recreated to suffer again untill they pay their credits of sin/karma or untill the karma n the good doing in balance so they might choose to rebirth again, but they will be prepared before rebirth, but the entire life in the next rebirth is something like agreed from the candidate to rebirth, so your current life is something u agreed before u come to this world.

But this memory is cleared during rebirth, so the new born will not remember for wut they come to this world.

There too much u can find in the rest of ur destined life. If u have to suffer in da rest of ur life if u not commit suicide, u ll be force to suffer those again don't know here in this world or somewhere.

Why would u stop ur half of ur journey, when wut u have undergone, u have experience again if your next journey if you decided or forced to rebirth.

So be wise and smart, remember u are not living for other, u just live for you, it is your journey !!!

Anonymous said...

..wish i coulda fucked them titties before she's gonna croak

Anonymous said...

ivan said happy birthday...

i say Merry Christmas maybe it is the last time that you will listen this word.

Anonymous said...

this is the first post i read
but its amazing how many dumb people waste their time posting shit here
if this doesnt matter to you dont be a jerk talking shit please..
i think after these days you really live your life like you want to
sorry about bad english im from brazil

Anonymous said...

It's a shame to see someone do this, whether it is real or not. If it' not real, then you are, somehow, being an inspiration to other more stupid people who actually will kill themselves. If it is real, then you are condemning yourself to damnation. If I was you I would spend sometime doing research on Christianity, hopefully that would change your mind. I could rant on here to you about it, but I would only get flamed by others and it's doubtful you will listen. Still, please take some time to research it, and please reconsider. If you want to talk to me more, I can try and help you and show you that Christianity is the only path, and that suicide will lead to eternal damnation.

I hope you change your mind.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If u become older and older … wouldn't it be a good idea to commit suicide to evade the period when u can't even wash ur self or think clearly ?

I really wonder what i shull do when i'm as old as my grandparents :/

if u can't think clearly anymore and u can't do anything alone and everyday is just the same … where's the motivation to live on ? :X

Anonymous said...

Todays the day. You haven't blogged in 3 days...


Anonymous said...


whoadagreat said...

I don't object christianity is good path maybe other religion/path also, but I object if someone say christianity is the only path.

Don't feel be flamed, just my own opinion..

I personaly prefer to study some source that I believe good and make up my own understanding, path ..

Anonymous said...

Oh look how can it be the "last" day if there are two more days left? Last time I checked there's two more days. Not one.

Anonymous said...


I was very happy to be among the one of your visitors.

Whatever you have said in your blog, i am very sure that you are looking for someone who will caring, protecting, making your happy and promise you an eternal life...His name is JESUS. Just call His name...JESUS, I want you badly.

yoshi245 said...

Is this dumb bitch dead yet?

Anonymous said...

The campaign, in the form of a fictional blog

this means it´s not for real !
it´s fiction....

Anonymous said...

Heh...tried to commit suicide half a dozen times....couldn't do it myself. So I got the fuck over it and stopped being emo. Drug free might I add....whatever you are feeling just "STOP IT".

Anonymous said...

I was hoping that in the last video, Tania, herself would say something intelligent.

She's maybe camera shy.

Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

waste of people time and life.

Anonymous said...

90 Day Jane was fake too...research goes along way.

Anonymous said...

What I find more disturbing then this WHOLE thing are people still psoting comments concerned for her well being. As if they cant look on the right sidebar and see all about it! Or maybe listen to the VERY movie playing on the page. The fact that this blog happens and the fact that people have been buying it for 90 days and havent smarten up truly show how down the toilet our world is going! So sad.

Tarbox said...

take my virginity away Tania!!!
and have Athene post a video of your suicide.

Tarbox said...

take my virginity away Tania!!!
and have Athene post a video of your suicide.

Anonymous said...

Alot of you guys sicken me.

What you may not understand is that the reason that the majority of people in industrial societies that commit suicide do so, is because they feel alone, rejected and disconnected from the rest of their community.

The purpose of Tania's blog, I feel, is to help people understand that talking about suicide is okay, and it helps... which it really does.

As for you nihilists, why do you care?

Unknown said...

Hurry up and die already

Anonymous said...

wrong link again! :(

there is no tania here. WTB tania links lol

ah well I'll just skip the reading.

Anonymous said...

Why do people feel the need to spam the comments with hate and anger? If you don't care about what you read, just leave.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how cold people are. I read some of the comments on this - luckily - fake suicide blog, and some people are actually supporting someone to commit suicide. Comments like: "I'm actually looking forward", etc.
Suppose this would have been real, then those comments would actually be enough to push someone over the edge.
How far do you think freedom of speech should go, if you read some of those comments?

Codie said...


God damn fake blog. I wish you would have.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Best een goed initiatief... ik ontdekte jullie een week geleden ofzo en kwam erachter dat er ook mensen zijn bij mij uit de buurt die wereldwijd heel populair zijn en het is goed om te zien dat jullie naast onzin je ook nog wijden aan dit soort zaken

Anonymous said...

Tania is a whore.

She makes me fucking sick.

I'd cum in that bitches face, then hit her with a spit, then nod at her bag and the door... Pathetic.

Attention seeking from this blog is just a sick, sick thing to do.

Your not helping anybody.

Your not promoting a greater good.

You are a sick, sick person.

Anonymous said...

It does help. Apparently it's not only ugly people who are encouraged to commit suicide.

Anonymous said...

I don't really know what to say.
I feel like I've learned something from these posts, but I'm not exactly "inspired."

thanks, though.

Anonymous said...

She wanted to call your attention... and she did it, lol.
Now she must be laughing at your dumb innocent faces :p

When someone committes suicid, that person just DOES it, she doesn't set a date for that.

Anonymous said...

Do it faggot, I dare you to kill yourself. Your a waste of space anyway, I hope you do it and rid the world of your bawwing.

Anonymous said...

press the right button suicide is not sexy..

Anonymous said...

All the people bitching around here, go have a look at

It'll show you 90 day Jane is actually one and the SAME as 90 day Tania... They just continued their project with a different name and different aims.

Anonymous said...

Before you suicide, could you upload some naked pictures maybe? =)

Anonymous said...

One word. Population control. Who cares if someone who is suicidal dies?

Anonymous said...

Lol you are the guys from the best paladin in the world thingy! Seeing something like the " you got owned " video and now this. weird shit.

Anonymous said...

I Dont Understand Anything , But This Site Is Very Sad Anyhow , And i dont know what we hapening at the 90 day ,but ... ! well see ! I LOVE YOU TAINA

Anonymous said...

i love you tania ...

Anonymous said...

Fucking stupid fake, you're a naughty bitch. Dumbass.

Anonymous said...

You're some seriously sick fuckin' people. Is this the kind of shit you think will really help anyone with deep-seeded psycological issues. Fucking arrogant, presumptuous, foolish children.

James Holt said...

If this blog is a work of fiction - it's a brilliant concept.

If it's not - it's terrifying.

Tania, I read about your conversation with the Christian. I have to say my experience is a little different. To me, Christianity isn't a religion as much as a relationship.

I believe that God is the God of life. That sin seperates us from God - much the way lying or cheating ends human friendships.

Seperation from the God of life means spiritual death. It's a death that - as Gladitor puts it - echoes in eternity.

It's that eternal spiritual death that you might face if you really off yourself. That's a huge chance to take even if you don't believe it.

But sin doesn't have to seperate us from God. Jesus, who was the human expression of God, died in our place. And when he rose again, he conquered death. There is now nothing to seperate us from the God of life.

But it's not all about heaven - It's about God. I'm not a Christian because of the promise of Heaven - I'm a Christian because of the promise of Him.

Because I'm no longer seperated from God by my sin, I can have a meaningful, wonderful relationship with a God who loves me and cares about me.

You can have that same relationship with Him - a relationship that will echo life into eternity.

Put your faith in what Jesus did - find life in God.

Anonymous said...

oh come on guys or girls please get a fuckin clue here! eversince i came across this page 54 days ago, i knew it was fake.. let me explain
1_i did catch some of youtube video of these clown and belive me they are weird(there white peoples talkin like black dudes(sorry can't really call it "niggas"))
2_always on this site there is always help site for others but nothing works for her...! come on!
3_and the last video on this sitelooks like they been punish and now feels bad about what they've been doing since day one(letting poeples believe that she will kill herself in 90 days)
4_if you really need help go out side and touch your community and reach for others not over the internet(thats just dumb shit right there...

Anonymous said...

Why don't they just make Veronica Decides To Die required reading in schools?

Anonymous said...

Why you dosnt suicide when u are age of 10 or somethg????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

when you close your world
a piece of mine will die too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tania, maybe you can tell us more about your political agenda in the last two days journals, I mean I'm actually quite curious as to if you were successful in the running, kinda was hoping you were because the way you were running for it was literally one of the most amusing things I've seen in ages.

good luck in this realm or the next. but yeah, if you stuck around I'd definately want to see if I could convert you into an actress in feature films in order to try and wake the world the fuck up in relation to some of the shit things going on, who knows maybe we'd change this fucking cesspit we call our planet.

Anonymous said...

Look, This and impossible I cannot believe that you are going to commit suicide. You are such an attractive woman, you have to look for a sense to the life, the human being always has had it. His(her,your) mind aveces thinks so many things, which about a moment of his(her,your) life he(she) thinks in I fake the suicide. But that one does it badly.
Alone God is the one that decides, when your death should come. Not you.

Think that last day that he(she) still has. Sera a new change. That 90 days were to think, and to change his(her,your) way of since(as,like) sees the world.

You are so beautiful, if a sense does not make to the life. Find one. Still very young this one as(like) to give up itself(himself,herself), never lowers the hands.

Anonymous said...

Hey tania, thanks for creating this blog. Although some have questioned why you created this blog, it has helped me understand why one of my close friends has struggled with suicide. We all just need to remember that ppl thinking about suicide are trying to issue 'a cry for help' and/or feel their problems are hard to overcome.....

A friend of mine wrote some songs while he was in a state of depression. The result? He took his own feelings of depression, and channeled it into music. The real solution to suicide is to help the person discover hope, and that they're not in this alone. (I'll only say it was one of the band members)

To check it out, see or

Anonymous said...

Tania was doing this to make fun of 90 Day Jane. She isn't killing herself and is just doing this to show how stupid things like this are. She's obviously still alive if she's in Athene's videos, which are awesome and hilarious. Also, she's so freaking hot.

Anonymous said...

wow all talk tania

Unknown said...

Tania, your blog has enlightened me on a few levels. But it also did something else. your blog, and it's reactions have revealed a meaning beyond just understanding these bloggers w/ suicidal tendancies. They have a niche to fill. Self preservation and self destruction are two sides of the same coin. A duality if you will. One must exist to keep the other in balance. These suicide bloggers exist naturally to contrast the values of self preservation in this world; a world where information on every level of morality is at everyone's fingertips.

Oh and btw you look stunning on your blog...

Anonymous said...

You don't have to kill yourself, I can just give you AIDS.

Anonymous said...

can we see u naked before u die

Anonymous said...

If you really think that you are doing something positive I must say I totally DISAGREE with you and this Blog.Did it ever occur to you that maybe you might have pushed many suicidal people over the edge with this Blog? Maybe you helped some but maybe you added to the problem as well.People become suicidal for different reasons and not one person is like the other.You refer to this as "these people" when it is a state of mind and not a race of persons.Shame on all of you for this suicidal blog and maybe when DEATH to the Internet comes as you say, it will be a blessing for people like you to not have access to these types of things.You are cons and scammers and need to get off the damn Net.

broertje said...

Just do it you fucking dumb dutch fucking windmill heads, while your at it take all your stupid ass fucking friends with you. The world will be a much better place without you euro fuckers around. Stupidos.....

Anonymous said...

I just want to say please show us your tits and your sorry pussy. If you wanna die at least share that with us b/4 you off yourself. Cause it won't matter once your off this planet to make room for someone else with a higher I.Q. than your fucking empty pea-brain. You are a disgrace to your country, why don't you grow some tulips or go clean some windmills or maybe jump in one of your canals then get hit in the head by a tourist boat and maybe if were lucky that will kill you. Go do some community work to keep you occupied maybe that will keep you from thinking about yourself so much. Where is the Dutch internet police, when you really need them?

Anonymous said...

Tania, this blog is quite thought provoking in that a suicidal person's quality of life could turn around. However, I would like to hear ur thoughts on euthanasia and what if someone's quality of life was so bad that to assist their suicide would be the lesser of 2 evils.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across your guys' videos. Most of them are funny/intelligent. This video is very serious, you guys are doing a good thing here. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Im confused. You want to stop teenagers from suiciding yet you teach them by doing it yourself. Now I know your trying to help out and your intentions are good, but if people really look up to you wont they do the same. As in "Oh Im gonna join Tania" Meh there's other ways of doing this.

Anonymous said...

looking for another suicide blog? try:

it's a new blog looking for people to react and comment and to offer understanding

Anonymous said...

Bankrupt. Wife doesn’t know. Stressed so deeply, I started treating her like shit. We broke up, serious this time. All alone… She left me today, which is good because home and garden is all mine now. I prepared myself a rope… I wish it wasn’t night and I could webcast it on live cam. Anyways, take care people. Maybe I get to see Cobain ;)

Anonymous said...

C'mon. Don't go. You're still perfectly fuckable. Some social service would ease the pain...

Anonymous said...

it kinda easy to write such "fake" blogs, and do what you do... if you never felt\have situation that force ppl to commit suicide. its easy to talk about things that you never done or have.

Anonymous said...

(sorry for my bad english)
I agree with people that say suicide mustn't become a stupid internet show.
Anyway, if it's true, i ask you with the heart not to do so,please.

Anonymous said...

U gonna SCHWFF round the corner now?

Anonymous said...

Look Tania I believe the smell from your sweet tender vagina is making you believe you want to kill your self. Let me inside you and i can fix that

Anonymous said...

your right Logix my Vagina needs a good pounding my phone number has been emailed to you at

Telescopemusic said...

i made this for this exact purpose

please link on your site

Unknown said...

if u r taking it so seriously , why is cute Tania wearing a dress that makes her so sexy?

Anonymous said...

dude tania if you are going to kill your self do you think i could um get some of that all the ones that are saying do it theyre just ignorent assholes but any way i think you are very hot

edufarlopero said...

estas buenisima zorra

Unknown said...

are you dead yet?

Anonymous said...

no lo hagas yo te amo

Anonymous said...

you guys are all douchebags hahaha

Anonymous said...

nevertrust the EMO kids

Unknown said...

kill your self .. stupid girl who just do that to have attention.. if you do it you will be so stupid and u'll have regret in paradise think about it

Max say do it bitch said...

why give you 93 day .. before doing it .. if your boring of life do it right now .. so that prove your fucking blondy stupid with no attention and just want to have visitors on his blog to be cool .. you want a rope ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you really want to do it Tania, then I guess there's really no stopping you. But at least before you went you guys managed to save the internet. I probably know that cause I'm one of the few people who can watch your videos without being completely distracted by your tits, although only partially so.

Anonymous said...

Suicide only gets you one thing in life, and that is a trip to Hell where no one should be. If you read the Bible carefully you will find that out. Because all people need to be Baptised before you die.

Anonymous said...

Suicide is a real problem. I myself have considered suicide at various times since I was twelve. Life is too short to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

man! this is gay! fuck all of you fucking suicidal emos! go on,kill your self! stab yourself in the chest,hang yourself in a tree,go to the nearest train station and jump to the rails,stick a lipstick in your nose till it goes to your brain,pluck all your eyebrows and armpit hair till you die you sick fuck, cocksucker, gay emos! hope you die soon!

Paulo nobrega said...

please make me happy and kll yourself once it for all

mido ali said...

wow this the friest time i read your blog and you inspired me alot but i feel so sorry about you and i want just to say that we think the death is a way to runaway from the life problams but that not right cuz the death is painful an dif stuck on this erth as ghost like the ppl say just try to aapear or even massage us

i am sorry cuz i came so late

Anonymous said...

Excuse me? I know that you have probably heard this comment before, but here it goes..

Are you stupid? Life is something you need to live, it's like a ride, you need to enjoy it. Even thought there may be some hills before you, get pass them instead of stopping the car. Suicide is the stupid thing to do, and you won't gain any respect for anyone if you do it..

Anonymous said...

ok... mhmhmhmh she died? yes or not? tania or whatever haha this is stupid anyway

Anonymous said...

Nice project, people still wonder if it's fake. Making people think a bit is good.

Anonymous said...

tania i love you <3 pls dont die

misty said...

I was browsing on google trying to find a way to stop my thoughts of suicide, given the fact i've tired to complete suicide two times i'm just so afraid to go through with it, but then i come across this website and start getting pulled into by the aspects of this person really wanting to commit. But it has totally changed my aspects of suicide, to where i want to live, i want to succeed. that's the thing though i recently grad. for high school on june 5th, 2009 and its now december 2009, but i just feel like my life isn't leading no where, i mean i live with my sister and she is so hard on me, it's just time she makes me feel low, like i wont succeed...and thats all i feel now and i don't wont to commit i really don't but i feel it's the easiest way to let go...i mean i made a big decision to move from texas to missississippi to live with my sister, but i don't want to live here anymore especially when i'm being called out for forgetting to clean the dishes. I mean she lives there to. but i know that if i leave today to find another place to stay i wont make it and thats what has me down and thinking of suicide.